Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blessings Or Transgressors

Estate agents are there to help people in need of properties for housing, commercial or other purposes. They are there to provide their services that varies from giving advices for properties, making two parties meet up for a deal. They are there to lend a hand to tenants, property sellers and buyers, to landlords etc. They are can provide an interested party with all the technicalities, particulars, prices and everything through their own medium, right at the party's doorstep. It is convenient to involve a middleman when a person wants a property so that he can save his time and energy. These estate agents carry out these services in return of what is known as commission.

The darker side of their business is that while they are offering their services they are filled with greed and they aim at gaining their commissions as much and soon as possible. In trying to achieve this they cause a misbalance in the proper flow of country's economic development.

Many of the agents in greed of earning commission mislead buyers through false information concerning the peculiars about the property. Rental housing acquired with the aid of agents for middleclass people often have them facing a huge financial loss. They end up having a totally contradictory situation to what they had been informed about by the agents. The extra loss is rendered for the commission paid by them. Mental stress plays its own part. They may sell properties already been sold off. The property owners pay agents extra if they manage to fish and convince buyers who are willing to buy their properties at double prices. This is especially a trait that these middlemen possess of convincing their clients and talking them into making deals they would otherwise get at much lower rates. It is more like a trend these days to involve these middlemen to escape and avoid efforts required for buying property whether it involves residential, business, trade or commercial purposes.

The other thing that agents do is they hardly ever let the two parties that he's dealing with meet one another and interact on their own, making their own false statements. Make people believe the buyer or the seller is out of reach and there is no way the can have direct contact with them. Real, professional agents would never turn to such acts but many unemployed people adopt these measures in order to earn easy money and pretend that they are professionals and thus looting innocent people. Estate agents are both a blessing and curse to people in the business world at the same time.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Real Estate, Investing, and Finance

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