Saturday, February 28, 2009

Power Wheelchairs 7 Safety Tips that You Should Know

Power wheelchairs have revolutionized the way that millions of people from around the globe get around. While manual wheelchairs offer users the chance to move from place to place in the absence of legs, a power unit allows them to do so without the sore shoulders and blistered hands that are so common with manual wheelchairs. Some safety measures do need to be taken to ensure the safety of not only the user, but also for any people who are in the vicinity of the power wheelchair at the time of operation.

Avoid the temptation to venture onto any busy street or cross walk. While a power wheelchair does offer greater mobility, it is not very quick and could leave you stuck in the middle of a street during a light change.

If you are using the power wheelchair around young children or toddlers, be extremely careful. Children this young are likely to reach for the control unit, possibly causing the chair to move quickly toward them. Always teach small children to never touch the control unit, this is the best way to avoid this type of situation.

It is very important to remember, at all times, that a power wheelchair can be heavy and cumbersome, making it prone to fall over. Be sure to keep your hands and arms, feet and legs within the framework of the chair at all times. This will help to keep the chair steady and less likely to tip over.

If you are using your wheelchair outside, be sure to choose the trail vary carefully. Make sure that the Earth is firm and relatively smooth, failure to do so could lead to sinking tires or overturned chairs. Great care should also be taken if snow or ice is present, it is best to have someone with you if you plan to venture out in snowy weather.

Always use the seat belt that the wheelchair is equipped with! This is so important, the use of the belt is simple, it works the same way as an automobile seat belt does. It also protects from falls and any injuries that could occur from one. Read the manufactures directions regarding power wheelchair operations. For your own safety and for the safety of others, be sure to follow these directions.

The best defense against an accident that you have is the use of common sense. If it does not sound like a good idea, then it probably is not.
About the Author

Visit or to learn more about electric wheelchairs and power wheelchair.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Buying Cyprus Property

Buying a vacation property has become more than just trendy ? it has become an important part of anyone's financial portfolio. People from Western countries are increasingly snapping up vacation properties in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, and other choice locations in warmer climates.

One island that is seeing renewed interest is Cyprus. Being a relatively new member of the European Community, Cyprus property are also seen a surge in demand because English is widely spoken as a second language.

Being part of the EEC is expected to be a precursor to increased property prices, making Cyprus an excellent long-term investment for real estate. The stable economy is expected to continue to grow as a result.

Investment properties in Cyprus are like tax havens

The exciting news for any property investor is that Cyprus is almost like a tax haven within the European Community. There is no inheritance tax or gift tax, pensions from abroad are taxed at a flat rate of just 5%, interest earned on foreign capital imported into Cyprus is tax exempt, and investment income remitted to Cyprus by foreign nations is taxed at a flat rate of 5%. Even the corporate tax rate is a flat 10%. Cyprus also has signed double taxation agreements with many countries, including the United Kingdom. A Capital Gains Tax of 20% is payable on the sale of immovable property in Cyprus, but no capital gains tax is payable on gains from investments. Personal income tax rates range form 0 - 30%.

Interestingly, there is increasing demand for Cyprus properties from non-traditional sources, including the Middle East, Russia and its former states and United States, as well.

According to Glen Young of SunSeaker Properties, the island has the dual benefits of being popular for both retirees and vacationers. Retirees buy property in Cyprus for their own use, largely to bask in the warm Mediterranean sun and escape the snow and cold winds of winter. The attraction of Cyprus as a second home (or a new first home) is helped by a skilled work force, relatively affordable prices and a friendly, welcoming population.

But Cyprus is also a popular travel and leisure destination, with regular affordable flights from major European cities. Visitors look for quality accommodation, such as villas and apartments can offer. This makes Cyprus property a good investment, earning an income until the owner wants to sell and cash in...or until the owner decides to retire and use the property for his own purposes.

Of course, over 320 days of sunshine certainly don't hurt land values on this Mediterranean island.

Unlike in many other sunshine destinations, the legal system in Cyprus is mostly based on the British legal system and is designed to safeguard the property purchaser. This makes it particularly attractive to UK investors. Once the contract of sale is signed and a deposit is paid, the contract is registered at the land registry office. This procedure protects the purchaser's ownership rights until the title deeds are issued and transferred to his or her name. The contract in the hands of the Land Registry cannot be withdrawn by anyone, and therefore the property cannot be leased, sold, transferred or mortgaged. Only the purchaser himself can alter this status.

Cyprus investment properties might require some patience

With so much going for it, even Cyprus is not perfect. Sometimes it does take patience to buy property in Cyprus. As with many sunny locations, the bureaucrats don't always see the need to rush and paperwork can take longer than an eager buyer would sometimes like.

In the case of buying property off-plan, it can often take a couple years for the development to be completed...meaning that the buyer might need some bridge financing until the property can be let and income starts rolling in. Mortgages, usually up to 75%, are readily available, and the wise investor will look for one that requires only 30% to be paid down over the period of construction, making financing affordable to average investors.

With a little planning and patience, Cyprus properties are easy to obtain and promise to carry a positive return on investment. Sooner or later, everyone retires; it's never too early to stake out an investment property on your favorite Cyprus beach.

David Leonhardt operates a freelance writers service. Read more about at Sunseaker Properties or more specifically about Cyprus properties for sale.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Will U.S. Real Estate Recession Affect the Riviera Maya of Mexico Market in the Mexican Caribbean?

U.S. Existing Home Sales Fall for 5th Straight Month. Will it Affect the Riviera Maya Real Estate Market in Mexico?

8 Top Area Professionals Share their Points of View on the Future of Real Estate in the Riviera Maya

Annual existing U.S.A home prices declined in August for the first time in more than a decade as U.S. home sales fell for a fifth straight month. The year-over-year drop in median sales prices represented a dramatic turnaround in fortunes for the once high-flying housing market, which last year was posting double-digit price gains. ?Pop goes the housing bubble,? said Joel Naroff, chief economist at Naroff Economic Advisors. He predicted prices will tumble farther as home sellers struggle with a record glut of unsold homes. The National Association of Realtors reported this past Monday that sales of existing single-family homes and condominiums dropped 0.5 percent last month to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 6.30 million units. That was the fifth straight monthly decline and left sales 12.6 percent below the pace of a year ago.

Okay, so how will a now confirmed U.S. slowdown affect the real estate market here in the lovely Riviera Maya?

Well, to answer that question first we need to understand what's really happening in the U.S. First, it appears that the slowdown in U.S. sales meant that the inventory of unsold homes rose to a record 3.92 million units at the end of August. At last month?s sales pace, it would take 7.5 months to clear out the backlog of unsold homes, the longest stretch since April 1993. The median price of a home sold last month fell to $225,000. That was down 2.2 percent from July and down 1.7 percent from August 2005. That marked the first year-over-year drop in home prices since a 0.1 percent fall in April 1995.

Is this a temporary issue or is this the future of doom and gloom in the Riviera Maya? Find out what the areas 8 Top Pros say. Read on......

mls4rivieramaya8Last year, when the five-year U.S. housing boom was reaching its peak, median prices posted a string of double-digit gains on a year-over-year basis. The median price is the point where half the homes sell for more and half for less. David Lereah, chief economist for the Realtors, predicted price declines would continue for the rest of this year as sellers adjust asking prices downward in light of the inventory glut. ?This is the price correction we?ve been expecting,? Lereah said. ?With sales stabilizing, we should go back to positive price growth early next year.?

But some home sellers around the U.S.A. worried that cutting prices may not be enough, have been offering incentives to attract buyers, including in some cases new cars. Dave Armon, who lives in the New York City suburb of Pelham Manor, said he started out asking $1.6 million for his six-bedroom Tudor-style home three months ago ? below the $1.82 million a neighbor received ? but has slashed the price by $300,000 because he has attracted few interested buyers. ?l am sitting here thinking maybe if I buy a car and park it out front with a bow on it, that will help,? he said.

Could this happen here in the Riviera Maya? Will this type of potential buyer forgo buying here in the Riviera Maya now that his profits have disappeared?

We asked the areas 8 Top Professionals to opine and share their thoughts about this market trend and how it affects our robust real estate market here in the Riviera Maya.

RANDY BONDS - BRIC INTERNATIONAL This decline in existing home prices was expected by everybody in the market. say Randy Bonds from Bric International, a major developer who has several large projects in the Riviera Maya. Real Estate is a cyclical market just like the stock market and there will always be ups and downs in the trends. This correction that we are experiencing is greatly needed to put some sort of normality in the appreciation. The Riviera Maya, as well as the rest of the world, is going to be directly related to what is occurring in the US. These are some of the savviest purchasers all around the world and when they are trying to figure out their next move in the states and where the market is leaning they are more likely to avoid the foreign market. The Riviera Maya over the last two years experienced some of the highest % returns out of any other region in the world. This doesn?t go without certain consequences following when most investors are priced out of the market. The next two years are going to be very important to see the reactions of the builders and owners of condominiums and houses in this region. Builders that are under funded and in the middle of a build are going to be running into financial disarray with the lack of funds for completion and therefore selling at a great discount or packing up and leaving the project incomplete. Investors that currently own with the intention of reselling for a great profit are going to be a little disappointed with the buying market. We will start seeing another buyers market when builders and current owners start the price war downward. Investors, builders, and owners need to realize that patience at a time like this is very important and this region is going nowhere and is still one of the most beautiful and highly desired areas for real estate in the world. Looking back at the stock market in the early 2000?s and where it is now is not much different than what we are going to see in the real estate market over the next 2 ? 3 years. This is a time to relax and reevaluate the up and coming years.

GARY WENDT - PLAYA CITIZEN From downtown Playa del Carmen, Gary Wendt from Playa Citizen, a broker builder says Most people know that the real estate market, especially home building, has carried the economic growth in the USA (after removing oil). This has been going on for years. The housing sector has also generated nothing short of an amazing run UP of VALUE. Thus, a little downturn should be expected and not feared. And there's the rub. Oh, pesky human nature! We humans just can't help but look for things to fear and fear is the fuel for self-fulfilling prophecies and politicians. So who knows for sure what's next. I believe in cycles and location, location, location! Except for oil and real estate, the world economy has been positioned on the edge of a recession for 6 years. Recession is not good for business anywhere in the world. It is still true that as the USA goes, so goes the rest of the world. Here in Playa del Carmen? Well, I am not an economist. But I slept at a Holiday Inn recently (in Puebla - Central Mexico) and I believe that tourist properties situated along our most beautiful caribbean sea will suffer less than average in a recession. In fact, they will suffer much less than all the rest during a recession. It's also true that a great location is the best hedge against cycles in real estate. So, personally, I look for sales to slow a bit. At the very worst, should a recession actually arrive on the scene, prices probably will flatten. Then, as experienced in mid-2002, less than a year after 9/11 when this area of the world rebounded with a frenzy of interest and record growth and sales, we'll bounce again faster than the rest. Anyway, I suggest buyers and sellers plan for the long run in their investment horizons. Farsightedness made Warren Buffet rich. Remember he said,when everyone else is selling, I'm buying. To me, this levels a recession. Not EVERYONE panics and the calm people who plan for success profit.

NANCY EDWARDS - COZUMEL LIVING From the lovely island of Cozumel, Nancy Edwards who is the owner broker of Cozumel Living says While real estate in Mexico is greatly affected by what is happening in the US, I don't feel our prices will drop in Cozumel. They never do. We may have a stagnant market for awhile, but prices never drop in general in a resort area. It is true that we are still suffering a lower than low market due to the effects of Emily and Wilma last year, but prices have not fallen and while we were hoping for a price increase with the coming of this high season, it appears, we might have to buckle down and brace ourself for a mediocre high season this year. The clients that I have had come to the area recently are talking about the slowing US market, and have properties there for sale. As soon as they sell, they still plan on purchasing here. Their purchases probably will be delayed though. Clients with cash are still purchasing because it is a 'buyers market' now with many properties for sale at stagnant, last year prices.

RONNIE POOL - PLAYEXPERT.COM Caribbean Beach Properties Investments and PlayaExpert Ronnie Pool, a broker from Playa del Carmen says Any major economic slowdown in the USA will have an effect here because it means those prospective buyers don't have as strong a financial position, and may have fewer disposable assets to spend here. However, if real estate is not such a good investment there right now, by comparison our market can look even more attractive! So that can compensate. In the final tally I imagine that the sale of the lowest priced properties in our market will be hit harder than those at the upper end. The very wealthy usually ride out economic waves better than the marginally well off. But as a real estate broker I know that I create my own reality, so if I believe that my business will go down because of this doubt it will. If I believe that despite challenges I am better able than anyone to get my share of the pie and still doubt I will. We reap what we sow, in life, at work, and in our own minds.

GABRIEL VILLARREAL GUERRA - CENTURY 21 MARCOS & ASSAD In my opinion, a slowdown in the housing market in the States will be most definite beneficial for our market. A weaker market means less demand for new homes and therefore less homebuilding. People could have foreseen such a slowdown, as it is clearly stated by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) figures: forecast is for starts to drop to an annual rate of 1.55 million - Inventory/Sales ratio - by the end of 2007, or 27% below their peak level.... reflecting less buyer traffic and a bias towards building fewer homes in the future. Eventually people will start looking for better ?deals?, will start keeping an open-mind in purchasing a second home in Mexico, will be on the look out for investment opportunities, and guaranteed they will follow a trend... put their money in a safe emerging market close to home where they have all the guarantees as foreign investors ? e.i. Banktrusts - and a positive cash flow with higher ROI?s (rate of return), making it more appealing to invest than back home. Plus, we should never forget what we have in our market that nobody else has: a fabulous Caribbean Sea and gorgeous Mayan built pyramids! Just to name a few. If there are no major upcoming changes in economic events that could somehow affect the Riviera Maya, our market will be booming higher than what any professional can foresee... and the slowturn that has taken place in the States will shift our sales figures, in my personal opinion.

THOMAS LLOYD - PLAYA REALTY EXECUTIVES Thomas Lloyd of says Projecting the future economic and real estate market results is an incredibly difficult task. An entire collection of books are needed to demonstrate and learn the relations and influences upon pricing of homes, condos or upon the price per meter of raw land. Below please find a very general brief on this topic. First, many factors influence the local real estate market including that of the international economic indicators as mentioned in the question above. Twenty five years ago, a very soft correlation existed between USA market results and its influence on the Mexican market and vice versa. Ten years ago, as in the majority of most countries of the world, international market results have had and has continued to have a much stronger affect upon the Mexican national economic activities. Mexico?s strongest trade partner, USA, has increased their commercial relation with the Mexico with the passing of the NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement) which only makes our two countries influence even stronger. The trend therefore would indicate that as each decade passes, the international market results and indicators of every individual country will have stronger and direct affects upon the markets of neighboring and/or those countries with the closest economical ties. Second, the Real Estate market is driven more by local indicators than by national, and of course of international indicators. As stated above, pricing is established by many many factors. The majority of the factors are varying/constantly moving and each factor has a different weight of influence upon a final market price. Some factors that weight heavily are generally found in the regional/local economical indicators such as of Population growth, Costs of Doing Business, cost of capital (loans), Quality of Life, Employment and Income, Local Taxes, Property Taxes, ISR taxes vs. (competition). In Summary, Real Estate in California is different than real estate in Indiana, Real Estate in Canada is different than that from Mexico. Each regional market has its own strategies and influences, therefore its own proper real estate opportunities.

JEN LYTLE - TIERRA YUCATAN Even in the Yucatan near Merida, they have a point of view on the U.S. recession. Take Jen Lytle, owner/broker of Tierra Yucatan Properties in Merida. She says I have not yet seen any slow-down in business which could be attributed to the slow-down in the US real estate market, although one might predict several possible long term effects. It is possible that our investor clients will find our property in Yucatan an even more attractive option, as the market here continues strong with good appreciation. I would also expect that for those retiring on a fixed income, it might become more difficult to purchase a retirement property in Mexico if this purchase depends on obtaining equity from the sale of an existing property. Over-all, I am optimistic that our market will be only minimally affected by any slow-down in the US.

SHAWN BANDICK - ONE STOP REAL ESTATE Finally, Shawn Bandick, owner/broker of One Stop Real Estate says In every shifting real estate market there are pocket markets. These are areas which with stand the shift with little or no effect. In British Columbia Canada the Okanagan Valley is one of those areas. I?m sure you can see areas like that in your state or province. So how will this shifting market effect us in the Riviera Maya? If there was ever a Pocket market this is it. The Mexican government recognizes that, and they are putting millions of dollars into the development of Q Roo. Most of our buyers are baby boomers who have paid off their homes, and have the cottage, and are now looking for the sunny hide away. Many of these same buyers have substantial inheritance money that they are investing as well. Also these clients are not just from north America, they are from all over the world and this gives us an even more stable market. Mexico is a new area of investment and the buyers tend to be higher-income they are not the first time home buyers nor are they the first time investors. History shows us that the baby boomers will not be denied! This is no exception. Baby boomers have discovered the Riviera Maya and they are bringing their money here to invest and enjoy. View MLS Listings for One Stop Real Estate

We invite you to come into our discussion by posting your comments into our Forum. Simply go to Riviera Maya Real Esate News at and click on FORUM. Oh, don't forget to View MLS 4 Riviera Maya and Search Listings.

J.P. Money is the host of Let's Talk Real Estate on Riviera Maya Real Estate News, a real estate pod cast show recorded in the Riviera Maya of Mexico. Check out the Podcast and all news and real estate info in the Riviera Maya at

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Scottsdale Real Estate

The beautiful town of Scottsdale is the fifth largest city in the state of Arizona. Scottsdale is famous for its golf courses and resorts. Apart from this, Scottsdale also has a large number of art galleries, indoor and outdoor theatres, parks, museums, athletic fields, open arenas, grand prix field, polo fields and a center for arts. Quite natural then that many people consider Scottsdale as an ideal place for living and settling down. As a result, Scottsdale has witnessed of recent a booming real estate market. Even though it has a desert terrain, Scottsdale with its warm climate has one of the best living conditions in the state of Arizona.

According to a recent survey, many people relocate to Scottsdale as it ranks high in the list of cities where Americans prefer to invest in real estate property. Consequently, there is a large demand for properties to accommodate the increasing number of new residents every year. Scottsdale is growing fast especially in the northern regions of the city.

Housing communities in Scottsdale are well planned. Houses are constructed with the most modern designs and usually have beautiful mountains as a backdrop. The luxury homes in the north Scottsdale area provide some of the best resort and retirement options.

Although real estate continues to be a booming business in Scottsdale, many real estate professionals have been indicating that it has been showing signs of slowing down of recent. It has been seen that the growth of profits in real estate are not as large as they used to be a few months back. However, this doesn't mean that there is a drastic fall in the prices; just that the increase in prices of real estate is slow as compared to the previous years. A seller in such a market condition is advised to price the property at a reasonable rate. The only visible fall out of the sluggish trend is that the construction of new homes has seen a parallel decline. With the slight fall in potential profit margins, people tend to prefer renting than owning property of their own. In spite of this, property tax still accounts for a large part of the tax money being collected in Scottsdale.

Scottsdale Real Estate provides detailed information on Scottsdale Real Estate, Scottsdale Arizona Real Estate, Scottsdale Arizona Real Estate Agent, Scottsdale Real Estate Agent and more. Scottsdale Real Estate is affiliated with Tucson Residential Real Estate.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Perfect Prom Dress

Want a prom dress that?s going to turn everyone?s head when you walk into the room? Want a prom dress that is different from everyone else?s prom dress? Well you can have that perfect prom dress. What colors are in style for prom dresses? For the prom in 2007 you will see some new colors you have not seen in fashion for a while like navy and burgundy gold, raspberry, purple orange, black and white, and all the fun prom colors like turquoise, lime and fuchsia. Girls always love purple and this year for the prom you will see the best purple gowns. Royal blue is making a comeback big time for 2007--a sure winner. Royal blue is a real hot color this year. Gold and silver will be important and the new metallic lam? fabrics will show you off to the limit.

What kind of style should I focus on if I want to look sexy in my prom dress? Sexy prom dresses for 2007 are everywhere. Want to know what styles are hot? Glad you asked. I?ll tell you. Ruffles (the french look), drapes, tiers, high slits, lace; hi-low hemlines and mermaid silhouettes are the sexy favorites for this year. They are making their way back into the heart of many teens for the prom. You'll see lots of sexy ball gowns. Everyone wants to like a princess.

What type of prom dress should I look for if I?m not that tall? Many girls that aren?t so tall (like me) are going toward fitted silhouettes and flirty, little short dresses. These prom dresses come in an array of fun colors. Remember, you got to use what you got! Flaunt all your assets! Helpful tips to finding the perfect prom dress:

Now keep in mind, any dress can look great on the hanger but remember you have to purchase a style and look that goes with your height, body shape, hair and skin coloring. Don't buy into the belief that there are a limited number of colors that work for you; instead, be your own best fashion designer and hold up dresses to your face to see which ones bring out your skin tones, eyes and hair the best.

Warm colors like fire engine red and coral look best on brunettes with darker coloring; cool pastels work for blondes. But there are a myriad of colors -- metallic gold and silver included -- that work for all colorings. If you're not sure what type of prom dress style to go with for the prom drag a friend to a store and get a second opinion while trying on lots of colors to see which ones compliment your look best. Learn to embrace your body, too. If you aren't comfortable in curve-hugging dresses because of too much jiggle, then try a body slimmer underneath for more control. Everyone has at least one great asset, even if it's something as simple as thick hair, white teeth or nice legs.

You don't have to do anything too extravagant to show off your best feature, just make sure that your look shows it off and enhances it. If your best feature is great skin, the last thing you'd want to do is cover up every inch of it with clothing. Dressing for your best feature is less about dressing for size or age and more about making the best of what you have to work with. One important thing to remember is when you?re looking to buy a prom dress focus on a bling bling dress or bling bling accessories not both. If you have both it would be to overwhelming to the naked eye and one will take away from the other. The idea here is to make either the dress or the accessories the focus, not both.

For example, a bronze strapless gown with no adornment could carry a chunky diamond bracelet and necklace or a pair of chandelier earrings. Solid color dresses and neutrals are a great backdrop for colorful jewels. On the other hand, the more ruffles, tiers and beading a dress has, the simpler the accessories should be. It doesn't mean you have to go bare but you need to use self-control and choose smaller pieces.

The difficulty to dressing for special occasions such as homecoming or the prom is that young women look wrong if they dress their age: in froufrou dress, young women/girls look ready for prom. Look at magazines web sites and see what?s in style. You don?t want to go looking like grandma just run over by a reindeer!

Different styles to consider:

Movie Star Style Want to look like a movie star? Show your sense of style with a designer-inspired gown: many labels create their own jazzed-up versions of celebrity-chic dresses. Dresses by Jovani, Paris, Clarisse, Mori Lee, and Niteline, are famous for producing red-carpet looks at an affordable price. Important red carpet looks this year include one-shoulder Grecian gown and empire waist dresses.

Elegance If the movie star prom dress isn?t for you then tone down the look and choose a cool cocktail dress look. Whether you favor aristocratic circle skirts or sleek, trimmer hems, this dress will come in handy for other occasions

Princess Look Elegant trains add serious punch. Go for a small drape (called a duster) or full-on train (called chapel) ? either way, your exit leaves a definite lasting impression.

Covering Dresses A movie star favorite, covering dresses are as comfortable as they are stunning. Keep in mind that with a simple dress like this, accessories are a must! From pearls to diamonds to a mix of pendants, anything goes. Bling bling all the way!

The Wow Look Let the little Marilyn Monroe come out with a mega feminine, hip-hugging gown. Select dresses made with delicate fabrics, like satin or silk, that drapes well and creates curves. To keep with the retro tone, finish with a clutch purse and peep-toe pumps.

Girly Girl Skirts Stemmed from summer?s plain skirt rage, tiered skirts are having a serious comeback. This trend can go two very unique routes: the sophisticated ballroom skirt or the breezy ?plain dress?. Black is Back If you plan on sporting your prom dress again, the little black dress is a classic. Choose a sleek string dress, flirty shift, or take your look from Audrey Hepburn with a chic prom dress.

It?s high but Boy Is It Low. Last year?s asymmetrical hem has been replaced by the ?high-low? dress. The hem, which is short in the front and longer in the back, is so unique and adorable; you'll have all eyes on you! It's a great alternative because it's short enough to dance in but long enough to look dressy.

Strapless Baby Strapless prom dresses have become a prom staple for great reason. They are equal parts sassy and classy. They flatter any figure. And they don?t require a necklace. Keep your eyes out for dresses with beautiful beading and elegant embroidery around the bust?a big style this year.

Homecoming Queen The ultimate Cinderella-at-the-ball dress and accessories. A bouffant skirt and otherwise simple top combination is for the homecoming queens at style. These gowns require minimal accessories because they?re so show stopping. But make sure you get home before midnight. Yeah right!

The best advice I tell young girls looking for the perfect prom dress is to have fun with fashion. Try something new: venture into a store that you've never shopped in, try on dresses that you always wanted to wear, but was afraid to try on. The idea is to push the limits of your prom wardrobe and experience innovative looks.

Pictures of prom dresses can be seen at Prom dresses - Promgirl and at Prom dresses - 4prom

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blessings Or Transgressors

Estate agents are there to help people in need of properties for housing, commercial or other purposes. They are there to provide their services that varies from giving advices for properties, making two parties meet up for a deal. They are there to lend a hand to tenants, property sellers and buyers, to landlords etc. They are can provide an interested party with all the technicalities, particulars, prices and everything through their own medium, right at the party's doorstep. It is convenient to involve a middleman when a person wants a property so that he can save his time and energy. These estate agents carry out these services in return of what is known as commission.

The darker side of their business is that while they are offering their services they are filled with greed and they aim at gaining their commissions as much and soon as possible. In trying to achieve this they cause a misbalance in the proper flow of country's economic development.

Many of the agents in greed of earning commission mislead buyers through false information concerning the peculiars about the property. Rental housing acquired with the aid of agents for middleclass people often have them facing a huge financial loss. They end up having a totally contradictory situation to what they had been informed about by the agents. The extra loss is rendered for the commission paid by them. Mental stress plays its own part. They may sell properties already been sold off. The property owners pay agents extra if they manage to fish and convince buyers who are willing to buy their properties at double prices. This is especially a trait that these middlemen possess of convincing their clients and talking them into making deals they would otherwise get at much lower rates. It is more like a trend these days to involve these middlemen to escape and avoid efforts required for buying property whether it involves residential, business, trade or commercial purposes.

The other thing that agents do is they hardly ever let the two parties that he's dealing with meet one another and interact on their own, making their own false statements. Make people believe the buyer or the seller is out of reach and there is no way the can have direct contact with them. Real, professional agents would never turn to such acts but many unemployed people adopt these measures in order to earn easy money and pretend that they are professionals and thus looting innocent people. Estate agents are both a blessing and curse to people in the business world at the same time.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Real Estate, Investing, and Finance

Friday, February 20, 2009

What Is Super About The Real Estate Market Right Now

With a glut of homes on the market and a shortage of buyers, it may seem like this may not be the time buy a piece of real estate, but actually this is the PERFECT time to buy a home or investment property. With prices dipping and incentives everywhere, there are some exceptional properties available for sale at tempting prices. Add competitive interest rates and below market financing programs and you have the recipe for a great deal!

Tampa Bay area Sellers have gotten the message and are now pricing their homes more aggressively to sell and pairing that with some very creative methods to assist the home buyer in making the decision to purchase their house. Recent incentives have included boats or cars with the purchase of high end properties, buyer bonuses on new home purchases that include cash and closing cost assistance, first years taxes and insurance paid, maintenance fees paid on condo properties and many other creative ways to make their home salable. Some Sellers have also agreed to a lease-to-own or seller financed option, rather than an outright sale.

The continued low mortgage rate is a huge incentive to buy now! Brian P. Forrester of HomeBanc states, ?According to the FHLMC (Freddie Mac) website, since 1971 rates has been below 7% only 69 of the last 425 months. With rates continuing to trend downward through 2007, now is a great time to buy.? Banks are also working with Sellers to ?Buy Down Interest Rates? or offer ?Below Market Financing? options on these loans to get even more purchase power for today?s first time home buyers and people who are ready to move up to a bigger home.

Limited land makes real estate tempting! According to longtime agent Rick Tennant, ?Purchasing property in Pinellas County is a great investment as the area is now almost completely built out paired with a continued influx of new residents. As the Baby Boomers move to the warmer climates, our area will continue to be a destination and this will help to stabilize prices, lessening the risk for an appreciation decrease.?

The area?s second homes and vacation property markets will also continue to bring in interested buyers and investors (both from around the country and internationally) for many years to come! Recently I have had a number of inquiries from Canada, Scotland and the UK ? all buyers who would like to purchase investment or vacation homes in Florida. These buyers are motivated to view only properties that fit their criteria and make offers swiftly as they are only in the country for a short time each trip.

Finally, one of the best reasons to buy now is Uncle Sam! Closing by December 31 allows you to deduct mortgage interest, property taxes and points on your loan from your income tax return. Now would also be a great time to 1031 Exchange your current investment/second home into a higher valued property.

All these reasons and more make it the perfect time to buy real estate in Pinellas County!

Visit for free daily real estate marketing ideas. See these tips and tricks in action at

Realtors and mortgage bankers/brokers, please feel free to use this article provided this reference is included and all links remain active.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Issue of Furniture and A Prospective Home

A home is not a stand alone object when it comes to living life. When considering making an offer on a home, the issue of how one?s furniture will look in the property comes up.

The Issue of Furniture and A Prospective Home

When selling a home, you can tell when a potential buyer is serious when they start doing a certain thing in your home. First, they start walking around with their hands forming a virtual frame like an artist. Alternatively, they may whip out a tape measure and actually start mentally marketing off rooms. This occurs because they are trying to project their furniture into the property.

When sizing up a potential home for purchase, buyers almost always start trying to envision how their furniture will fit into the property. If they cannot ?see the fit?, they may pass on the home. In general, this is a bad idea.

First and foremost, the furniture you have accumulated over the years is never, ever going to be a perfect fit in a new home. The only exception would be if you are buying the same exact floor plan, which will be an extremely rare event. Regardless, the furniture isn?t going to fit and you should not evaluate the merits on this basis.

Which is more difficult ? finding the perfect home or finding new furniture? Which is going to appreciate over the next few years? The answer to both questions is clearly the home. When house hunting, it is vitally important that you evaluate the home sans furniture considerations. You can always buy different furniture. Yes, you have probably put together a nice collection, but its value will never equate to a good property buy.

So, what happens if you have unique furniture that is either hard to find, a family heirloom or some other situation? As surprising as this may sound, you should still discount it when evaluating the merits of a particular property. You are buying the home for your personal comfort and investment, not for the concerns of the furniture. You can always store that unique furniture or give heirlooms to a family member.

There are many factors that go into the decision to purchase a property. Determining whether your furniture goes with the property or fits should not be one of them.

Raynor James is with the site - FSBO America - FSBO homes for sale by owner.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Real Estate Tips On Finding A Business Partner

Think you can get ahead faster with a business partner? It is important to remember that approximately 80% of business partnership?s don?t work. The odd?s are very high that any real estate group in which you are involved in may not survive. Cautiously enter into your investment group with watchful eyes. Here are some key factors to consider.

Make sure your goals and objectives are consistent with the rest of the group. Are you committed to working at all hours of the day to get the job done? Well, what about your partner? You know what skills you have. You know your strengths and your weaknesses. If your partners are your friends and relatives, you probably have a clear idea as to what skills they can bring to the table. However, when your joining an investment group of strangers, it?s important to clarify exactly what, if any, skills they will bring to the overall collective objective. Sometimes your investors will simply put their money into the project and not actually participating in any work that needs to be completed.

Consider the liquidity of the investment. How quickly can you get your money out of your Fraser Valley Real Estate investment? You should not invest money you cannot afford to loose. This is the golden rule and it should be applied to real estate in all area?s of the Fraser Valley and Lower Mainland area. For example: Richmond, Surrey, Coquitlam, Burnaby, New West, Langley and Abbotsford. In practical terms, most investments are tied up for the duration of the deal. This issue of course is a critical one. This has a direct correlation with liability of your investment. You want to avoid personal liability for any financial problems that can occur. If you are investing in a corporation that is holding the property for the group and the corporation has taken out a mortgage with a lender, the lender may require personal guarantees from the shareholders of the corporation. That would be YOU!

Consider? When investing with a group is getting out of control, how to get out? Why not a buy out! Make sure there is a procedure to follow before you get into a concrete group investment. Know the buy out terms before the money is put onto the table. Your Fraser Valley Real Estate investment should always be safe and secure. Whether your buying a condo, apartment, townhouse, house or mobile home in British Columbia, remember to cover you assets.

Shane Toews is a Licenced Realtor who helps others to educate themselves on current real estate issues. He also provides assistance on how to locate quality homes, apartments or vacation rentals in Canada's Fraser Valley area. Visit his website for more information on Canada's Fraser Valley Real Estate Market

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Swansea City Guide Including Swansea Hotels

Swansea is located in the heart of Swansea Bay, one of Wales? most beautiful regions, with landscapes incorporating sandy beaches, waterfalls, rolling countryside and deep valleys. Swansea itself is the second largest city in Wales, and a highly popular tourist destination, widely known for providing excellent shopping facilities and plenty of things to do.

Places of interest

Swansea has a diverse array of places to visit. The many attractions found in and around the city are designed to give the tourist and casual visitor a wide range of things to experience ? whether you want to get back to nature and enjoy the picturesque parks, learn more about the region?s history, or simply enjoy some of the city?s exciting culture. A small selection of places to visit includes:

Swansea Bay. This sandy beach stretches out for five full miles and is additionally within walking distance of the city centre. Choose a romantic stroll on the beach, or if you?re feeling adventurous, pick from the rollerblading and cycling activities on offer.

Swansea Museum. Over 160 years old, the museum is home to collections of art, ceramics and Egyptology, whilst the history of the city is presented in a way to engage and entertain every visitor.

The Dylan Thomas Centre. Learn about the famous Welsh poet at this permanent exhibition, which offers a yearly programme of events and a festival every year in the autumn.

Gower Heritage Centre. This rural museum offers something really special ? a working, twelfth century corn and saw mill. There are lots of activities for the kids to take part in, from craft-making and puppet theatres, to animals and play areas.

Plantasia. You?ll discover this gigantic hothouse right in the centre of Swansea ? and be prepared to undertake a voyage of discovery, as you witness exotic flora and fauna in tropical, humid conditions. A perfect place to visit, whatever the weather!

Things to do

When it comes to activities, Swansea has it covered. When you?ve finished shopping ? and with hundreds of shops to browse, it?ll take you a while ? then you can choose from lots of exciting things to do, like the following:

Rainbow Sailing School. Enjoy a taster day and sail around the Gower coast with an experienced guide.

Breakout Adventure. If outdoor adventure?s your thing, then choose from a selection including canoeing, surfing and climbing.

Clyne Gardens. If you have a love for nature then you?ll enjoy the many delights to be found in these beautiful gardens; come and see water features, the bog garden and more.

The Chocolate Factory. This working factory gives visitors a chance to take a tour and see how chocolate is produced, with sampling at every opportunity.

1940?s Swansea Bay. This recreation provides an authentic experience of life during WWII, and brings new meaning to the phrase ?living history?. Take part in an air raid; try living on rations, and more.

Food & Drink

If it?s food and drink you?re after, you?ll find that Swansea offers a selection of choice restaurants and eateries, with something provided for every taste. Both traditional Welsh fare and seafood are specialities, but the city is also home to many restaurants serving international recipes, so you have plenty to choose from. There are also dozens of cafes and takeaways if you?re not looking for the full wining-and-dining experience. Some of the finest eateries include:

Abernethy?s. Located in the Maritime Quarter, this restaurant serves up Welsh dishes as well as international favourites. There?s also a leisure area nearby which enables you to work off your food.

Bizzie Lizzie?s Bistro & Restaurant. If you?re looking for traditional Welsh meals then this is the place to come. There are many specialities and vegetarian dishes to choose from.

Bouchon de Rossi. A restaurant offering plenty of French cuisine, located right in the heart of Swansea?s city centre. Choose from salads, crepes and more.

Eleo?s Brasserie. If you?re a fan of European food then this restaurant is a great place to visit. Spanish and Portuguese meals are made on the spot, and there?s a wide variety of wine to choose from to compliment your meal.

Gallini?s. As a coastal city, Swansea is noted for its fine fish and Gallini?s is the perfect place to sample it. Italian dishes are also available, and the restaurant offers pleasing views of the Marina whilst you eat.

Hotels & Accommodations

Swansea is a popular tourist destination and there are plenty of places where you can find accommodation. Many of the hotels are on the seafront and offer a combination of great prices with friendly atmospheres. Stunning sea views are something you?ll quickly become used to during your stay. Alternatively, if you look a little further inland, you?ll find many unique family-run guesthouses and inns that offer home-cooking and comfortable rooms. Other alternatives include self-catering, including bay apartments; many campsites and caravan parks; hostels and more.


If you want to be entertained during your stay in Swansea, you?ll discover numerous venues all offering a diverse range of entertainments. For instance, the Swansea Grand Theatre regularly offers a programme including ballet, drama, music and opera, as well as something for the kids. If it?s nightlife you?re looking for, then you?re advised to take a trip to the Wind Street area, which is known as the liveliest in the city! Here you?ll discover numerous restaurants, pubs, clubs and bars, and plenty of live entertainment just waiting to be enjoyed.

Swansea is one of those places that people keep coming back to, time after time. The Welsh Tourist Board is keen to attract visitors and has, in recent years, spent ?30 million on developing a new attraction, the National Waterfront Museum. Meanwhile, your visit to the city would be amiss without a trip to the indoor market, where you can choose from fresh fish and local delicacies, as well as purchase all the souvenirs and unique gifts that you could ever want. With stunning scenery and lots of interesting attractions, Swansea is one place you?ll want to discover for yourself.

About the Author:

Biography Name: Maria Williams Website:
Biography: Maria writes for Sleep UK - providers of hotels in Swansea.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Online Real Estate Listings Are They Reliable?

Nearly everyone shopping for a home these days looks online either before or after contacting a real estate agent. Not only can you search for a home according to your desired price range, number of bedrooms, garage space and location, but you can see color pictures and in some cases videos, and forward them to your friends.

Does this mean that you no longer need a real estate agent to find a home? Well, not exactly. The online listings contain only the ?broker reciprocity? listings. Some brokers elect to not allow their listings to be displayed on other company web sites.

Besides not being complete, the listings on an individual agents?s or broker?s web site may not be up-to-date. It takes time and programming savvy to download the current listings which are only available to realtors. Some agents may do this daily, while others may settle for weekly or sporadic downloads.

Only a real estate agent is able to access the entire Multiple Listing Service. Your agent may also know of properties that are not yet listed, so you are able to increase your search considerably by working with a licensed real estate agent.

You may also receive quite a bit of additional information on listings that you have already browsed online, by getting the listing sheet from your agent. Most of the online databases list only a fraction of the listing information.

If you are looking for lakeshore real estate for instance, you agent is able to search for listings on a specific lake. If you are an investor, your agent can search for listings based on the length of time they have been on the market. He or she can also save these search parameters and recheck them for you as often as you would like.

Visit for information about real estate in Crosslake Minnesota.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Central Arizona by Elana Andersen

All roads lead to and from ... Phoenix!

Arizonas main gateway is Phoenix and an ideal location for basing a hub-and spoke itinerary. You can travel no more than 30 miles in any direction and arrive at one or more areas offering a selection of enjoyable touring sites and activities. Here is a sampling of what is available.

In and around Phoenix

Downtown Phoenix is in the throes of a renaissance with the transformation of its 90-square-block core and an infusion of $3.9 billion into Copper Square. Anchored by the Phoenix Civic Plaza, Copper Square is taking the best of Old Town and shaping it into a multi-use complex. It is an example of contemporary city-center living style with a mix of residential, commerce, sports, cultural and arts facilities, shopping and other urban amenities.

Two of the more prominent Copper Square structures are the America West Arena, home to the Phoenix Suns, Phoenix Mercury and the Arizona Rattlers; and the Bank One Ballpark where the Arizona Diamondbacks play.

Other highlights of Copper Square are its more than 90 restaurants, lounges and markets and Arizona Center, where you find a myriad of specialty shops, movie theaters and performance venues. Other theater and performing arts venues include the Arizona Youth Theater, the Dodge Theatre, the Herberger Theater Center, the historic Orpheum Theater and Symphony Hall. The Square also has several museums and historic sites including the foursquare block Heritage Square, site of the original town, which features several restored Victorian-style buildings. Other museums include the Phoenix Museum of History, Arizona Science Center, the Rossnon House Museum, the Arizona Doll and Toy Museum, the Musco Museum, Phoenix Police Museum and the Wells Fargo History Museum. Another feature of the area is a large Mercado shopping village.


Visiting Scottsdale and need a tour guide? One option is to use the new driving CD and map, Audio Adventure of Scottsdale. Commentary gives an inside look at the citys architecture, art, sports, distinctive landscape and history. The map directs you to various points and scenic areas and there are 15 featured audio stops that offer more indepth commentary. A limited supply of free CDs and maps are available from the Scottsdale CVB.


The Spring Festival of the Arts, March 31-April 2, is one of the states finest outdoor art events. The downtown area is closed to foot traffic and becomes a gallery featuring over 500 juried artists in various media. These include paintings, sculptures, handmade toys and decorative items, textiles, pottery and other works of art. There are food, entertainment and other activities. The citys Fall Festival of the Arts is typically the first weekend in December.

Way Out West Oktoberfest, late September weekend. This event features lots of dancing to polka music and country western two-stepping. There are games of skill and chance, puppet shows and a cultural craft fair. Food ranges from bratwurst to cowboy grub.


Chandler boasts an active arts community and many theatrical and music performances are held at its Center for Performing Arts. Its primary season is from November through April. This seasons line-up includes: Debbie Reynolds, Jan. 28; Lawrence Welk Show Performers, Feb. 11, and BYUs Young Ambassadors.


For more information visit
About the Author

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Loan Officer Training: The Truth About Realtor Marketing

Why can't I get more loans from realtors? Why are realtors so difficult to work with? Nearly every loan officer has asked him/herself one of these questions at some point. Unfortunately, while there are plenty of companies that claim to offer solutions, many of these so called solutions turn out to be nothing more than the same information you have seen a thousand times before.

Thankfully, this article is not the same old information repackaged to look new. In fact, my goal in writing this article is to open up the eyes of as many originators as I can to the truth about marketing to realtors.

With this being such a broad topic, it is difficult to find a good starting point. I finally decided to begin with a discussion about why realtors act the way they do. I decided on this as a starting point because of the fact that so many loan officers seem to complain about the attitude they seem to encounter when marketing to realtors. Here are the most common complaints I hear in regards to agents:

*Realtors are too hard to work with

*Realtors already have loan officer relationships

*Realtors stick their nose in my business

*Realtors expect too much

*I can't deal with the condescending attitude

These are just a few of the many complaints I have heard from loan officers around the country. If you're reading this article then I'm sure you have some of these complaints as well. Perhaps you contacted a few realtors yourself only to be greeted with a negative tone and attitude? If so, then now it is time to find some answers.

Answers, We have some!

In order for us to understand why we are treated the way we are when attempting to build realtor relationships, we need to experience exactly what agents experience. We can do this by looking at the past few years.

In the last few years market conditions have been favorable enough to allow just about anyone with decent sales skills to enter the field and earn a very comfortable living. This continued long enough for mortgage companies to resign themselves to hiring just about anyone with a breath and a pulse just to keep up with the demand for refinances.

While this may have worked out well for those doing the hiring, it wreaked havoc on the reputation of those who are in this business for the long haul. Even under the best of conditions loan officer education tends to leave the student thirsty for proper education, so you can imagine the depth of training that is offered when speed is the primary focus.

Let's go a little deeper into this scenario and fast forward to our current market condition. As interest rates have moved upward and the easy deals have dried up, many of these loan officers who have survived on nothing more than refinances for the past year or two are now receiving a wake up call. With the easy business gown, many of these originators have either exited the business or attempted to replace the refinance income with purchase business.

It doesn't take much of an imagination for you to visualize the outcome of this scenario. Thousands of desperate loan officers who have never originated a purchase transaction before can easily create a negative image of our profession. In fact a recent survey was conducted to rate the level of consumer confidence in various professions. The results showed that consumer trust in loan officers was only slightly higher than the profession of used car salesman. What does that tell you?

Now imagine that you are a real estate agent and your paycheck depended on this group of individuals. Imagine how often these agents have been hit up for business by desperate loan officers.

In fact, you don't even have to imagine as we have some figures for you. After conducting a survey with over 100 local real estate agents (Midwest) we found that the average realtor is contacted for business by loan officers an average of 35 times per week! Think about that for a moment.

Whenever you begin to wonder why a realtor is somewhat short with you on the phone, remind yourself that this could be the 35th time this agent has been contacted this week. To be fair, I do need to clarify that this number of 35 contacts per week does include direct mail and email as well. However this does not include all of the other affiliates who are also looking for business such as title reps, real estate attorneys and appraisers.

If you were to stop and consider the implications of this information, you would realize that this means that each month, the average realtor is receiving around 140 messages that are intended to ask for business in one way or another.

That's a lot of marketing chatter to filter through! If this agent has been in business for even one year, this means that he/she has listened to thousands of messages from other loan officers and has probably heard just about every beat around the bush approach and promise you could imagine.

How long do you think it would take for you to build up a wall of sales resistance in a similar situation? Just think about the way we treat telemarketers if they call and interrupt dinner a few times in one night? Are we eager to hear their sales message, or do we blow them off? Perhaps we even join the Do Not Call list to actively protect ourselves from hearing these sales messages. Are you beginning to see how agents must feel?

One other thing to keep in mind is that throughout these thirty five contacts per week the number 1 most common pitch heard by these agents is I'm here to help you build your business. or I have leads to share with you. A close second is We have great service and great products.

If everyone else is using this approach, what do you think happens when you do too? You are brushed off as just another loan officer who over-promises and under-delivers just like everyone else.

This is definitely not the first impression we want to make with agents. As if this weren't bad enough we also cannot forget about the loan officers who are willing to do or say anything to get a loan. These are the people who are giving us a bad name in the industry and destroy our credibility. Just about every real estate agent has worked one time too many with a loan officer who caused major problems throughout the purchase process through lack of communication, and underhanded tactics.

With all of this going on, it's time for us to stand up and take responsibility for our current situation. If we are using techniques and scripts that make us appear to be just like every other loan officer out there, is it any wonder that we keep hearing the same objections over and over again?

Once we take responsibility for this situation, we are free to do something about it. The great thing about this process is that once we minimize this problem, we minimize others as well. For instance, have you ever worked hard to get an appointment with a real estate agent, work hard to impress him/her during the meeting, only to hang your head in frustration as the agent promises to give you business, but never delivers?

The solution to this problem is just about the same as the solution to the first problem. See, both of these attitude patterns are caused by either a lack of trust or a lack of credibility, or we simply have not demonstrated enough value to justify the agent taking the risk of using a new loan officer.

Whenever a real estate agent uses a new and untested loan officer you need to realize that not only are they risking an unpleasant process, but also their entire paycheck, credibility and potential for referrals. If an agent sends a client to you and things go wrong, the finger of blame is pointing at both you and the agent.

Now that we have seen some of the causes of the problems we face when working with realtors, we want to discuss the solution. In the name of keeping this article relatively short and free of fluff, I have created a second article dedicated to offering solutions to the problems discussed here.

You are only moments away from receiving part 2 of this series. To receive the solution to the problems discussed here, simply forward your request to You will receive part two shortly. Have you signed up to participate in my free marketing training calls? Why not sign up for our next call when requesting this article? Space is limited so RSVP early!

Average Joe L.O. provides marketing solutions that are designed with the 'average' loan officer in mind. If you are tired of the hype, and are looking for real world solutions to generating more business feel free to take advantage of our free articles,videos and audio downloads at

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Laptop Computer Backpack >> Women's Notebook Bags

These days it's getting pretty easy to find a Laptop Computer Backpack and bags pretty much anywhere. At many companies there are as many people who use their laptop as a normal pc. But, try to think of the last time you saw a laptop computer backpack that wasn't designed specifically for men. Does it seem like someone is being left out. Well, you guessed it, many a woman has wondered ?I wonder if anyone makes women?s laptop bags?? The answer is a resounding yes.

When I was first introduced to women?s laptop bags I must admit that I was pretty surprised at how nice they were. I started to associate a laptop bag with those either designed for executives, or those that are a little more hip for, say, younger men. But many women?s laptop bags look a lot like fashionable purses or carry-alls. They look nice, but are able to house your laptop or notebook along with other accessories.

If you are in the market for a woman?s laptop bag there are a few things to consider. First of all, make sure that your bag is designed to carry a notebook (aka laptop computer), and one that is a similar size to yours. A good laptop backpack or bag will have padding and a strap to keep it secure. There are a lot of fashionable women?s bags out there that could ruin your laptop if you?re not careful. Second, consider what you?re using the bag for. If you are using it for business or outdoors there would obviously be different things to consider. And finally, but just as important, make sure that the women?s laptop bag that you buy is one that you love. Don?t just settle for one because of the price or just so you have one. If you have a bag that you don?t like chances are decent that you will never use it.

While laptop computer backpacks are great, there are many a woman out there who shouldn?t settle for a men?s laptop bag, but need to investigate women?s laptop bags.

About the Author:

Brady Quist's site Laptop Computer Backpack, sells Women's Laptop Bags, and other types of laptop computer backpacks.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Intellectual Property Engaging With China On Cultural And Legal Fronts

China is well entrenched in the global marketplace, but with Chinese piracy reported at 90 percent, it's the third least friendly country for protecting intellectual property (IP).

China's accession into the World Trade Organization started four years ago. With this commitment to regulatory and economic restructuring, China has indeed been a country of economic opportunity for multinational corporations.

In theory, WTO accession means that WTO members can enjoy IP protections. In China, secure those patent protections carefully. Dot the i's, cross those t's and 'watch your language.' Also, anticipate litigation.

According to attorneys A. Jason Mirabito and Carol Peters, in a March 2005 article published in Chip Scale Review: In the past there was little enforcement of IP in China. However, in 2002, Chinese courts litigated more than 6,000 civil cases involving IP issues. About 2,000 cases involved patent suits. The rest were trademark and copyright actions.

Those 2002 statistics pale compared to recent figures reported by the International Herald Tribune: In 2005, Chinese courts dealt with 12,205 civil intellectual property cases, an increase of 32 percent from 2003 and a few dozen two decades ago.

Consider one recent case, which demonstrates that China's legal savvy is climbing with its growing stake in US markets and the global economy. The case also demonstrates the role of US courts in patent and IP protection, along with the perseverant or 'energized' stance required by US companies threatened by counterfeit goods or the prospect of piracy.

Energizer & Eveready vs. Just about Everybody

The dispute started in the spring of 2003, when Energizer Holdings, a US company, and its subsidiary Eveready filed a lawsuit with the International Trade Commission (ITC). The complaint addressed a signature product, a long-lasting battery design--affecting in particular a line of zero mercury-added alkaline batteries that Energizer has held a patent on for three decades. Also mentioned in the suit are games, toys, and other products manufactured with batteries whose designs are protected.

Energizer asked the ITC to issue a cease-and-desist order and to ban US imports of these products, claiming the batteries exported to the United States by the 26 manufacturers, affiliates or distributors named in the suit had infringed on Energizer's US patent. Among the multiple respondents named in the complaint, nine were Chinese manufacturers, including Fujian Nanping Nanfu. Nanfu Battery is one of China's largest alkaline battery manufacturers and suppliers. Energizer requested the ITC investigation under Section 337 of the US Tariff Act.

At the time of the original filing, China was considered the world's largest manufacturer and exporter of this specific battery with an estimated 75-80 percent of its goods being exported to overseas markets. According to a China press report, Chinese batteries usually cost between a 10th and a third less than US-made ones, making them very popular in overseas markets.

The ITC handed down a preliminary ruling in 2004, deciding that nine manufacturers from the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong infringed upon Energizer's patent, and recommended banning imports of the batteries. But four months later, the ITC closed its investigation, and ruled that Energizer's patent was invalid because it was ...indefinite as a matter of law.... Or, in the legalese: The Commission held that Eveready's proffer of alternative constructions of 'said zinc anode' was an admission of indefiniteness.

In plain terms, the main patent claim, or its language, was incorrectly written. Attorneys Mirabito and Peters reported that the Commission determined here was no infringement of the Energizer Holdings patents, and the continued importation of Chinese batteries was permitted.

It Just Keeps on Going and Going...

True to the brand as he battery that never quits, Energizer kept on going and going, and appealed the ITC's final decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. In the suit, Energizer named the ITC as defendants. Energizer's main contention was that the issue regarding language was not substantial enough to invalidate the patent.

The Court's January 25, 2006 ruling, and a follow-up March 20 mandate reversed the earlier ITC opinion, finding that the ITC erred and the patent draft was written correctly enough.

In that regard, we conclude that 'anode gel' is by implication the antecedent basis for 'said zinc anode.' The Commission's holding of invalidity on the ground of indefiniteness is reversed.

In the unanimous ruling, the Court directed the Commission to proceed in accordance with the Administrative Law Judge's prior ruling that the Energizer patent is valid, according to Legal Times analyst, Emma Shwartz.

It was a happy day at Energizer headquarters in St. Louis. We are pleased that this case has been sent back to the ITC for review, said Michael Pophal, Senior Patent Counsel at Energizer, quoted in a company press release. By issuing this mandate, the appeals court has cleared the way for additional inquiry into whether those companies that import mercury-free alkaline batteries into the United States are doing so illegally. If it is indeed determined that they are doing so illegally, the ITC will then determine the appropriate remedy for that illegal activity.

As before, Energizer will seek the general exclusion remedy in the ITC. If the ITC upholds the company's claim, this remedy will bar infringing batteries, including those made or sold by the remaining respondents from importation or sale in the US, and will permit sanction enforcement by US Customs.

What's Next? A Changing Landscape?

Energizer expects a favorable outcome from the ITC. But even as they await the ITC review, the Internet-surfing public has been reading about the recent ITC mandate in starkly opposite terms: in China, recent press accounts erroneously have been reporting that the Court ruled in favor of Chinese manufacturers. They fail to report that the jury, with respect to the ITC, is still out.

It appears that a gentle, collaboratively toned communication between Energizer and China has helped the situation. Many of the erroneous reports have been pulled from news sites.

While Energizer seems to be battling questionable imports the longest and hardest, they aren't the only company doing battle with Chinese manufacturers and companies alleging technology violations of patents, trademarks and IP infringements. The litigious ranks include Hitachi-IBM and Cisco, who won its patent battle over the Shenzhen-based Huawei in 2003. Cisco eventually proved that Huawei, arguably the top Chinese provider of switches and wireless infrastructure, had copied the U.S. companies' firmware code line for line into its products. Huawei settled.

Still, other recent cases are coming to favorable conclusions for plaintiffs defending goods in China courtrooms, an indicator that China is serious about its place in the WTO and in the global economy.

-- In late 2005, java giant Starbucks Coffee won its two-year-old case against 'Xingbake' (translation Star Bucks), for trademark and logo infringement. The case was decided in Shanghai No. 2 Intermediate People's Court, and was considered a landmark judgment and litmus test of China's amended trademark laws. Xingbake has filed an appeal.

-- In 2004, Swiss agribusiness and agricultural chemical maker Syngenta was awarded an apology and compensation after its patent infringement lawsuit was successfully concluded against a Chinese business group. The case was heard in a Nanjing court, one known for its expertise in intellectual property.

There is little doubt that China's government will quickly improve its IP stance, but this analyst believes the most effective pressure will come from its own domestic companies, particularly as they evolve from a heavily manufacturing-depending economy to a service and integrated products economy. This more sophisticated economic profile makes IP rights even more critical, because more Chinese companies will have more at stake when IP is violated.

Recent positive announcements make it clear that rule of law increasingly will be guiding China's economy. In the meantime, keep your intellectual property under a close watch, and build trust with your Chinese partners. Good contracts, good guanxi, and good sense will prove invaluable.

Sources: Chip Scale Review, International Herald Tribune, China Daily,, Legal Times, Syngenta, Energizer Holdings / Eveready Battery, Starbucks, Energizer Court of Appeals Ruling:
About the Author

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: 3 New Listings $30000 More in Commissions

How to Magnetize Your Ideal Clients

Are You Getting the Results You Want?

If you are working long hours, feeling exhausted, and not getting the results you want, you are not alone. Having been a business coach for real estate agents for over 10 years, I often hear my clients saying things like,

?Why do I always seem to get clients that run me ragged??

?I?m tired of working with clients who aren?t really motivated.?

?Why am I attracting the wrong kind of clients??

The Problem

Are you spending valuable time and precious energy working with your less than ideal clients?

You will know by the way you feel. Do you feel drained of energy, driven to distraction, and discouraged because your efforts are not bringing you a financial return?

If you?re feeling any of those feelings in working with your clients, then most likely your clients are indecisive, unmotivated, unqualified, and unappreciative of your services. This article will tell you how to attract your ideal clients.

The Good News You have the power to attract your ideal clients ? those that you love to work with ? using a powerful tool called the Law of Attraction. Just how powerful is it?

Here is a real-life example of the power of the Law of Attraction at work:

When one of my clients, Marsha, and I first started working together, she was afraid to be assertive. She also had subconscious self-limiting beliefs that were keeping her from reaching her desired goals and income. I helped her transform her beliefs to build a strong foundation for the Law of Attraction to work. The results? Here is what she recently wrote to me:

?Since learning the Law of Attraction from you, I find it easy to set boundaries and speak up for what I need. Using the Law of Attraction principles, I am able to attract my Ideal Clients with ease. But most importantly, when we started, I had zero business. Now I am averaging five transactions a month. That?s an increase of about $30,000 a month.?

If you too want to become a magnet for what you desire, achieving financial success in an easy and relaxed manner, then read on. You?ll learn the 5 steps of the Law of Attraction and how it works, plus get tips on you can apply it.

The 5 Steps of the Law of Attraction

Step 1: Get Crystal Clear on What You DON?T Want.

The Law of Attraction teaches that like energy attracts like energy and you get what you focus on. Given that, it seems odd to focus on what you don?t want, doesn?t it? However, in my experiences of empowering others to reach their goals, I?ve discovered that this is what most people do all the time, unconsciously.

How many times have you caught yourself preoccupied with a lack of desired income, ideal clients, etc? Notice that you?re focused on the lack of something. What are you attracting? More of the same. Get clear about what you don?t want and you can deliberately stop giving it attention. What don?t you want in your real estate career? Make a list and write it down.

Step 2: Get Crystal Clear on What You DO Want.

Now that you know what you don?t want, it?s easier to get clear on what you do want. Look back at your list of ?don?t wants? and for each one, develop a strong, detailed statement of what you desire. For instance, you might write something like: I want a six-figure income, I want to work with clients who are ready, willing, and able to close quickly, and so on.

As you write, challenge your status quo. This is about attracting your big dream. Go for it. And when you?re done, cross off everything on your ?Don?t Want? list. You only needed to focus there long enough to get clear on what you do want.

Step 3: Get Into the Feeling Place of What You Want.

To attract what you desire, find a way to feel good about your ?want? rather than frustrated at the lack of having it. Writing a desire statement helps you do that. This paragraph (about 2-3 sentences) describes what you want as if it were happening right now.

To write your desire statement, get into the feeling place of what you want. How? Ask yourself what serving your ideal client looks like? Visualize holding your dream commission check in your hands. Imagine receiving your desired income easily and effortlessly.

Now write your desire statement and read it aloud. How do you feel? Elated? Grateful? Energized? That?s how you should feel, and it?s how you know you are sending out the positive energy that attracts more of the same.

Step 4: Clear All Your Opposing Beliefs.

Remove all of your self-limiting beliefs so that the Law of Attraction will work for you. This means re-programming self-limiting beliefs and resolving inner conflicts that are not in alignment with what you want.

Don?t worry if you find this challenging. Most people do. Our self-limiting beliefs are usually subconscious, living in what I call a ?blind spot.? Most of the time it requires the skill of a therapist or a coach to help identify these self-limiting beliefs and transform them into empowered beliefs. Even Tiger Woods has a coach to help him get past his blind spot.

What do self-limiting beliefs sound like? Take a look at some typical examples of actual beliefs I?ve heard:

?Maybe I don?t deserve success?

?It?s selfish to want more money?

?I?m not sure I want to be in real estate?

Step 5: Take Inspired Action and Allow It to Come to You.

Take Inspired Action and detach yourself from the outcome. In other words, do what feels inspired based on your intuition and inner nudges. Avoid Frantic Action that comes out of fear and a reactive mode. Once you take action, suspend your doubts and believe that what you want is on the way to you. This puts you in a state of joyful anticipation where your vibrations are high and you are magnetic for what you want.

Practical Tips for Applying the Law of Attraction Everyday

1. Practice Gratitude. Open the door for more good to come to you. Start each morning thinking about all that you are grateful for. Keep a gratitude journal; write in it daily; read it often.

2. Visualize. The more you visualize what you want, the faster it will come to you.

3. Observe Your Own Self-Talk. Stop giving energy and attention to that pesky inner voice that brings your energy and vibrations down. Replace self-sabotaging thoughts with empowered ones.

4. Ask Yourself Throughout the Day, ?What Do I Want?? By doing that, you are focusing your conscious and subconscious mind on what you want to attract and you are increasing your magnetism.

5. Do What Brings You Joy! I have two rules here:

Rule 1: If it gives you joy, do it!

Rule 2: No, really, if it gives you joy, do it!

A Quick Recap: Remember that everything is energy ? every thought, belief, and feeling ? and that like energy attracts like energy. So, focus on what you want, tame your inner critic and send out what you want to attract to become magnetic for your ideal clients, new listings, more in commissions? whatever your professional heart desires.

Here is a letter I recently received from one of my clients:

?Dear Maya,

In the last week I have been really focusing on the Law of Attraction. I have been practicing stopping my negative thoughts, and asking myself, ?So what do I want?? In addition, I verbalized out loud positive affirmations of having my business succeed.

Out of the blue I have 3 new listings in one week. I know that it?s my practice of the Law of Attraction. I have been putting out a very positive energy, and expecting results to come to me, and they have.

By the way, all of my new clients are my Ideal Clients. When I work with them I am uplifted to a higher plane. I know that they appreciate the service that I give them, and that makes my work a pleasure, because that makes my work a win-win. I can?t thank you enough for helping me implement the Law of Attraction into my everyday life.?

Paula, Real Estate Agent

For your complimentary ?Skyrocket Your Business With The Law of Attraction? One-On-One Session, please visit Maya?s website: For more information on powerful marketing tips and tools, visit: Get your Free Mentoring Session, ?Seven Simple Strategies to More Clients in 90 Days.?

For more information on powerful marketing tips and tools, please visit Maya's website: While you're there, get your Free Audio Mentoring Session by clicking the first button.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Volvo C70: Two Cars in One

Many car buyers especially those more concerned about their car's exterior styling would usually opt for a convertible. After all, driving down a busy street in a top down car is guaranteed to turn heads. Of course, the driving performance of the car is not left to chance; any buyer would surely go for a car with good looks and a high performance level to boot. And since a convertible is known for having problems in security and leakage in the past, a smart buyer would surely cover all bases and go for the convertible that not only looks good and drives well but is also secured and safe.

One such car is the Volvo C70. This vehicle is a four-seater coupe/convertible which is expected to set a trend for other car manufacturers to follow shortly. The current convertible model from the Swedish manufacturer is owned by the Ford Motor Company. It is actually based on the Volvo S40 sedan but the convertible has a wider track and holds better looks. But just like all other Volvo models, both are safety features rich and have high performance levels.

The car's performance, just like its exterior design, does not disappoint. It can handle great speeds with ease giving its occupants a smooth and quiet ride even with the top down. The top, by the way, is made of steel and it takes 30 seconds for it to fold down into the trunk. It has that sports car feel which accompanies all convertibles, thanks to its hardworking engine and an array of precisely engineered parts - a product of all the hard work the company puts in all its car models. The powertrain of the car is one of the finest in the market thanks to the company's dedication to their consumers' safety. From its engine, power is transferred through either a six-speed manual or a five-speed automatic transmission. Various parts work together perfectly to get that power to the wheels like the Volvo axle, the drive shaft, and other drivetrain parts.

With precision engineering and a design that enables the car perform to its optimum level; the car is not surprisingly one of the best in the market, and they are up against very tough competition. Its suspension is incredible, giving the car the stability and ride comfort even on long drives that driver and passenger would surely appreciate. The chassis of the car is fortified and re-figured from the original Volvo C70 to increase the rigidity of the car thus increasing the safety of the occupants in cases of roll over on collisions. This is a trait that is uniquely Volvo. Through the years, the company has been known for making their cars safer and safer for their consumers. And the new coupe/convertible, two cars in one, is another example of the dedication of the company towards better road safety.

About the Author

Glady Reign is a 32 year old is a consultant for an automotive firm based in Detroit, Mi. she is a native of the Motor City and grew up around cars hence her expertise in the automotive field.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Internationally Renowned Media Psychiatrist Dr. Carole Lieberman Interviewed

Norm Goldman, Editor of the book reviewing and author interviewing site interviews Dr. Carole Lieberman. Dr. Lieberman is an internationally renowned Media Psychiatrist who has appeared on several well-known television talk shows.

Today, Norm Goldman, Editor of is honored to have as our guest, Dr. Carole Lieberman. Dr. Lieberman is an internationally renowned Media Psychiatrist, and the author of Bad Boys: Why We Love Them, How to Live with Them and When to Leave Them.


Dr. Lieberman has appeared on Oprah, Larry King, Good Morning America, Entertainment Tonight, The Today Show, and Howard Stern. In addition, Dr. Lieberman is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA.

Good day Dr. Lieberman and thank you for agreeing to participate in our interview.


Dr. Lieberman, would you explain to our audience what a ?Media Psychiatrist? is and what does he or she do?

Dr. Lieberman:
I have coined the term ?Media Psychiatrist? to mean both my work as an analyst of the media?s impact upon our psyche, and my work as a host and guest in the media, giving people insight into psychological issues.


I notice upon reading your bio that you are also a script consultant and a behind the scenes expert. What exactly does this entail and how did you become interested in these disciplines?

Dr. Lieberman:I?ve always been interested in creating media that is psychologically accurate, so I work with TV, film and theatrical writers, producers, directors and actors as a script consultant. For example, I?ve been on staff for a decade at two soaps, The Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful?and won 3 Emmys for my work. I?ve also written, produced and directed my own TV cable show.


Will you share a little bit about your book Bad Boys: Why We Love Them, How to Live with Them and When to Leave Them. Is there an underlying message in your book?
Why did you feel compelled to write this book? How did your book come about?

Dr. Lieberman:

Bad Boys is a self-help book that helps both women and men better understand their relationships. I describe 12 different types of Bad Boys?from the Compulsive Flirt to the Power Mad Prince to the Misunderstood and Married. A woman?s relationship with her father sets the stage for what kind of man she is attracted to when she grows up. By understanding this attraction, she no longer needs to be a victim of bad boy behavior, and can learn how to tame most of the different types. I felt compelled to write this book because I realized I had already done a lot of the ?research??from my own relationships and from heartbroken men and women I treated in my psychiatric practice. The book came about when my co-author, Lisa Collier Cool, suggested we do a book together, after she had interviewed me for an unrelated article she was writing for a woman?s magazine.


How have you used the Internet to boost your various careers?

Dr. Lieberman:

It is very helpful to have a website (though mine needs to be updated?and will be when I finish my current book)?so that people can find out who you are. For example, when I appear on TV or when I host my Internet radio show on, oftentimes viewers and listeners want to know more about me. It is also helpful when bookers from shows want to see a quick bio. Publishers also look authors up on the Internet, when they are considering them for a book deal?so there are no surprises!


I understand you have a few new books that you are working on. What makes you write a new book, and perhaps you can tell our readers something about the books you are about to publish.

Dr. Lieberman:

I am bursting-with-books and can?t get them into readers? hands as fast as I would like! Right now, I am on deadline for the book Dreams, Interrupted: The Psychological Survival Guide for Coping with Terrorism. I?m really excited about it, since it will help people break through their denial about living with the fear of terrorism. Only when people can acknowledge their fear and recognize that they?ve adopted unhealthy coping mechanisms (like drinking and eating too much, not putting their heart into long term goals, etc.) can they truly seize the day and make the most of their life. There are also chapters on protecting our children and teenagers, which are very much needed.

I?ve also written a book called Love Transplant: A High Risk Affair of the Heart, and have almost finished the book Murder By TV: A Descent Into Madness, about the Jenny Jones Talk Show Murder. I was the psychiatric expert witness for the man accused of murder, and saw first-hand the truth behind the false headlines. I also plan to write a book about the impact of media violence, since I have long been an activist against violent movies, TV shows, videogames, lyrics, war toys, and so on, because of the copycat violence they inspire.


As a follow up, can you explain some of your research techniques, and how you found sources for your books? Any unique ways you'll be marketing your books that is different from how others authors market their books?

Dr. Lieberman:

The answer to this question varies according to the book. The ideas and the opinions in the books are my own, based upon my knowledge and experience as a psychiatrist, for the most part. When I do research, it?s for facts.

As for marketing, I try to look for unique opportunities and for news angles, taken from the headlines. I also have a personal publicist who is creative.


I just completed reviewing a book wherein the author, Al Siebert, a psychologist, states that clinical psychology and psychiatry are not mental health professions but rather mental illness professions. There does not seem to be any focus on what makes individuals mentally healthy, but rather on what causes mental illnesses and how do we go about treating these illnesses.

Do you agree or disagree with the above, please elaborate.

Dr. Lieberman:

I have not read Al Siebert?s book, so it is difficult to comment. I can say that, in general, it is crucial to help a patient understand what caused his problems (notably traumas in childhood) before you can help him attain mental ?health?.


Is there anything else you wish to add to our interview and what is next for Dr. Lieberman?

Dr. Lieberman:

Dreams, Interrupted will come out in early 2006 and I am looking forward to being able to make this contribution to society. Books are a way of reaching people and affecting their lives in a very personal and positive way.

I have a few other things up my sleeve, but what fun would there be if I told you everything at once?

Thanks once again for participating in our interview.


Norm Goldman is the Editor of the book reviewing and author interviewing site, comprises over 25 international reviewers that come from all walks of life and review all genre.

Norm also personally offers his own express review service. To find out more about this service CLICK HERE

Saturday, February 7, 2009

All The Amazing Secrets Behind Hawthorne Laser Acne Treatment

Acne is a problem for young people and for adults too. The most common type of acne (blackheads, with heads or pimples) appears on the face, back, shoulders, neck or chest. An appropriate laser treatment is able to eliminate redness and scars and dramatically improve the general aspect.

Hawthorne laser acne treatment is assuming an increasing importance in acne treatment, becoming really important in the treatment of acne scars. Clinical research over many years has led to spectacular results; overgrown or thickened scars are improving their appearance, after Hawthorne laser acne treatment. The most responsive to the laser treatment seems to be facial scars; even deeply red colored scars are acquiring normal skin characteristics.

Hawthorne laser acne treatments have the sensation of a rubber band; most patients don?t love this feeling and they prefer some anesthetic creams to feel better. If new pimple appear, the face is easy to clean with microdermabrasion treatments, without unpleasant consequences.

How many treatments are necessary?
The success of laser acne treatments in huge, if the patient is preoperative evaluated carefully; it is important in order to decide the most appropriate laser treatment form. Local anesthesia is administered before Hawthorne laser acne treatment, using a special cream, injections or nerve blocks. The immediate results are not very encouraging: the scars become red. After 6 ? 8 months, the patients are evaluated and the dermatologists decide is another treatment is necessary, at the same strength or higher. Most patients require more than two treatments to see a great improvement. The exact number depends on every patient situation.

Hawthorne laser acne treatments for atrophic acne scars require carbon dioxide laser surfacing depending of the scar extend. Postoperative treatments are always necessary; Skin professional cleanings are scheduled after the laser treatment and the patients are receiving the advice to keep the acne area moistened with special oils and creams. Frequent examinations are very important too in Hawthorne laser acne treatments in order to prevent acne or long-term scar.

Pulsed dye Hawthorne laser acne treatments are the preferred procedure for acne and scars; carbon dioxide Hawthorne laser acne treatments are often replacing chemical peels and dermabrasion. Future advanced Hawthorne laser acne treatments will have spectacular results if they are coupled with other treatments.

Hawthorne laser acne treatment advantages are really important: the patient immediately returns to his normal life; it is possible to see major improvement is an hour after the treatment; the technology has a proven safety record from some years. The laser treatment avoids the side effects usually associated with drug therapy. An appropriate make-up can be used immediately after the treatment; the dermatologist must determine if it is appropriated or no.

Hawthorne laser acne treatment is not painful; it is more comfortable than many other procedures. Following this treatment, the patient?s face will appear flushed, but these effects disappear after a few days. Repeated treatments are necessary to improve or maintain the laser acne treatment results.

About the Author:

Find Out about treatment for acne pitted scar. You'll also learn aboutacne treatment

Friday, February 6, 2009

Real Estate Investing: No Lawyers No Debt No Plungers

Real Estate investing is not nearly as legally complicated, financially burdensome, or time consuming as you might think. In fact, it is easy to add raw land, shopping centers, apartment complexes, and private homes to your portfolio without Brokers, Bankers, Attorneys, and a Rolodex full of maintenance professionals' phone numbers. Even better, you can blend your Real Estate investments into your security portfolio for ease of management, income monitoring, diversification analysis, etc. Without having mega millions to work with, or a line of credit that goes around the block, you can have positions in various forms of Real Estate (Commercial, Industrial, Residential) at the same time, and focus either on Growth Opportunities, Income Production, or a combination of the two.

If you thought that Real Estate was out of your investment reach because of limited funds, or minimal personal experience, you were selling yourself short. All of the basic types of Real Estate Investing are available through CEFs (Closed End Funds) and REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts), and both can be purchased in the same manner as any common stock. And for me, this has always been their (CEFs and REITs) single most attractive feature! You can own a piece of the action without the big commitment of time and resources. You can take advantage of changes in the Real Estate Market Cycle in precisely the same manner as you can deal with the volatility and fluctuations in the Stock and Fixed Income Markets.

Real Estate CEFs and REITs are obviously safer investments than outright purchases of Shopping Centers and Apartment Complexes. They are also somewhat less risky than owning the common stock of individual Real Estate companies. The size of the numbers may be less exciting, but the net income and capital gains potential are comparable and the turnover rate much more impressive. Both methods (of participation in the Real Estate market) should be considered as you add to your investment portfolio? but to which Asset Allocation bucket? I've always included REITs and Real Estate CEFs in the Fixed Income bucket while the common stock of a plain vanilla Real Estate Company would properly fit within the Equity portion. When adding Equities of any kind to your portfolio, you should avoid the standard Mob Popularity and Greed model and select only S & P, B+ or better, rated stocks that pay dividends (regardless of size) and that are priced at least 20% below their 52 week high. After a huge rally in any market, I would be even more selective than that from a percentage standpoint, and I would buy about one-half the normal position to facilitate average cost reduction later. You must establish a reasonable profit-taking target on any investment. Real Estate is no exception. No matter what the investment, Virginia, the longer and stronger the rally, the steeper and faster the correction is likely to be.

On the Income side of the portfolio, make sure that you look at a lot of REITs and even more CEFs of various kinds to get a feel for the levels of income they produce. REITs must pay out a certain percentage of their earnings, but CEFs may not have the same restriction. I believe that either can be leveraged, which simply means that management may choose to borrow some of the money that they invest. Leverage is not a four-letter word when used properly, and (in my opinion) it is more likely to help your results than it is to hurt them. It's always a good practice to stay within the normal income range, assuming that there is either a risk or a management reason for the highest and lowest yields, respectively. Be careful not to create a poorly diversified income portfolio. Bonds, Preferred Stocks, Mortgages, etc. deserve your attention as well and should be represented. Monthly income is available and more attractive than any other.

The major distinction between the two types of investing needs some re-emphasis. When purchasing stock in a Real Estate company (or any other company), your main objective should be to sell the stock for a reasonable profit as quickly as possible. You will then select some other stock and repeat the process. It is likely that you will return to the same companies over and over again, and you are the manager? any dividend income is gravy. When purchasing a REIT or a Real Estate CEF, you are depending on the managers of these entities to generate income and capital gains and to pass it on to you every month, recognizing that the actual amount may vary slightly over time. You have the bonus capability either of selling the REIT or CEF shares when they rise to an acceptable profit level (more gravy), or of buying more shares to increase your income level. The distinctions (benefits?) of this form of Real Estate Investing vs. ownership of the properties themselves should be clear as well. No attorneys; no debt; no maintenance; no problem.

Steve Selengut
Professional Portfolio Management since 1979
Author of: The Brainwashing of the American Investor: The Book that Wall Street Does Not Want YOU to Read, and A Millionaire's Secret Investment Strategy