Saturday, May 23, 2009

14 Steps to Creating a Real Estate Business Plan You Can Use

This model of business planning and goal setting for Real Estate Professionals breaks the process down to five sections and fourteen steps.


It is important to first look at who you really are and what your core values are. These things will drive you and carry thorough to your business.

Step 1 - What is your purpose?
Uncover your purpose, what provides the foundation of our values, vision and goals.

Step 2 - What are your values?
Know your core values which dictate what is important in both life and business: how business should be conducted, your view of humanity, and your role in society.

SECTION B: Vision - Goal Setting

This is where you take a hard look at where you are at and figure out where it is you are going in your business and in your life.

Step 3 - The Year in Review
Recognize what it is you have done this year, celebrate the accomplishments and also look at what may have stopped you short of reaching a goal.

Step 4 - Is your life in balance?
The Wheel of Life, sometimes called the Balance Wheel, will help you visualize your current situation, providing a snapshot of how you see your life today.

Step 5 - Business Review
Take a look at the results of the last 12 months. Did you reach your goals and achieve what you wanted?

Step 6 - Goal Setting
Don't hold back, dream LARGE, think BIG, aim HIGH.

Step 7 - Production Goals
Work the numbers. Create specific number goals for the next one to five years.

SECTION C: Creating an Action Plan to Achieve Your Goals

All Real Estate Professionals know they need a Business Plan. By following these steps you will create a plan that will help you hit your business goals.

Step 8 - Define Your Niche and Value Proposition
Become a specialist and build perceived value. Know your true value and learn to articulate your value proposition to your clients.

Step 9 - Lead Generation/Marketing Plan
Recognize what specific changes to your current plans are necessary to make in order to reach your goals.

Step 10 - Define Your Team Organizational Structure
Understand the organizational structure of your team.

Step 11 - Development Plan
Capture all of those things you have wanted to research, create, do, perfect, delegate and implement in your business.

Step 12 - Budgeting
Review your expenses for the current year and include any new marketing and development changes.

Step 13 - Production Plan
Create and monitor goals on a monthly basis in order to hit your production goals for the upcoming year.

SECTION D: Achieving Your Goals: How do I get there from here?

By breaking your large goals into smaller steps you will always know what you need to do next in order to keep working toward hitting your business and personal goals.

Step 14 - Creating a Master Project List
Change your goals into projects to actively work on over the next twelve months, and from this create a Master Project List.

Real Estate and Life Coach Cheri Alguire has partnered with hundreds of Real Estate Professionals to help them become more successful in business and in life. Coach Cheri is also the creator of the highly sought-after Five Year Business and Life Planning Guide for Real Estate Professionals. Learn more about this and Coach Cheri's other products and services at

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