Sunday, April 5, 2009

Strategies Learned From a Board Game That Apply to Work From Home Businesses

Can you really learn work from home business strategies from a board game? Robert Kiyosaki thinks so. He created the game Cashflow. I've heard it described as an MBA version of Monopoly.

In the game, you start out on the inner track called the rat race. Sound familiar? Isn't that where most of us spend our lives? Each player is assigned a certain occupation with corresponding income, expenses, and debts. As you roll the dice and move around the track, you can land on opportunities and have the chance to buy investments that help you build up passive income (money that comes in consistently over time whether you work or not.)

The object is for your passive income to exceed your expenses. When that occurs, you move to the outer track which is called the fast track. And isn't that were we want to be in life?

Looking strictly from a money perspective, I see that we have two choices in life.

Choice One: Live paycheck to paycheck and hope when you retire there's enough to live on.

Choice Two: Have enough passive income to cover your expenses so you can work because you choose to, not because you have to. And this goes hand in hand with not having to make other life choices based on what you can afford.

So, if you choose number 2, the next question is, How do you get there? Here is what I've learned from playing the game.

* Begin with the end in mind. Know what you end game is, your goals, and create a strategy that will get you there.
* Keep focused on that strategy. Every decision you make needs to propel you toward your end goal.
* Start small and continually build. I find that looking for automated businesses is a great way to create passive income, not only in the game, but also in the game of life. Online businesses that can basically run on autopilot (like information product based businesses) are a great investment for creating passive income.
* Realize Cashflow is a game, but so is life. The principles that work in the game, also work in real life.

Is it possible to learn real life lessons from this engaging game? I find the answer to be yes. Not only is it a lot of fun and a great way to spend an evening, it's also a great way to train your mind to think like an entrepreneur and an investor.

And if you want to start an information based online business, check out the free videos at

By Becky Best

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