Saturday, February 7, 2009

All The Amazing Secrets Behind Hawthorne Laser Acne Treatment

Acne is a problem for young people and for adults too. The most common type of acne (blackheads, with heads or pimples) appears on the face, back, shoulders, neck or chest. An appropriate laser treatment is able to eliminate redness and scars and dramatically improve the general aspect.

Hawthorne laser acne treatment is assuming an increasing importance in acne treatment, becoming really important in the treatment of acne scars. Clinical research over many years has led to spectacular results; overgrown or thickened scars are improving their appearance, after Hawthorne laser acne treatment. The most responsive to the laser treatment seems to be facial scars; even deeply red colored scars are acquiring normal skin characteristics.

Hawthorne laser acne treatments have the sensation of a rubber band; most patients don?t love this feeling and they prefer some anesthetic creams to feel better. If new pimple appear, the face is easy to clean with microdermabrasion treatments, without unpleasant consequences.

How many treatments are necessary?
The success of laser acne treatments in huge, if the patient is preoperative evaluated carefully; it is important in order to decide the most appropriate laser treatment form. Local anesthesia is administered before Hawthorne laser acne treatment, using a special cream, injections or nerve blocks. The immediate results are not very encouraging: the scars become red. After 6 ? 8 months, the patients are evaluated and the dermatologists decide is another treatment is necessary, at the same strength or higher. Most patients require more than two treatments to see a great improvement. The exact number depends on every patient situation.

Hawthorne laser acne treatments for atrophic acne scars require carbon dioxide laser surfacing depending of the scar extend. Postoperative treatments are always necessary; Skin professional cleanings are scheduled after the laser treatment and the patients are receiving the advice to keep the acne area moistened with special oils and creams. Frequent examinations are very important too in Hawthorne laser acne treatments in order to prevent acne or long-term scar.

Pulsed dye Hawthorne laser acne treatments are the preferred procedure for acne and scars; carbon dioxide Hawthorne laser acne treatments are often replacing chemical peels and dermabrasion. Future advanced Hawthorne laser acne treatments will have spectacular results if they are coupled with other treatments.

Hawthorne laser acne treatment advantages are really important: the patient immediately returns to his normal life; it is possible to see major improvement is an hour after the treatment; the technology has a proven safety record from some years. The laser treatment avoids the side effects usually associated with drug therapy. An appropriate make-up can be used immediately after the treatment; the dermatologist must determine if it is appropriated or no.

Hawthorne laser acne treatment is not painful; it is more comfortable than many other procedures. Following this treatment, the patient?s face will appear flushed, but these effects disappear after a few days. Repeated treatments are necessary to improve or maintain the laser acne treatment results.

About the Author:

Find Out about treatment for acne pitted scar. You'll also learn aboutacne treatment

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