Monday, December 22, 2008

Home Sellers: Prepare Your Home for Sale in a Cool Market with Fire

Across the country homes are taking longer to sell. If you have a home for sale, you might consider making a few changes to attract buyers in the cooling real estate market. Not only is the market cooling, so will the weather. It may feel hot to you right now, but in a few weeks, the evenings will get chilly.

Home sellers who stage their homes take advantage of advanced sales techniques. One of the most popular home upgrades today is the addition of a backyard firepit or fireplace. There's something magical about sitting around the glow of a fire that makes people feel great. That's one reason many people go camping, for the simple joy of sitting by a crackling campfire.

Prepare for cool weather selling with a backyard fire. Besides a fireplace, you have many options. At the high end of the scale, you could get a propane type of unit that comes in a terra cotta vase-like container. These types of outdoor fireplaces come in a variety of styles and sizes, which look good on any patio. Point out to home buyers that this fire feature has the added advantage of requiring virtually no cleanup, since these fireplaces don't burn any solid matter.

If your home would benefit from the more rustic appeal of a firepit, you have a number of choices, including one that features a copper cauldron. It's like putting your campfire in a large hand-hammered copper pot, measuring about three feet across and two feet deep. Cauldrons are large enough to become the focal point of an otherwise ordinary backyard.

There's also a propane version of that type of firepit available with molded logs that appear to be burning. This fire enhancement also features the same easy cleanup as the propane-powered terra cotta unit, since no solid material actually burns.

There are a number of firepit rings available that can be customized any way you want, depending only upon your imagination and budget. Generally, a custom firepit should be about 18 inches tall, to prevent sparks from escaping -- and possibly ending up in your buyer's lap. A diameter of 30 inches offers plenty of room for a nice-sized fire. Stone or concrete blocks are generally used to surround the firepit, though you could dress up the pit by using a more decorative stone, such as slate.

Before you build a custom firepit, check codes with your building department or local fire department. In our area, it's easy to get a free permit.

Enchant your home buyers with an outdoor fire. Find a fire feature to suit your home style and take advantage of this growing trend among landscape designers. Entice your buyers with a fire and invite them to stay longer connecting to your home. Light your fire, a few candles or torches, and serve warm drinks. Turn your backyard into a buyer's dream with fire.

Copyright ? 2006 Jeanette J. Fisher

Learn five ways to makeover your home for a top-dollar sale. Free home seller's teleseminars at Sell Your Home Fast.

Jeanette Fisher teaches home sellers five ways to make the highest possible profit from selling their homes. Free 21 Day Action Plan and teleseminars at

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