Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Being a Better Homeroom Tutor

Being a form tutor (homeroom teacher) is on of the most challenging and rewarding responsibilities a teacher will undertake in their career.

Almost all teachers, at some stage, will be a form tutor. The time a teacher spends with their forms or tutor groups are a vital part of secondary education. Many teachers welcome the opportunity to get to know a group of students well and play an integral part in their education, while others can view form tutor duties as an intrusion on their main role as a subject teacher.

It is important to realise that being a form tutor is not a just an ?add-on? responsibility; it plays an integral part in school life and the whole school experience for a student. Just remember back to how you felt when you were part of a form. Personal memories and experiences can help shape the kind of form tutor a teacher will become.

The main aim of being a form tutor is to deliver the social side of education to compliment the academic learning that is occurs in the classroom. As a form tutor, a teacher can counteract the de-motivation and sense of isolation that many students can experience at school.

The role of a form tutor is so vast that it is virtually impossible to define. The only certainty is that you will be required to perform many roles including communicator, problem-solver, morale-booster, administrator, nurturer, manager of behaviour and at times, a confidant.

Be organised

Being organised is probably the most important thing you can be when a form tutor. As well as the legal requirement to keep attendance records, as a form tutor, you will be expected to deliver important notices about school life. Keep a separate folder for your form group to manage information, records and correspondence from parents/carers. It is also important to have routines. For example, check diaries regularly so that you can keep track of whether students are recording their homework properly and any messages from parents/carers.

Lead by example

Arrive on time and keep on top of your duties to set a firm example to your form. Students are led by example and will help them to value traits such as punctuality and organisation that are vital for successful education and will establish good habits for later life.

Set the rules from the start

This seems obvious but it is vitally important to lay the ground rules from the very start. This means having a seating plan (you can always change it as the year progresses and you discover the different personalities of your students) and employing all the basic behaviour strategies that you would in the classroom, like waiting for silence before speaking and having a merit and sanction system. It is tempting, especially for new teachers, to try and be a friend to your tutor group and foe them to think you are ?safe? but a casual approach to form tutoring (not having a seating plan, having no structure to form time) will lead to more stress and start the day off on a bad footing. It will also store up problems for the future, as all experienced teachers will know. So, it is important to make form time matter and that students know it is an important time of the day, not just a time for the teacher to catch up on marking and subject-related paperwork.

Encourage ownership and responsibility

Encourage the students to feel a sense of care and ownership of their form room through use of displays, in particular the form board. Encourage student responsibility through getting students to keep the form room tidy, take on various roles like handing out letters and books, get register from the office, run errands and be responsible for the daily class behaviour and class work record.

Keep records

Monitoring attendance is a legal requirement for form tutors and it can also prove valuable in gauging if there are any problems that could be affecting a student?s performance. Keeping a track of your form?s behaviour and class work in individual subjects is also a powerful tool in performing pastoral duties effectively and ensuring that any behavioural problems are addressed. Rewarding your form for good behaviour, both collectively and individually, is also important to motivate students.

Meet the Parents

During the course of the academic year, there will be occasions, like parent-teacher evenings or school functions, that you will meet your students? parents/carers. Establishing a relationship with your form?s parents/carers is invaluable in helping to meet your responsibilities and duties as a form tutor.

Getting to know you

Developing relationships with your students is probably the most vital aspect of being a form tutor. As well as the daily administrative duties that must be done each day, set aside time to talk to students and get to know what is happening in their lives. You could also establish a regular session like ?thought for the day? or discussion of current events locally or internationally. Of course, with issues such as terrorism and war, sensitivity and clear leadership in any discussion is needed to avoid any potentially difficult situations. As a form tutor you may be required to deliver sex education, depending on your school?s policy. This also presents an opportunity to discuss with students wider issues of self-esteem, self-care and responsible citizenship and can help establish an environment of trust within a form group.

Top tips

Be organised so that you can keep paperwork under control and meet deadlines.

Be punctual to set good example.

Try never to be too busy or too rushed for your tutees to approach you with a problem.

Be diplomatic and try not to take sides, even when it is tempting, so that your form knows that you will treat them fairly.

Give your tutor time status and not just a period that you can use to catch up on your own work, or let students do what they want.

Be interested in your students and find out about their lives by talking to them, rather than interrogating them for information.

Emphasise ?we? rather than ?you? when addressing the form and school-based activities to build a sense of teamwork and cooperation.

Let your form know that you enjoy being with them. If you have a difficult group, try to find ways to engage with them.

Don?t expect all students to like you but try to be likeable without acting like their ?best friend?.

Establish a clear discipline and rewards system so that the form knows that there will be consequences for behaviour, both positive and negative.

Emily Webb is a trained teacher (England and Wales) and taught English in London High Schools for 3 years. She is the editor of, and

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The 10 Worst Traits of a Nintendo Made Game

Nintendo does some dumb stuff in their games on a consistent basis. I keep intros short on a consistent basis. Enjoy.

10. Animal Slaughter on a Grand Scale is Okay

So you're standing there minding your own business and a turtle comes waddling up to you. If you're a sane human being, you just watch it go by on its merry little way or pick it up and try to feed it dirt or something. If you're a Nintendo character, however, you stomp on that little terrorist's head and then kick his dead, lifeless corpse at his friends and kill them too! It doesn't end there. Innocent alligators in Donkey Kong get hit with barrels until they die of blunt force trauma (all because they're between DK and his bananas). If you come upon a bear cub in Poke'mon, you better dragon-kick that sucker in the melon until he passes out or you won't be able to fit him in your little apple-sized container. Samus is the sole reason that some species of bats are extinct. The animal crossing guy puts live fish in his pants and laughs as they die of suffocation! The list goes on and on, getting only worse. The atrocities committed in the average Nintendo release would make a PETA member's head explode. Disgusting.

9. Voice Acting (or lack thereof)

Everyone knows those few, sad little sound files. Mario jumps and he w00ts. Mario double jumps and he wahs. Mario triple jumps and it sounds like he just won the Kentucky lottery. Other than that you won't get too much out of everyone's favorite obese Italian. He's like some kind of overweight, spring-loaded caveman with a disturbing sense of fashion. And when he DOES speak actual words players are confronted with the serious consideration of whether or not to fill their own ears with silly putty to escape the helium-fueled horror. There are moments when I just want to uppercut that voice actor in the kidney, as seen in SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARIO GAAAAAAAAAAALAXY!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOO!

The intro to that game alone probably makes at least 1 out of 3 respectable adults return it immediately.

Link, Samus, and Donkey Kong, on the other hand pretty much keep to themselves. In fact, when asked a question they'll just stare down the other person until they continue the conversation un-fazed. At least Link and Donkey Kong grunt or scream in pain every once in a while. Samus is some kind of deaf-mute. And what if she sneezes in that helmet? How sick would that be?

8. Spontaneously Combusting Defeated Bosses

As if gigantic octopuses, massive screaming robot pterodactyls, one-eyed spider monsters, and overgrown evil vegetation as boss characters
weren't weird enough, they all have a really strange way of cashing out. I can't for the life of me figure out why kicking coconuts at a giant octopus in Super Mario Galaxy would cause it to EXPLODE. I've heard of allergic reactions, but that's ridiculous. Gohma in The Legend of Zelda does the same thing. All I did was hit it in the eye with a slingshot and a midget sword! Isn't there a Visine for that?! These musings bring me to my next complaint, however.

7. Hindu Bosses

Apparently ALL of Nintendo's developers are led by people who believe in reincarnation. Oh look, I get to fight the Phantom Link again... I was really rusty on my volleyball skills since the last time I fought him was 30 MINUTES AGO. Oh joy it's Bowser again! This time he HOPS BEFORE HE SHOOTS FIREBALLS!! OH SWEET MOTHER OF MOSES, HE'S THROWING POINTY OBJECTS INNACURATELY!

I could do a three hour rant on Metroid Prime: Hunters. You had to suck at life to ever lose to one of the other hunters, and there were literally only two bosses that you fought about 6 times EACH. So much of the code for that game was copy-pasted that it was more reminiscent of a Kotaku article than a game.

6. Almost No Plot, But Still Has Cut Scenes

Games don't HAVE to have a story. I recognize that. But when the plot of the game I'm playing is THEPRINCESSGOTKIDNAPPEDBYTHEBIGMIS-SHAPENDINOSAURGOGETSOMESTARS (See next point) I don't want to see cut scenes. Especially not ones of the entire universe exploding or of Mario getting a kiss ON THE NOSE after all the crap he just went through. And don't even get me started on Fire Emblem. Those cut scenes don't even make sense. Just write SEE PLOT OF FIRE EMBLEM 1-9 and start the fight.

PS - Your Rival being the leader of the Elite Four was the lamest and most predictable plot twist I've ever seen. I hate you, Game Freak.

5. You lost your Power Suit/Princess/Bananas!!!

Almost every Nintendo game starts out the same. The hero/heroine is standing around, just chillin', and ALL THE SUDDEN some mushroom-headed/furry-butt/pointy-eared homie comes bobbin' out with the worst news possible. It doesn't matter if Link has saved Zelda 37 times. That chick keeps getting Natalie Holloway-ed out the castle. Same with Mario's story. Bowser doesn't even have a real REASON to kidnap Peach, unless he wants to make some kind of human/dinosaur baby with her (and I'm fairly confident that THAT wouldn't even work. I mean, I'm no doctor, but sweet mercy)

Donkey Kong's quests don't even BEGIN to make sense. It's BANANAS. They grow on trees, man. They're everywhere. But that punk goes running off to a sure death anyway. Good stuff, Nintendo writers, good stuff. The worst of the lot is the Mario Party series, though. Somehow, they manage to give a quick, 30 second explanation for why these guys are playing a board game (they're saving the world). As if the game itself wasn't bad enough...

4. Increasingly Bad Supporting Cast Over Each Iteration

Waluigi... Tatl and Tael... Lanky Kong... I'm sure that at some point in development of their respective games, somebody thought that these fools would a good idea. And then you see them. Waluigi is the most anorexic and badly groomed character I've ever seen. Tatl and Tael are like Navi, but even more obnoxious. And Lanky Kong... I'll be danged if Lanky Kong isn't some kind of sick riff on retarded kids. That's messed up, Nintendo. You've got a special spot in Hell for that.

3. Mind-Blowingly Fluctuating Difficulty

So I'm cruising through Mario Galaxy (Which I reference an obscene amount of times in this list), not having any real problems. Sure, there's a level or two that I have to retry a couple times, but besides the random boss, nothing is really too demanding. All the sudden I get to the Dreadnought Galaxy Purple Coin Challenge. I capitalized that because it's the single hardest thing I've ever had to do in a game. I spent THREE HOURS redoing and redoing that thing and STILL DIDN'T GET THE STAR. Your aim with the Wiimote has to be better than O.J. Simpson's aim with a knife if you even want to stand a chance. It was totally out of the blue and about 10 times as hard as the final level and boss fight. Thanks, Mario, for warping my mind. (I did eventually beat it, btw) Oh, and the Elite Four in Poke'mon? I get that it's the final challenge or whatever but I mean REALLY. You suck at that game if you ever get a game over screen before that point, but if you don't spend FOREEEVER leveling up before that you're just straight outta luck. That was probably the worst part about the 90's for me.

2. No Real Co-Op EVER

How many children around the world have the complexion of a dead polar bear because they spent 43 and a half straight hours playing the new Zelda game indoors and alone? The number of kids who are now friendless because they discovered Super Metroid at a young age is probably in the quabahatrillions. Something must be done to introduce these kids back to the concept of FRIENDS. Co-op mode, maybe? Nah. Co-Star mode will do just fine, won't it Nintendo? WON'T IT!?!? Until Brawl, with its supposedly good 2 player adventure mode, those kids have just had to be friendless, and hate see-saws.


Animal Crossing: Wild World
Mario Kart Wii
Super Smash Bros Brawl (LIKE SEVEN TIMES)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Pretty much every game involving a Zelda character ever

That's just a short list off the top of my head of Nintendo games that were announced for a certain date, and then delayed right when anticipation was at its highest. Basically, if Nintendo announces a release date for a game, that day can be freed up on your schedule because NOTHING is going to happen then. 5 million Smash fans cried themselves to sleep every time Brawl got delayed. As such, I think November 3rd should be national Hate Reggie Fils-Aime Day... where everyone on the planet posts a Youtube video of themselves crying onto their own keyboards until it they get an electrical shock from the damaged equipment strong enough to knock them out until at LEAST February 2nd, because it's coming out then, right?

-Ryan Rigney, editor,

Monday, December 29, 2008

Makeup of the Future It's Here Now

No need for plastic surgery, ladies. This is the 21st century - and we've got the makeup to prove it.

First there was the mineral makeup craze. And it's still going strong. Made of earth elements, like titanium dioxide (a mineral which is used in cosmetics as both a pigment and a thickener), iron oxide (a mineral which can also be used as a pigment), and bismuth oxychloride (an element which helps the makeup stick to the face, and also gives off a sheen, which some women like), these foundations, eye, and cheek colors look like powders, and are applied with brushes. In minutes! Many women say mineral makeups have much better coverage than liquid foundations.

But there will always be liquid foundations. And for this, we have a new product: the foundation primer. State of the art gels, liquids, and light silicone-like formulas are applied on the face before makeup. They actually fill in tiny lines and pores, so that when the foundation is applied, it goes on smoothly. It's like priming a wall before you paint it: you want to make sure any holes and cracks are spackled and the wall is smooth. Then the paint looks fresh and the wall looks new.

Another cutting edge product on the market right now is heavy-duty concealer. Yes, there have always been concealers, but today's products are not drying and obvious-looking. Not only have the colors become more varied, but there are hundreds of colors available. No more tell-tale pink spot under which your varicose vein is hiding. And despite being heavy duty, most are now light-weight and blend easily.

At night, women can apply anti-aging lotions and serums that our mothers never dreamed of: wrinkle fillers, pore minimizers, special neck creams and eye creams. Some of these products are amazing, and used daily over a few weeks can make a noticeable difference.

Want plump lips? No need for surgery - topical lip plumpers are available everywhere. Some work with ingredients that irritate or sting the lips, making them plump up. Others work painlessly using ingredients like collagen peptides (which give a moisturizing effect) and Hyaluronic acid (a lubricant made in the body). Some are applied like lipstick, others like a mask which is then rinsed off. There's something for everyone, and in all price ranges.

Hair extension technology has become so sophisticated that well-done extensions are indistinguishable from a woman's real hair.

And with the new scrubs, exfoliants, over-the-counter chemical peels, and refined versions of alpha hydroxy acid, complexions everywhere are being smoothed, in the privacy of a woman's home.

One of the most amazing and fast developing new beauty technologies is tooth whitening. For many years, all one could get was an abrasive toothpaste. Now we have at-home whitening systems, purchased from the pharmacy or the dentist; we have painless, non-invasive dental procedures that can make your teeth gleam; and we have light-weight, nearly invisible strips that are applied to the teeth for thirty minutes, twice a day, for a limited period of time.

That's what women want: non-invasive products that make them look beautiful without a lot of time or effort. Today's woman is busy. And these new technologies are meeting her needs. I'm sure this is just the beginning.

Suzann Kale writes for the newly popular site, My Makeup Mirror. The site has how-to articles, research articles, product reviews, and other goodies. Ms. Kale has a Bachelor of Science degree from Northwestern University.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Planning the Perfect Maternity Wardrobe for Breastfeeding

?I have nothing to wear!? Heard this before from a new mother?

After putting in much time and effort into planning their maternity wardrobe, many new mums suddenly discover they have nothing to wear after their baby arrives!

It is important to plan ahead while pregnant to ensure your maternity wardrobe will make the smooth transition from pregnancy to breastfeeding.

With a few simple tips planning the perfect maternity and breastfeeding wardrobe is easy and won?t break the budget either!

Start with the basics

Look at the basics in your pre-pregnancy wardrobe and replace these with the maternity versions. Maternity tanks tops with built-in nursing bras are fantastic and are easy to mix and match. Black, white and a print or brighter colour are great to start with and will go with most colours.

Tank tops will also take you through all seasons ? perfect to wear on their own in the warmer months and great for layering in winter.

Think Dresses

Dresses in flowing stretchy fabrics are fantastic for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. With the right cut, dresses are very flattering on a baby bump and also great for the post-baby figure.

Make sure you have at least one or two dresses in your wardrobe that will take you from work, play and important functions such as your baby?s christening or naming day! Again you can?t go past classic black for classic style and slimming effect.

New styles of maternity dresses also include a built-in nursing bra, which is fantastic when you have to attend a function and breastfeed your baby at the same time.

Tops to take you everywhere

Once you have a baby you suddenly need clothing for all those outings ? mother?s group, coffee, shopping, trips to the doctor, the list goes on? Unless you want to spend your life in baby rooms, you need tops that allow you to breastfeed discreetly in public and look good too!

Again look for tops that allow for easy breastfeeding access and are flattering on your changing shape. Style features such as crossover fronts and side gathering are very good at hiding extra kilos. Many tops designed for breastfeeding are also suitable for pregnancy.

Look for quality

As a mum of two small boys, I know how tempting it is to go for cheap and cheerful when buying clothes. However, often these items are here for ?a good time not a long time? and won?t last the distance.

When you think about it, your maternity and breastfeeding wardrobe needs to last you for at least two years depending on how long you breastfeed and how many children you have. So in the long run it is better value for money to look for quality fabrics and styles that will last the distance.

Kelly Gough is a business mum who manages online store Nuvo Maternity ( while also caring for her two small boys. Nuvo Maternity specialises in nursing wear and breastfeeding clothes.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Loan Officer Marketing Creating Expectations

A loan officer marketing to generate loans doesn?t need to be difficult. Sometimes it?s simply knowing where and how to start. Your best starting point is to create expectations. Loan officer marketing that focuses on building expectations captures easy opportunities and makes your job easier.

For example, remember the experiments of Pavlov and his dog? Pavlov trained his dogs to receive a treat each time a bell was rung. Eventually he removed the reward and simply rang the bell. The dog responded by salivating every time the bell was rung, expecting a treat.

Pavlov created an expectation for the reward and his dog quickly learned the drill. We aren?t all that different from the dogs. People frequently have a perception about an experience, and our perception creates an expectation about our experiences.

Let?s say you?ve read a newspaper rave review about a restaurant. When you walk into the lobby of the restaurant you are impressed by the elegance and luxury, you?re sure you?ll get a great meal. Because you?ve built your expectations to believe that you?ll get a great meal, the food and service is remarkable.

There are many examples of how our expectations shape our perceptions, but it?s more important to consider how you can use perceptions of service to your benefit. Keep reading to learn how you can you shape expectations about your business.

Improve Your Materials

Take a look at your marketing materials. Do they give the impression or create an expectation of a trusted and highly skilled loan officer? Is there anything about the materials that make you look smart, competent, and experienced?

Your materials create the first impression with your prospects. They establish the expectation for your service. Do you need to improve your materials?

There are two important elements in your materials: brevity and image. Your window of opportunity is narrow. For instance, a loan officer marketing to Realtors only has an agent?s attention for a brief amount of time. This isn?t a good time to expound on your services. It?s a ?just the facts? moment. Images can sometimes covey powerful emotions. Consider using pictures to communicate part of your message.

A Website Shapes Expectations

Your website may be your most powerful loan officer marketing tool. Your prospects will often first look at your website to see if you look like a competent professional.

Does your website look like it was developed by a professional? Is it easy to navigate? Does it present information clearly? Does it appeal to both Realtors and consumers?

One way to evaluate your website is to compare it to other mortgage professionals. Your site should be an educational source. And it should distinguish you from the competition.

To get the attention of Realtors and establish an expectation of excellent service, your site has to address their needs. Just like with your other materials, the use of images can pack far more powerful punch than mere words.

Use Touchpoints For Emphasis

The expectation delivered with loan officer marketing materials is reinforced by those occasions of contact between you and the prospect. This contact is referred to as ?touchpoints?, and can refer to human, product or system touchpoints.

For instance, when a client calls your office and the call is answered by your friendly and courteous receptionist, this is a human touchpoint.

When you send Realtors an invitation to meet and discuss opportunities, you set an expectation with the quality of your letter and materials. This touchpoint is a product touchpoint.

When a Realtor calls your office and receives your voicemail with a professional greeting, that is considered a system touchpoint.

Each touchpoint is an opportunity to establish an expectation for your service. Think about every possible contact as an encounter and make those encounters a clear expectation of your professionalism and competence. Your loan officer marketing will seem exceptional, and just what the prospect is looking for.

Jeff Nelson helps loan officers increase loan originations by attracting quality relationships with real estate agents from the development of customized relationship-building strategies.

Click here to get a free copy of the Marketing Planning Guide, a 20-page workbook designed to help you outline a strategy to become an Agent Magnet.

Visit us at

Friday, December 26, 2008

All About Booster Seats

Booster seats are the car seat that your child will advance to when he or she has outgrown the toddler car seat. Because this is the big kid car seat, you and your child should be proud. You are probably asking yourself where all the years have gone? However, there are some important things you should know about booster car seats.

Booster seats should be used in the back seat of the car, never the front. Because your child is still not big enough for the front seat and the impact of an air bag, you should always make sure that your child is in the back seat for safety reasons. Booster car seats are for children that weigh 40 to 80 pounds. Once your child has reached this weight, they should be able to sit safely in a booster car seat.

You will notice that the booster seat only faces the front of the car. Of course your child is not an infant any longer, so they will sit and face the front just as they did in the toddler car seat. A booster car seat is not as complicated as the toddler car seat really. The booster car seat, mostly consists of a seat that you sit your child onto, and strap him or her down to it. Most booster car seats do not have a back to them, which means that your child will feel bigger without the extra added cushion and sides to the car seat.

When you strap your child into the booster seat, be sure that the seat belt is fastened securely, and that they will not rock with the seat. Making sure that the seat will not rock will ensure that they will not go flying all over the car in the event of an accident. The booster car seat should not be able to budge.

Advancing to a booster seat means that your baby is growing and getting bigger. Always put your child in the backseat, and never start the car until your child is buckled securely into their car seat.

Rina has been a kindergarten teacher for more than 20 years and has 3 children of her own. She has also written several articles for a municipal magazine on raising children. At, you can find these articles for free which include researched findings from experts all around the world. Visit the car seat covers website to learn more.

By Rina Zeger

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Organize Your Home Office the Easy Way

We are inundated by paper these days -- some of us feel like we are drowning in it -- but there are some simple steps you can take to keep your head above water. Many people are so overwhelmed with the continuous stream of paper that it gets dumped in an ever-growing pile, junk mail and all, that is only hunted through when bills need to be paid or other important documents need to be found. Intentions are always good; you plan to sort and file, but that day rarely comes and when it does the project is incredibly overwhelming.

The bright side is, it doesnt have to be that way! By developing a simple routine, you can keep the paper flow under control and have everything filed for easy retrieval.

Daily Paper Strategies

- Keep a recycle bin in an easily accessible location so you have no excuse not to toss items in while you are handling them Remember to shred documents with sensitive information.

- Dont put the stack of mail down until you have sorted out the junk and deposited those items directly in the trash or recycle bin; designate a fixed home for other major categories of mail (bills, to be filed, reading material, requires action, etc.) and be vigilant about immediately putting items where they belong. You'll be amazed by how much time you'll save with this tactic alone!

- Open all envelopes immediately, keep only the necessary contents and toss or recycle the remainder before it can even hit the counter

- Analyze your newspaper and magazine subscriptions; do you read everything you subscribe to in a timely manner? If not, consider canceling some subscriptions and buy the publication individually when you REALLY want to read it.

- Dont save entire newspapers or magazine for one or two articles or recipes; the options are many -- tear the page out on the spot and place in your recipe file or reading stack; if it's a long term keeper, consider scanning it into your computer for later use; also you need to remember that you can find almost anything on the internet -- don't save unnecessary information either in paper or electronic format!

- Approach kids' school papers in an organized manner; have a storage box for items you want to keep; read and toss flyers on the spot (have your calendar nearby to write down key dates so you don't have to keep the fliers); sign any necessary items immediately and have your child place in their backpack to return

Filing System

Most people keep WAY too much in their files! They also keep their filing systems WAY too detailed. The most important feature of a filing system is the users ability to maintain it. If you make it complex and cumbersome you are setting yourself up for failure.

- Before designing your filing system, you should consult your tax advisor or IRS Publication 552 ( Determine which items you need to keep and for how long. This may sound like a pain, but it will save you hours in the long run.

- Analyze your need to access items you have saved for the past few years. If you havent needed to refer back to those utility bills and you dont use them for tax deductions, why are you keeping them? In todays digital age most information can be obtained on the internet or requested from the original source.

- Justify every piece of paper you keep! A simple filing method that works for many people is the olling 12-month method. Instead of filing short term records by vendor or topic, file them by month. You keep 12 files, one for each month, and each month dump the contests of the oldest month and slip in your new items. You will have additional files for items that require longer retention -- place these in alphabetical order behind the monthly folders. Remember to keep these categories as general as possible to make filing and retrieval simple.

- Make sure your keep forever documents are safely stored in your Safe Deposit Box or at least a fireproof file box.

-Make the transition from a current filing system gradual and painless. Pick one or two files a day and get rid of anything outdated or no longer applicable to your life. If the records need to be kept for legal purposes, but are not something you need to access regularly, move them to the back of the filing cabinet in a permanent file section

Catching Up

Finally, you need to address the accumulated piles from efore you got organized. Dont despair! Youll probably find that most of it can be tossed using your new filing guidelines.

- Make a quick pass through the piles, sorting into oss, long-term and short-term piles. Hopefully there arent any action items hidden in the pile!

- Shred or recycle the oss pile. File the (hopefully) very small long-term pile.

- Sort the short-term pile by month and drop in the appropriate folder.
- If your filing was too far behind, make this a 15 minute a day task maybe while you do something relaxing like watch TV.

Gaining the upper hand on paper requires a minimal but consistent time commitment. At first you will need to consciously make this a part of your daily routine. Before you know it, those mountainous stacks of paper are gone and have been replaced by neat files.

2004 Bridget Messino

The bright side is, it doesnt have to be that way! By developing a simple routine, you can keep the paper flow under control and have everything filed for easy retrieval.

Daily Paper Strategies

- Keep a recycle bin in an easily accessible location so you have no excuse not to toss items in while you are handling them Remember to shred documents with sensitive information.

- Dont put the stack of mail down until you have sorted out the junk and deposited those items directly in the trash or recycle bin; designate a fixed home for other major categories of mail (bills, to be filed, reading material, requires action, etc.) and be vigilant about immediately putting items where they belong. You'll be amazed by how much time you'll save with this tactic alone!

- Open all envelopes immediately, keep only the necessary contents and toss or recycle the remainder before it can even hit the counter

- Analyze your newspaper and magazine subscriptions; do you read everything you subscribe to in a timely manner? If not, consider canceling some subscriptions and buy the publication individually when you REALLY want to read it.

- Dont save entire newspapers or magazine for one or two articles or recipes; the options are many -- tear the page out on the spot and place in your recipe file or reading stack; if it's a long term keeper, consider scanning it into your computer for later use; also you need to remember that you can find almost anything on the internet -- don't save unnecessary information either in paper or electronic format!

- Approach kids' school papers in an organized manner; have a storage box for items you want to keep; read and toss flyers on the spot (have your calendar nearby to write down key dates so you don't have to keep the fliers); sign any necessary items immediately and have your child place in their backpack to return

Filing System

Most people keep WAY too much in their files! They also keep their filing systems WAY too detailed. The most important feature of a filing system is the users ability to maintain it. If you make it complex and cumbersome you are setting yourself up for failure.

- Before designing your filing system, you should consult your tax advisor or IRS Publication 552 ( Determine which items you need to keep and for how long. This may sound like a pain, but it will save you hours in the long run.

- Analyze your need to access items you have saved for the past few years. If you havent needed to refer back to those utility bills and you dont use them for tax deductions, why are you keeping them? In todays digital age most information can be obtained on the internet or requested from the original source.

- Justify every piece of paper you keep! A simple filing method that works for many people is the olling 12-month method. Instead of filing short term records by vendor or topic, file them by month. You keep 12 files, one for each month, and each month dump the contests of the oldest month and slip in your new items. You will have additional files for items that require longer retention -- place these in alphabetical order behind the monthly folders. Remember to keep these categories as general as possible to make filing and retrieval simple.

- Make sure your keep forever documents are safely stored in your Safe Deposit Box or at least a fireproof file box.

-Make the transition from a current filing system gradual and painless. Pick one or two files a day and get rid of anything outdated or no longer applicable to your life. If the records need to be kept for legal purposes, but are not something you need to access regularly, move them to the back of the filing cabinet in a permanent file section

Catching Up

Finally, you need to address the accumulated piles from efore you got organized. Dont despair! Youll probably find that most of it can be tossed using your new filing guidelines.

- Make a quick pass through the piles, sorting into oss, long-term and short-term piles. Hopefully there arent any action items hidden in the pile!

- Shred or recycle the oss pile. File the (hopefully) very small long-term pile.

- Sort the short-term pile by month and drop in the appropriate folder.
- If your filing was too far behind, make this a 15 minute a day task maybe while you do something relaxing like watch TV.

Gaining the upper hand on paper requires a minimal but consistent time commitment. At first you will need to consciously make this a part of your daily routine. Before you know it, those mountainous stacks of paper are gone and have been replaced by neat files.

2004 Bridget Messino

Bridget Messino is a Professional Organizer, speaker and co-owner of Clutter Free Living, Inc. Her work frequently appears on many Internet sites, on her own organizing site Clutter Free Living (, as well as in her monthly Home Organizing Newsletter How to Be Clutter Free. Subscribe to the FREE monthly e-newsletter by sending a blank e-mail to

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Who Should Hire the Real Estate Appraiser and Why?

Everyone involved in the sale of real estate has a vested interest in the results of a real estate appraisal. The outcome affects the seller, the buyer, the lender, and even the realtor.

A too low valuation of the property by the appraiser could mean a seller must lower the asking price. For a lending officer, it could mean a lesser commission or none at all. A too high valuation means the buyer could be paying more than the property is worth. For the realtor, his/her commission could go higher or lower, which is based on the purchase/sell price of the real estate.

An appraiser, who should be licensed by the state, performs the real estate appraisal. It is best to hire someone local with years of full-time experience in order to get a more accurate appraisal. The appraiser and appraisal are governed by the minimum standards, published periodically in the Uniform Standard of Professional Appraisal Practice by the Appraisal Foundation. The Foundation is chartered by Congress.

The recent real estate bubble, unfortunately, brought problems for appraisers and many involved in real estate transactions. According to Realty Times in their April 2006 issue, appraisers have been routinely asked by lenders to inflate real estate values to keep up with the ever-rising real estate market. One real estate appraiser in San Diego quit and turned in his license to the state, after being fired three consecutive times for refusing to inflate his valuations. Now, real estate appraisers across the United States are under a microscope from federal financial regulators and Congress.

The real estate appraiser may be hired by the seller to determine an accurate selling price or by the buyer to ensure the accuracy of the purchase price and mortgage; but generally, the lender does the hiring or uses their own in-house appraiser. Though buyers may assume the lender has their best interest, mortgage lenders have their own best interest at the forefront, especially some not-so-scrupulous lending officers who may be targeting a higher commission.

If I were a seller, I would hire my own real estate appraiser to ensure I was getting the most for my property. As a buyer, I would put the money out upfront to hire an independent and objective appraiser with no connection to anyone within the real estate transaction. This ensures that I do not contract for a mortgage, based on an inflated appraisal valuation, that will give me a new home with a lower or negative equity. The lender still may require a different appraiser.

If five different real estate appraisers evaluated the same property within the same timeframe and under the same conditions, it could result in five different and varying real estate valuations. Why? There is no set checklist or established value for each property feature and amenity. Though appraisals are based on prescribed standards, it is a subjective process.

If there is more than one real estate appraisal and they disagree significantly, you have options. If the value is too low for the seller, renovations may raise the value ? or you can decline to sell. If the lender insists on its appraiser?s value, which disagrees with your real estate appraiser?s value, as the buyer you can look for financing elsewhere ? or decline to purchase the real estate. There also is the option to bring the appraisers together to come to a common agreement on the value.

Remember, the person looking out for your best interest is yourself. Ensure the appraiser in your real estate transaction is reputable, objective with no connections to anyone in the transaction, local and experienced.

John Harris is an expert researcher and writer on real estate topics such as economics, credit improvement tips, home selling advice and home buying preparations. For more on San Diego Homes for Sale visit

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Backpacking Must Haves

A little forethought and organization will payoff in a great memorable
adventure for that next outdoors excursion you may have planned.

When you go camping you will need a camping lantern , camping stove
and a camping cot as well as a flash light.

Then you have the glorious Sunset and after that why not get together
with your neighboring campers for a story telling session and singsong
round the campfire. If you thought a Camping Vacation would be
'roughing it' and 'hard work' then think again, yes it will take some
planning but that's half the fun and it won't be that much work. Most
campsite have a fire pit with a steel grill to set the pots on. If there is a
campfire ban in place you can use a portable barbecue. Take the utensils
from the kitchen if you have bbq tools take them.

Severe weather can occur anytime of year and often with little warning.
According to NOAA, lightning is one of the most underrated severe
weather hazards because it usually claims one or two victims at a time and
does not cause mass destruction.

Horseback riding might be a fun and exciting option while visiting a
national park. Several parks offer gravel roads for horseback riding, certain
parks also have horse rentals and guided excursions available. A large van
called an RV in employed by many campers, or more commonly in the UK
a caravan is attached to a car. Both of these serve as basic mobile homes,
with beds, gas and sometimes electricity.

So, if you haven't experienced one of life treats, try it. You will enjoy
yourself more than you might think. Go with the right people though.
Had it with the at race? Got time off but not much cash to spend?
Losing touch with your family? Sounds like an old-fashioned campout is
just what you need.

Backpacking Must Haves

The cheap thrill from a backpacking adventure could really become one
awesome experience. However, no one would like to encounter too
unmanageable situations such as those of ??Hostel??, that horrifying human
trafficking movie, right?

No, there??s remedy for stupidity and overly trusting habits such as those
boys in the movie. But a little common sense and carrying the right gear
and other backpacking must haves should be of really great help if you
would like to avoid any extreme conditions. So here are the perfect
backpacking ingredients:

1. Lightweight Sleeping Mat

Maybe you??d say that it??s not your idea of a great adventure to take
anything that resembles anything as cozy as your home. But after finding
out just how many germs and bed bugs inhabit those local apartelles
you??re planning to stay in, you will thank yourself so much for taking your
own sleeping mat.

2. Portable Condiments

It really is a money-saving technique to keep your extra packets of
mustard, ketchups, chilli sauces and just about any condiment that fast
food restaurants give when you order take out food or even when you
dine-in. When you have not enough resources or when you forget to
bring some of the ingredients that make your food more edible, these
small packets of condiments can be handy. You don??t want shards of
bottles cutting your skin or gooey ketchup messing up your other
backpack stuff, right?

Whether you have a tight budget or believe sky??s the limit, you will find
many camping supplies that range from as little as $20.00 all the way up
to the hundreds.

Camping mixed with outdoor activity is a great way to get ourselves
involved with nature. National Parks can provide an excellent backdrop for
some of your outdoor activities. Therefore in order to make sure that you
have a pleasant camping adventure, make sure that you are fully clothed
against all odds.

Place at least two in the bottom of you ice box then place the frozen
meats, milk, juice into the box. You should place vegetables on top if
there is room place a third frozen milk jug at the top of the box.

The next time you are planning on a great camping experience, don't let
the hassle of choosing a campsite get you down. Visit one of these great
websites. With the thousands of campgrounds from which to choose,
there is bound to be a place that is perfect for you and your family. More
on Camping Outdoor Guide.

The thought of camping alone can be very intimidating, especially if you??re
a woman. Ideally, it is not something recommended to women new to
camping. If you are using a gas lantern in the rain you have to be careful
because the glass globe can break if a lot of water gets on it. A single
mantle in a lantern gives off about 300 watts of light.

Both sports demand having the proper equipment and knowledge for
safety reasons. Many National Parks offer established climbing routes that
will have a wide range of difficulty levels; usually no permits are needed,
unless an overnight stay in backcountry is involved. It is important to
check weather conditions beforehand and use caution, never climb alone.

The point is to treat your family to an unforgettable outdoor adventure,
so it doesn't matter how you plan to camp or where you intend to go.

3. First comes first with a first aid kit.

No one can be too brave going anywhere he or she is not familiar with
without taking a first aid kit. Unless you??re a cyborg, you will have to bring
gauze, iodine solution, milk of magnesia, antibiotics, antipyretics, and even
mosquito repellent lotion.

4. Useful Get-ups

Dress for success! That should be the motto of any corporate slave. But
for you, yours should be ??Dress to Survive??, don??t you think so? Comfy
clothes that won??t restrict your movements are the norm. If you go
trekking, sturdy but comfy boots can be your best friend. A bandana can
be very versatile, too. It can prevent sweat from blurring your vision and
can also be a part of your first aid kit.

5. Backpack gizmos.

You??re not the king of the world. You will need a good compass and a
reliable map. If you don??t how to use these, forget about your
backpacking adventure. More backpacking must-haves such as a
flashlight, a firestarter, and a Swiss knife are necessary too. But again,
common sense should dictate to you what else you need to take. Stay

If you're bringing tins of beans, remember a manual can opener or pack
your Swiss army knife. If you're not sure what to bring, ask an associate
at your local sporting store to help you choose your camping needs. Call
on friends who like to camp, and ask them for advice.

Apart from being submerged in wilderness, an important component of
camping is the interaction with the localities, villagers and natives. These
native guides know the unexplored places, the less traveled paths, the
unknown facts, myths and stories about the locations.

Always be prepared for the weather when hiking. Carry a daypack with
some water, a rain/wind jacket, a fleece/wool jacket or sweater, a first aid
kit and some food. Good hiking boots are essential. On some of your hikes
it is quite likely you will come across wildlife such as moose, black bears
and grizzly bears, big horn sheep and deer. Many of the activities you
might be interested in will be available in the towns near the parks.
Various outfitters and companies outside some of the popular National
Parks will offer excursions that go into the parks.

Plan on eating about as much while you??re camping as you eat when
you??re at home. If you??re car camping and you have the extra space, it
might not hurt to take a little extra food; but if you??re packing it in, every
ounce counts, especially on long hikes. Be sure not to under pack your
camping food ?C the only thing longer than a 20-miler is a 20-miler when
you??re hungry. Starving your body while doing rigorous exercise, like
hiking, could have adverse affects on your health. With the hectic life
many of us lead it would certainly be great to just get away from
civilization and have fun in the wild outdoors. How many of us really know
what to do when we get there or what to take with us in the survival
pack? Camping can be a really refreshing lift to life, but roughing it may
not come without some sort of price. Adequate preparation is a must and
may prevent your trip into the wilds from becoming a disaster.

As I rounded a bend blasted through granite, just wide enough to
accommodate a horse-drawn wagon, I braked suddenly and gasped. Make
your van into something that's useable for you, especially if it's going to
be your residence for days or weeks at a time.

Instead of going up to other campers and saying, ??Hi, I??m Kerry and I??m
here by myself?? ask questions like ??How can I contact you if I experience
a problem?? or ??is this campground regularly patrolled???Don??t advertise you
are by yourself by finding campsites away from walking trails

About the Author

More on Camping Outdoors Tips at

Monday, December 22, 2008

Home Sellers: Prepare Your Home for Sale in a Cool Market with Fire

Across the country homes are taking longer to sell. If you have a home for sale, you might consider making a few changes to attract buyers in the cooling real estate market. Not only is the market cooling, so will the weather. It may feel hot to you right now, but in a few weeks, the evenings will get chilly.

Home sellers who stage their homes take advantage of advanced sales techniques. One of the most popular home upgrades today is the addition of a backyard firepit or fireplace. There's something magical about sitting around the glow of a fire that makes people feel great. That's one reason many people go camping, for the simple joy of sitting by a crackling campfire.

Prepare for cool weather selling with a backyard fire. Besides a fireplace, you have many options. At the high end of the scale, you could get a propane type of unit that comes in a terra cotta vase-like container. These types of outdoor fireplaces come in a variety of styles and sizes, which look good on any patio. Point out to home buyers that this fire feature has the added advantage of requiring virtually no cleanup, since these fireplaces don't burn any solid matter.

If your home would benefit from the more rustic appeal of a firepit, you have a number of choices, including one that features a copper cauldron. It's like putting your campfire in a large hand-hammered copper pot, measuring about three feet across and two feet deep. Cauldrons are large enough to become the focal point of an otherwise ordinary backyard.

There's also a propane version of that type of firepit available with molded logs that appear to be burning. This fire enhancement also features the same easy cleanup as the propane-powered terra cotta unit, since no solid material actually burns.

There are a number of firepit rings available that can be customized any way you want, depending only upon your imagination and budget. Generally, a custom firepit should be about 18 inches tall, to prevent sparks from escaping -- and possibly ending up in your buyer's lap. A diameter of 30 inches offers plenty of room for a nice-sized fire. Stone or concrete blocks are generally used to surround the firepit, though you could dress up the pit by using a more decorative stone, such as slate.

Before you build a custom firepit, check codes with your building department or local fire department. In our area, it's easy to get a free permit.

Enchant your home buyers with an outdoor fire. Find a fire feature to suit your home style and take advantage of this growing trend among landscape designers. Entice your buyers with a fire and invite them to stay longer connecting to your home. Light your fire, a few candles or torches, and serve warm drinks. Turn your backyard into a buyer's dream with fire.

Copyright ? 2006 Jeanette J. Fisher

Learn five ways to makeover your home for a top-dollar sale. Free home seller's teleseminars at Sell Your Home Fast.

Jeanette Fisher teaches home sellers five ways to make the highest possible profit from selling their homes. Free 21 Day Action Plan and teleseminars at

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tips for Selling Your House

You'll find home selling tips for houses, town homes, villas, and condominiums, scams to keep away from, how to opt a seller's real estate agent, what to set in your contract, real estate agent tricks to watch out for, and negotiating tips for dealing with tough buyers. We'll also assess such as Home Gain which help you locate a real estate agent in your area based on the marketing package that they put forward to sell your house.

Great Expectations

Many sellers have unrealistic expectations for their property value, particularly on condominiums and townhouses. These types of property at least here in Florida do not seize their value very well, and very few of them only appreciate. Often the builders of new condos and townhouses charge buyers too much money and when the buyer resells years later, they are stunned to observe how much value their unit lost. They will have a rigid time selling their condo, especially if the maintenance fees are high.

So how do you price your home?

There are three tools to use, a property appraiser, a listing real estate agent, and a record of recent home selling prices in your neighborhood. If you chose your listing agent shrewdly and they have knowledge in your neighborhood, they can steer you to a ball park selling price, then the appraiser will fine tune that number, and you can utilize a list of current selling prices as a sanity check.

Pretty it up before you list it!

Before you turn your home over to the listing agent, make sure it?s in its best form. First impressions count and the first thing buyers see are your front lawn and garden. Make sure your lawn and trees are fertilized about 2 weeks before you list the house. Also make certain that the lawn is in good shape, and has a perfect edge along the perimeter, make sure the garden looks nice, with no weeds, and repair any cosmetic damage to the house that can be seen from the outside. Replace your AC filter and any other filters that might be checked during the inspection process. Remove any excess rugs and furniture to make the rooms look bigger.

How To Interview And Hire A Real Estate Agent:

You want much more from them than just listing your house on MLS and waiting for results, you want a full scale media blitz. By using popular home buying sites like Home Gain, you are pitting local real estate agents against one another to compete for your business. The agent with the best marketing plan wins. Since agents know that there are other agents competing for your business, you'll get some aggressive marketing plans presented to you. Make sure your house is advertised with color photos wherever possible, and make sure it's outlined in your Real Estate Agent's marketing contract that there will be color photos. Buyers love open houses and half the fight in selling your house is just getting buyers to come look at it.

Stay away from long term contracts!

Do not sign long term exclusive agent contracts. Any decent agent should have your house sold in 90 days in a good market. In fact if they really are as good as the picture they painted for you, they should have your house sold in no time. Only with a 90 day listing period, you put the pressure on your Real Estate Agent to do some work and sell your house.

Have a good Internet marketing plan to sell your home!

Many people don't just comprehend that by adding your home listing to a regional online classifieds, it could get picked up by the major real estate portals sites like Home Gain. Big real estate portals are signing regularly that deals with MLSs and regional home listings for presenting their listings when users of the portals search for a house. Internet listings are crucial to get your house sold, especially to out of town buyers who are unfamiliar with your area, and your listing is the only one they know. Real estate portals sites like Home Gain are good if you live in a questionable area where picky buyers in your city don't want your house, but ignorant buyers from out of town don't know any better.

Ron Victor is a SEO copywriter for
He written many articles in various topics.For more information visit
Contact him at

Saturday, December 20, 2008

DIY Public Relations

Ever felt aggrieved that other entrepreneurs make the headlines but you don?t? Louise Third, founder of Integra Communications, the enterprise PR specialists, says it?s not as tough as it looks; it just requires planning and the application of some basic rules.

Kevin and Dawn Hartley, the owners of Mozart?s Restaurant in Nottingham have tangible evidence that a planned use of PR can significantly improve sales. The couple, who opened the 40-seat restaurant in November 2002, decided to take every opportunity to contact their local press and radio with ?news? and comment. Their opening was marked on Radio Trent FM with champagne and canap?s and was followed a month later by a 2 hour Christmas Show broadcast live from the restaurant. BBC Radio Nottingham carried a Valentine?s recipe on the website and 50,000 listeners enjoyed a live cooking session in association with the Nottingham Restaurant Awards.

?Our biggest media coverage success came on National No-Smoking Day in 2004 when we took the decision to announce that Mozart?s had become Nottingham?s first totally non-smoking restaurant,? says Head Chef Kevin. ?Not only did BBC Radio Nottingham interview us then, but when the government White Paper on smoking was published last November, we were bombarded with requests for interviews.? Kevin and Dawn found themselves on several local radio stations, and in front of regional TV cameras. Although the media requests were quite demanding, the couple made themselves available for interview, thus helping the journalists complete their work and gaining a profile for the restaurant. As a direct result of their PR efforts, the Hartleys have enjoyed a 15% rise in trade.

Inside every small business is a story bursting to get out. Start with that positive attitude and you will get thinking creatively about possible media coverage. A clever use of public relations will help people to understand what you offer, will gradually build your reputation and keep you at the forefront of people?s minds ? ahead of the competition!

Basic rules
The fact that Kevin and Dawn planned a media campaign as part of their overall sales strategy brings us to the first rule of sound public relations:

1. Use PR as an integral part of your marketing plan: once you have decided the level of sales you need to breakeven and then to make a profit, identify those who need to know about you and what you offer. If you have opened a new shop, customers may be very local but if you specialise they may travel from much further away. Perhaps you coach senior executives to cope in stressful conditions: then your potential clients may be the UK?s FTSE 100 companies or large public corporations. You may decide to use a combination of direct mail, networking so you get referrals/recommendations and publicity.

2. Identify what your target customers read, watch and listen to. This is likely to be a mixture of local, regional and national papers, trade or professional magazines, local and national radio stations and TV, not to mention all the ?New Media? options. If it is practical, ask them; if you are visiting their premises, what publications can you see in reception? Make a list, find the name of the most relevant editor or feature writer and call them to see how they would like to receive your news. The fax machine used to be widely used to issue press releases; this was then overtaken by email, but ironically many PR firms are reverting to fax; it can?t be erased or ignored and is still cheaper than post. Then there?s the direct call to the journalist or news desk??.if you have a very strong story. However, be realistic. Don?t set your sights on regular television coverage, but equally don?t rule it out (at least regionally).

3. Find the ?news?. Be ruthless and think like a journalist, otherwise your release will get tossed in the bin. The journalist will be looking for things their readers will find interesting, amusing or useful. Here are a few ideas, but there are as many permutations as there are businesses:

? a significant new contract
? launch of a survey / report
? a new appointment
? sponsorship of a local charity / event
? welcome or condemn new policy/proposals
? claim first/last/biggest/latest (but avoid best!)
? launch a campaign / involve a celebrity
? letters to the Editor

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I helped a client, Linda Russell, to launch a new shop in north-Nottinghamshire. Not that newsworthy you may think, but this was no ordinary shop and Linda is no ordinary lady. Having recovered from breast cancer and reconstructive surgery at the age of 31, Linda launched ?Perfect Fit?, an online service selling the latest designs and styles of lingerie for women with post-operative needs. The shop would allow Linda to display her stock, provide a professional fitting service and offer a sanctuary for women to meet and talk. We issued a pre-opening media release with the headline, ?Linda?s Perfect Fit helps Breast Cancer ?blues?? and linked the launch to Breast Cancer Awareness month by including a quote and useful statistics from the regional Cancer Research UK representative. This small campaign had all the necessary ?hooks? for media coverage and gave the journalists what they needed. As a result Linda received full page and editorial coverage in the main regional press, feature and interview slots on local radio and a phone-in on BBC Radio Nottingham. Timing, planning and sensitive delivery was all it took.

4. Write the media release. Although you want to encourage the journalists to use your story, this is not a sales pitch, so avoid gushing praise of yourself and your product. Here are some basic guidelines:

? Cover the facts in the first paragraph including who, what, why, when, where and how as clearly as you can.

? The second paragraph should build on the first and carry any significant facts

? Include a quote; this adds personality and endorsement to the story

? Use Notes at the end to carry background information which reporters can use for research. Remember to include a contact name and number.

? Choose a simple, attention-grabbing headline which re-enforces the overall message

? Type MEDIA RELEASE at the top, date it and indicate when the information can be published.

? Use A4 paper, 1.5 line-spacing, wide margins and type

? ENDS to indicate you have finished.

? Limit your release to one page if possible, two at the most. Short, informative and interesting goes down well with busy reporters.

? A well constructed, high resolution (300 dpi) photo can turn a mediocre story into the one that gets coverage.

? Proof-read the release before it goes out. Then get someone else to do it again. It?s amazzing what you can misss??

5. The follow-up. So far so good, but now comes the tricky bit: you need to check that the right person has got your release and if so, talk to them about the chances of it being used. Always assume the journalist or editor is busy and ask if they are free to talk. Be prepared as they may have additional questions and may need convincing of the strength of your story. Don?t say anything you wouldn?t want reported if it sounds as though they are interviewing you. Radio stations will either pre-record an interview in person or over the phone, or ask you into the studio, again to pre-record or go live. Check that you know exactly what to expect; it is not unreasonable to ask what the questions might be.

Kevin Hartley of Mozart?s Restaurant has learned a great deal from the experience and has no doubt that working with the media is good for business. ?You need to make yourself media-friendly; that means being very flexible so they can meet their deadlines. You need to build a list of contacts at the local radio, press and TV offices and be bold enough to pick up the phone when you have some news. We now seem to be in their database, so journalists wanting a restaurateur to comment on something seem to ring me.? It just goes to show how even the smallest business can make headlines .

Finally, as media relations is a commercial activity you should try to measure the effect any exposure has had. It can be as simple as monitoring phones calls and website hits in the period immediately following the coverage. If you convert these into sales, all the better. If people are more aware of you, introductions become that much easier. Stick at it and you will be amazed how a little effort can go along way.

Mozart?s Restaurant:
Perfect Fit:

About the Author:

Louise Third is a Partner in Integra Communications Alongside the agency, Louise provides a coaching service, giving PR guidance to smaller businesses who might not be able to afford an agency but are prepared to do the legwork themselves.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Post Boom Real Estate Investing

The boom times of buying a single family home or condo and quickly flipping it for a profit has passed. In spite of warnings of housing bubbles and a real estate market waiting for disaster, investors this time last year were feverishly buying up real estate in Florida, Las Vegas, Arizona and other hot spots. One year later what has happened? Have these people gotten burned? Have they made Hugh profits? Well it all depends on the market. There is not just one real estate market in the US but many local markets. Yes market conditions have changed. The stories have also changed.

Investors who got in early indeed have made profits. Latecomers have not been as fortunate. Dreams of real estate riches for these people likely have not materialized. Why? Because of the timeframe people were looking to make money in and their finances. If flipping for profit was not a goal, many investors bought investor homes, planning to rent them out to cover the cost of the mortgage on the investment home. Well what if there are no renters? Then the investor must have the funds available to pay the mortgage while looking for a renter. As a last resort the investor could always sell the home. Suppose there are many investors in one area facing the same problem and they all try to sell their investment homes at the same time? Now the home values start to drop, homes sit on the market for a long time and overextended investors are facing a financial nightmare. This has happened in some areas of the country. This is how an overheated real estate market unravels. Are we seeing those kinds of markets now?

Not too many. One of the real estate markets that saw the greatest influx of investors was in the Phoenix area. When you get too many investors buying up homes, the local market becomes more volatile. As a result some zip codes in the Phoenix area are seeing a decline in prices and some are not. One thing in common is a slower appreciation of home prices. In the worst hit areas there are price declines.

Looking at the nationwide picture we see foreclosure rates rising in areas like southern California. In spite of the rising foreclosure rates, they are still well below historical highs. The situation bears watching, however at this point it is not ominous.

The main point for real estate investors is their timeframe and financial situation. We just had our boom. Making large profits in three years just isn?t going to happen. If investors are looking at holding properties for ten years of more they should be fine.

Investors need o lookout for real estate ?gurus? pushing investment homes and the prospect of managing and renting the properties for the investor. If you can?t afford to carry the mortgage for many months if renters cannot be found, don?t invest. Finding renters has to do with many factors. Areas with a large increase in job growth are most likely to support a strong rental market. Don?t believe real estate property pushers who give high rental rate figures based on recent years. The markets have changed and finding renters may not be as easy. Buying in areas that are flooded with other investors buying properties may also put you at risk. There is no single national real estate market, just local markets. Do your research before you invest.

Andy Goldman is a freelancer who has been writing articles for the last ten years in the area of finance and investment. He is owner of

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

South Carolina Mortgage What to Expect When Buying a Home in South Carolina

Maybe you?re buying your first home in South Carolina, or perhaps you?re relocating to South Carolina from another state. Either way, it?s important that you educate yourself on South Carolina home loans before shopping for a home and mortgage. This article explains what you?ll need to know before buying a home in South Carolina:

The median price of a home in South Carolina is $94,900. The price of homes in South Carolina varies widely between zip codes. For example, in Charlestown, South Carolina, the median price of a home in the summer of 2005 was $307,000; however, in both Columbia and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, the median price of a home was $190,000. Average interest rates in South Carolina are above the national average.

Recently, homes in South Carolina have been appreciating at rates below the national average. However, in some parts of South Carolina, appreciation rates are at an all time high. As a result, income levels in many parts of South Carolina are too low to purchase a median-priced home with a conventional loan. In fact, homeowners in many South Carolina cities pay more than the recommended 30% of their incomes toward housing.

South Carolina state law prohibits prepayment penalties on home loans less than $100,000. It does not allow closed-end fixed-rate second balloon loans. South Carolina law requires private mortgage insurance on loans with loan-to-value ratios greater than 80%; however, private mortgage insurance may be cancelled once the loan reaches 80% loan-to-value ratio.

South Carolina?s Fair Housing Act prohibits mortgage lending discrimination against individuals based on their race, color, religion, gender, familial status, or national origin.

Jessica Elliott recommends that you visit Mortgage Lenders for more information about South Carolina Mortgage Rates and Loans .

Monday, December 15, 2008

Use Self Belief To Shape Your Own Destiny

Of all the things that go towards shaping our destiny, it is our belief in our own abilities which has the greatest influence. Our level of self belief determines whether we succeed or fail to achieve our dreams and ambitions. As Henry Ford said If you think you can, you're right. If you think you can't, you're right.

I was watching a program on the Biography Channel the other day which illustrated the truth of Henry Ford's words and highlighted the importance of self-belief. The subject of this program dropped out of the educational system without a degree, in fact, he quit school before he even reached college age and left school with woefully inadequate qualifications. The reason for this academic failure was a combination of dyslexia and general lack of interest in school work.

Sadly, the lack of academic achievement was accompanied by a complete lack of prowess on the sports field. To top it all off, as well as being a dunce and a sporting failure, the poor kid was not even good looking. He did not have rich parents to give him financial support . His parents were not business owners, so there was no chance of a career via nepotism. He had no obvious skills or talent, so a career as an artist or musician was not an option.

This sounded like the stereotypical beginning for a person who will at best survive by taking low-paid employment and, at worst, will drift into a life of crime as a way of snatching what he is incapable of earning. His school headmaster is credited with saying on his premature departure from the education system, ?I feel sure you will either end up in prison or become a millionaire'. To entertain the idea that this person had any prospect of becoming a millionaire, you would have to know his character. We can only see the external disadvantages, the headmaster was aware of the strength of character and depth of self belief existing within this person. That self-belief more than made up for any lack of education and academic qualifications.

One thing the prospective jailbird/millionaire had was the ability to spot a niche for a new business. No, this is not a story of luck bringing an instant rags to riches transformation. Unfortunately his first two business ventures failed miserably. Did this set him on a path of serial business failures? Not at all, the failures probably taught him valuable lessons. He started the first business at the age of seven, so the chances of real success were pretty remote! The fact that he had sufficient self-belief to start his first business before he even reached his teenage years gives us a clue as to his character.

The condensed version of the rest of this biography is that the hero of the story built a successful business before he reached his twenties, was a millionaire by the age of 25 and was the owner of a Caribbean island before he was thirty. He did not stop working then, he went on from flamboyant success to even bigger flamboyant success, setting records and achieving the apparently impossible.

The subject of the TV program was Sir Richard Branson who is, at the time of writing, a billionaire several times over. He has attributed his success to hard work, belief in his business ventures and a willingness to take risks. These risks have included the well publicised (and life threatening) hot-air balloon journeys, starting a business on borrowed capital and taking risks in business where the potential losses were huge.

It is self-belief which made it possible to take those risks. Without belief in himself, Richard Branson would not have dared to borrow the money to start his first business as a magazine publisher after leaving school. Without self-belief the balloon challenges would not have been contemplated. Without self-belief the ambition to own an airline would have remained just a dream.

It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself. Those words were said by Muhammad Ali but they sum up the essence of what makes any person able to reach his goals in life. We must learn to sow and cultivate self-belief if we wish to achieve the harvest of our dreams.

For more articles about self morivation in business visit Elaine Currie's Work At Home Directory For more about writing visit the Writing Tips website.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Humble Ranch Home May be Making a Comeback

After World War II, the most ubiquitous style of home being built in America was the ranch. It was simple in design and cheap and quick to build, which allowed builders to fill the tremendous need for housing that was created when American GIs returned from the war and began setting up their families. Ranch homes were the primary residents for a majority of Baby Boomers in the 1950s and 60s, but as those Boomers became adults, they often looked toward other architectural styles when setting up their own households.

Over the years, the ranch style home has become almost reviled for its lack of character. Critics have said it's just a single-story box, with no uncomplicated angles, a low roof, and a picture window facing the street. Since ranches were built in such abundance in the mid-twentieth century and were often thrown up as quickly as possible without regard for decoration or individuality, they came to represent the worst of American architecture in many people's minds.

However, the humble ranch does have its boosters, who say it's actually a quite livable style of home that offers a number of advantages. It's biggest plus comes from its footprint on an average lot, which allows for a reasonably large backyard in most neighborhoods, providing a significant amount of space for swing sets, sandboxes, and other children's recreational activities. A big backyard can also be a wonderful place for adult entertaining, as well.

As home prices continue to escalate, it's entirely possible that the ranch home will begin making a comeback in America. Since they don't require unusual angles and special building materials, builders can still construct them cheaper than their more elaborate counterparts. But that doesn't mean ranch houses can't be customized to make them more interesting or energy efficient, and if sited well on a lot, a ranch home can actually seem to be rising naturally from its lot, making it quite attractive from the street.

Interestingly, it may be the same Baby Boomers for whom the ranch was originally constructed in such abundance that will drive its comeback. As Boomers age, they'll begin to appreciate having everything on one level, providing easy access to every room in the home and to the outside. Their smaller price tags will also be easier to handle on a fixed income as Boomers begin to retire. Ranch homes, being simpler, will also require less upkeep and repair than other styles of homes.

Ranch homes can be as elegant as a person's taste and budget, and the same large backyard that was good for young children can be just as wonderful for adults with the addition of a swimming pool, large garden, or other amenities. Ranches also lend themselves well to gourmet kitchens, luxurious bathrooms, large fireplaces, or any other type of room that can benefit from being larger than average.

Even though the humble ranch has been disparaged for decades, it's provided a functional home to generations of families, and may find a renewed popularity as Baby Boomers begin to enter their Golden Years.

Copyright © 2006 Jeanette J. Fisher

Learn how to fix ranch houses for money: Jeanette Fisher, best-selling author of home staging books, offers free fixing and flipping houses ebook at

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Emerging Trends in Dubai Property Market

Dubai real estate is witnessing a number of changes in the commercial sector.

One of the emerging trends in the commercial property market is the conversion of warehouse space to office premises. Companies that require large open plan spaces, such as advertising or marketing companies have been seen to lease warehouse space and easily transform it into efficient office space. This provides a cost effective solution for businesses that need to be near the business centre but may not wish to pay the premium rates of prime location office space. Warehouse rental rates suitable for office conversions fluctuate between 40-65AED per sq. ft (warehouse space rent exclusively used for storage purposes averages 28-35AED per sq. ft), whereas rents in the Central Business District (CBD) may be 225-250AED per sq. ft.

The property market in Dubai is tight and therefore the concept of Split Offices has come into being. Many professional services firms, faced with the prospect of particularly high rents in prime locations tend to lease a small space suitable for client meetings in the Central Business District so as to boast an address on a prestigious location such as e.g. Sheikh Zayed Road, and move their operations to a secondary location where rents may be more affordable e.g. Garhoud, thus effectively saving on huge overheads.

Thus, supply of the real estate market in Dubai is shaping up to meet the property demand.

This article has been sourced from the 'Better Homes Commercial Review, June 2006' issue - the quarterly newsletter of the Better Homes Commercial Advisory Division, Dubai, UAE. Better Homes has been extensively involved in the leasing of large commercial projects in UAE over the past few years and now shares this knowledge and market information through this quarterly Commercial Review.

Visit for buying, selling, renting, investing, managing and short-term renting your Dubai property.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Consumer Reports Backpacks for Kids

Most kids' backpacks can fulfill the basic job requirements: holding books and other school supplies. But construction details can make a difference--to parents if not always to kids.


Traditional backpacks for kids are sold by Eastpak, EMS, JanSport, Kelty, L.L. Bean, REI, and other companies. Timbuk2, among others, makes messenger bags. Some companies, such as L.L. Bean, state age recommendations for their various models.

Price range: $25 to $65.


Contoured and padded shoulder straps soften the load. A waist belt stabilizes the pack and transfers weight to the hips. A padded or quilted back panel or one with mesh fabric will reathe easier on hot days, making it more comfortable and less sweaty against a kid's back. Compression straps on the sides can take up the slack of a partially filled backpack. Also look for multiple pockets; small ones are good for a calculator, cell phone, or for holding keys. Make sure there's a concealed interior pocket for cash.


Performance differences. All backpacks Consumer Reports tested were sturdy enough to withstand daily abuse or a tug-of-war at the bus stop. Water-resistance varies. Most did a good job of withstanding the test-lab equivalent of a 5-minute shower.

Recommendations. The middle-school boys and girls who checked out packs for Consumer Reports didn't favor one backpack over another, but they preferred a traditional backpack over the messenger bag's single shoulder straps design. When choosing a pack for your child, look for one in your price range with the features mentioned above. Something to keep in mind after you've chosen a bag: according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a loaded backpack should weigh no more than 10 to 20 percent of a child's total weight. So make sure the backpack is the right size--and not oversized, which might tempt a kid to overload it.

Copyright ? 2002-2006 Consumers Union of U.S., Inc.

For the latest information on this and many other products and services, visit

Find More
Baby backpack with Easy Deal at

About the Author


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Surfing Your Adrenalin Wave: How to DissolveNot DisguiseAnger

Feel that rising tide of anger? Surf's up! Start

Whenever we feel angry or frustrated, we get a blast
of adrenalin coursing through our bloodstream. In the
fight or flight response to stress, our bodies rely on our
appendages. We need to hit, kick, jump or run away,
and our bodies help out by sending extra blood to our

If we were living in the wild and had to actually fight
off a predator or run away to escape, this would make
perfect sense. But in a typical day, we just don't need
those survival mechanisms like we used to. In fact, we
do our best to thwart our body's response to stress by
suppressing our physical reactions.

Oh, sure, we still use our extremities to express our
anger. We raise our fists, pound on the desk, slam
doors or cupboards, kick the garbage can, or stomp our
feet. Still, since we're trying to be civilized and all, we
use words more than body parts to react to whatever
upsets us. This is good in that we don't want to go
around hitting people. Slugging your boss may be
biological, but it won't get you too far in your corporate

So, instead of the fight or flight response our
predecessors relied upon, we've developed more of
what I call an explode or seethe response. Some of
us react right away when we're upset. We clench our
fists, do some wild gesticulating, raise our voices, or
slam the phone down. Others tend to seethe. We
suck in our breath, count to ten, hold it, and keep our
frustration covered by a tight smile or maybe a little
gasp of exasperation, but that's about it.

There's also the classic combo of the
seether/exploder. You know the type: they just keep
their heads down, don't say a word, and then out of
the blue they go into a tirade that rattles the roof.

It's interesting that we consider a seether as more
evolved than an exploder. We value those who are
able to keep their emotions in check. In our culture,
the seethers are the ice people who surprise us by
keeling over from a heart attack or stroke.
We've been programmed to sit and seethe. It's as
though we're stepping on the gas (adrenalin) and
slamming on the brakes (inactivity) at the same time.
Try doing that in your car, and you'll burn up your
engine. That's what we're doing to our bodies.

What do we do after a hard day? We sit and watch
television. We play video games. We go to a movie.
We collapse on the sofa and listen to music. We go
out to eat and drink.

We've eliminated a lot of the activity of daily life. We
don't scrub floors, churn butter, wash clothes by hand,
hoe the garden, walk everywhere, or otherwise
eliminate our stress through regular movement. We sit
in our cars, sit at our desks, and sit in front of the
television. It's no wonder we're obese and suffering
from the effects of stress!

The sit-and-seethe starts early. Consider a two-year-
old having a tantrum. Picture a little body flailing
about, all arms and legs. That's adrenalin in all its
glory! No suppression of instincts, just a pure,
unadulterated expression of physiology at work.

We can't have kids growing up and throwing tantrums.
It's just not socially acceptable. So, we give the two-
year-old a ime out to cool off. This is like asking a
charging bull to sit and sip a bit of tea in that proverbial
china shop.

With all our blood rushing to our extremities, our brains
are getting the leftovers. This is the worst possible
time for us to be logical. When we're angry and that
adrenalin is surging, we're far more likely to say things
we'll regret and to make decisions that will have us
shaking our heads later. If you react verbally or
respond intellectually in that adrenalin moment, you're
going to have some clean-up in aisle 12 later--
apologies and general repair of relationships and

Most of us have learned that we need to step back
when we're really upset in order to avoid making a mess
of things. Here's something you may not know: it
takes a full 90 minutes for your body to get back to
normal after experiencing a blast of adrenalin.

Ninety minutes. That means that a simple ime-out
for your child isn't likely to relax him, and postponing
that important meeting for 10 minutes while you cool
down isn't going to guarantee that you'll be fully
capable of handling your issue in a level headed way.

If you really want to take advantage of your body's
natural mechanism for survival, you might as well learn
to work with it. The good news is that, with a little
flexibility, we can use our physiology to help us thrive
and even make us healthier.

You've got to move, and you've got to breathe. Isn't it
convenient that those two go together so well?

Here are the four best strategies for surfing your
adrenalin wave:

*Paddle. Your arms and legs need movement, so look
for acceptable ways to get active. Go to the restroom
and do some jumping jacks if you can't sneak away for
a walk or head to the gym for a workout. Move some
boxes. Sort the recycling. Reshelve some books. Beat
the rugs. Shake out the comforters. Go for a run.
Crank up your stereo and dance with the kids in the
living room. Jump on the exercise bike or go cycling
around the neighborhood. Walk to another part of the
building. Find a corner and do some push-ups.
Activate those appendages!

*Laugh. When we're angry, our bellies tighten up. We
take shallow breaths at the chest level. This just adds
to the brain drain! We need to relax enough that our
bellies can move freely as we breathe, and if we don't
get that by doing some cardio that makes us huff and
puff, the next best thing is to laugh. Get a laugh
partner, and agree to call and guffaw--no talking
allowed. Bust a gut, and breathe deeply.

*Sing. You need some serious exhalations, so jump in
the shower and blast out your favorite power ballad.
Get in your car and sing along with the radio. Releasing
sound is therapeutic in itself. Throw in some
dance moves, and you've got it covered!

*Avoid meditation. Ignore what you've heard about
thinking through your anger. Mindfulness is immensely
valuable, but trying to meditate when you're really
angry is not realistic or helpful. Be active first, and
then sit. The only way to handle that adrenalin in a
healthy way is to engage physically. You've got to be
calm to be mindful. Get control of yourself physically
before using your mind to address a problem.

Next time you get mad, get moving.

Work with your body instead of against it. Learn to
surf that adrenalin wave, and you'll become a better
decision maker, a more relaxed parent, and a healthier

Whenever we feel angry or frustrated, we get a blast
of adrenalin coursing through our bloodstream. In the
fight or flight response to stress, our bodies rely on our
appendages. We need to hit, kick, jump or run away,
and our bodies help out by sending extra blood to our

If we were living in the wild and had to actually fight
off a predator or run away to escape, this would make
perfect sense. But in a typical day, we just don't need
those survival mechanisms like we used to. In fact, we
do our best to thwart our body's response to stress by
suppressing our physical reactions.

Oh, sure, we still use our extremities to express our
anger. We raise our fists, pound on the desk, slam
doors or cupboards, kick the garbage can, or stomp our
feet. Still, since we're trying to be civilized and all, we
use words more than body parts to react to whatever
upsets us. This is good in that we don't want to go
around hitting people. Slugging your boss may be
biological, but it won't get you too far in your corporate

So, instead of the fight or flight response our
predecessors relied upon, we've developed more of
what I call an explode or seethe response. Some of
us react right away when we're upset. We clench our
fists, do some wild gesticulating, raise our voices, or
slam the phone down. Others tend to seethe. We
suck in our breath, count to ten, hold it, and keep our
frustration covered by a tight smile or maybe a little
gasp of exasperation, but that's about it.

There's also the classic combo of the
seether/exploder. You know the type: they just keep
their heads down, don't say a word, and then out of
the blue they go into a tirade that rattles the roof.

It's interesting that we consider a seether as more
evolved than an exploder. We value those who are
able to keep their emotions in check. In our culture,
the seethers are the ice people who surprise us by
keeling over from a heart attack or stroke.
We've been programmed to sit and seethe. It's as
though we're stepping on the gas (adrenalin) and
slamming on the brakes (inactivity) at the same time.
Try doing that in your car, and you'll burn up your
engine. That's what we're doing to our bodies.

What do we do after a hard day? We sit and watch
television. We play video games. We go to a movie.
We collapse on the sofa and listen to music. We go
out to eat and drink.

We've eliminated a lot of the activity of daily life. We
don't scrub floors, churn butter, wash clothes by hand,
hoe the garden, walk everywhere, or otherwise
eliminate our stress through regular movement. We sit
in our cars, sit at our desks, and sit in front of the
television. It's no wonder we're obese and suffering
from the effects of stress!

The sit-and-seethe starts early. Consider a two-year-
old having a tantrum. Picture a little body flailing
about, all arms and legs. That's adrenalin in all its
glory! No suppression of instincts, just a pure,
unadulterated expression of physiology at work.

We can't have kids growing up and throwing tantrums.
It's just not socially acceptable. So, we give the two-
year-old a ime out to cool off. This is like asking a
charging bull to sit and sip a bit of tea in that proverbial
china shop.

With all our blood rushing to our extremities, our brains
are getting the leftovers. This is the worst possible
time for us to be logical. When we're angry and that
adrenalin is surging, we're far more likely to say things
we'll regret and to make decisions that will have us
shaking our heads later. If you react verbally or
respond intellectually in that adrenalin moment, you're
going to have some clean-up in aisle 12 later--
apologies and general repair of relationships and

Most of us have learned that we need to step back
when we're really upset in order to avoid making a mess
of things. Here's something you may not know: it
takes a full 90 minutes for your body to get back to
normal after experiencing a blast of adrenalin.

Ninety minutes. That means that a simple ime-out
for your child isn't likely to relax him, and postponing
that important meeting for 10 minutes while you cool
down isn't going to guarantee that you'll be fully
capable of handling your issue in a level headed way.

If you really want to take advantage of your body's
natural mechanism for survival, you might as well learn
to work with it. The good news is that, with a little
flexibility, we can use our physiology to help us thrive
and even make us healthier.

You've got to move, and you've got to breathe. Isn't it
convenient that those two go together so well?

Here are the four best strategies for surfing your
adrenalin wave:

*Paddle. Your arms and legs need movement, so look
for acceptable ways to get active. Go to the restroom
and do some jumping jacks if you can't sneak away for
a walk or head to the gym for a workout. Move some
boxes. Sort the recycling. Reshelve some books. Beat
the rugs. Shake out the comforters. Go for a run.
Crank up your stereo and dance with the kids in the
living room. Jump on the exercise bike or go cycling
around the neighborhood. Walk to another part of the
building. Find a corner and do some push-ups.
Activate those appendages!

*Laugh. When we're angry, our bellies tighten up. We
take shallow breaths at the chest level. This just adds
to the brain drain! We need to relax enough that our
bellies can move freely as we breathe, and if we don't
get that by doing some cardio that makes us huff and
puff, the next best thing is to laugh. Get a laugh
partner, and agree to call and guffaw--no talking
allowed. Bust a gut, and breathe deeply.

*Sing. You need some serious exhalations, so jump in
the shower and blast out your favorite power ballad.
Get in your car and sing along with the radio. Releasing
sound is therapeutic in itself. Throw in some
dance moves, and you've got it covered!

*Avoid meditation. Ignore what you've heard about
thinking through your anger. Mindfulness is immensely
valuable, but trying to meditate when you're really
angry is not realistic or helpful. Be active first, and
then sit. The only way to handle that adrenalin in a
healthy way is to engage physically. You've got to be
calm to be mindful. Get control of yourself physically
before using your mind to address a problem.

Next time you get mad, get moving.

Work with your body instead of against it. Learn to
surf that adrenalin wave, and you'll become a better
decision maker, a more relaxed parent, and a healthier

Maya Talisman Frost is a mind masseuse as well as a former personal fitness trainer. Her work has inspired thinkers in over 80 countries. To subscribe to her free weekly ezine, the Friday Mind Massage, visit