Sunday, November 30, 2008

Budgeting Ideas For Mother And Baby

The good news is that there are ways to effectively budget and save that can greatly reduce these costs. You will find with smart shopping and good planning, you can still provide everything that your child needs while saving a great deal of money in the process. Here are some cost-saving tips that are sure to take some of the strain off of your bank account:

Dont feel that you need to buy everything at once. Your baby will not need to much more than an infant car seat, a safe place to sleep, diapers, and a few changes of clothing for the first few weeks.

Consider breastfeeding. You can save considerably if you dont have to buy formula and bottles.

Buy nappies on sale and in bulk, or better yet, buy a few dozen reusable cloth nappies that can be worn and washed over and over.

Dont be embarrassed to accept hand me downs from friends and family or shop in resale stores. You might be surprised to find that much of the clothing and toys have hardly been used at all.

Dont always assume that the more expensive items are better quality. Ask a trusted family member or friend who has small children what brands they like and use.

Shop the end-of-season sales for baby clothing and stock up on sizes that youll need for next season.

Water Balloons

This is a great activity for children, teenagers and even parents to do together. Buy a bag of water balloons and fill as many as you can. Place in plastic buckets or washing up bowls. Small children will need help. After everyone has an equal amount of wobbly, jiggly balloons, go into the garden and let the water fight begin! Hosepipes and water guns are not allowed. Wearing funny goggles, bathing caps, snorkels and NOT changing into bathing costumes makes it even more fun. The more spontaneous the better. Simple safety rules should be laid down first i.e., no running in the house, balloons must not be aimed at chest or head etc., Everyone will be laughing and having a great time, especially if grownups get involved. Afterwards, the children can go on a treasure hunt to see who can collect the most pieces of broken balloons in the garden - we don't want birds, dogs or cats to choke on any bits of rubber left in the garden.

If you have internet access log on to large coach company websites to find special deals: on one its possible to pre-book to any destination for ?1 each way per person. You have to be specific about times outward/return etc. This is a cheap way of introducing your children to different cities and having fun. Do your homework on your chosen destination and find out free venues and events. Pack a lunch and get discovering!!

Save up your vouchers from supermarket point systems and exchange them for days out tokens. This is a cheap way of affording expensive days out at theme parks as the vouchers are often worth more than their money equivalent.

Evaluate how much youll be spending for childcare if you are returning to work. You may just find that its less expensive to stay at home with your child.

Explore options to work from home to eliminate childcare costs.

Begin a higher education savings plan early on and contribute to it on a regular basis.
About the Author

Julian Hall of - The
Baby Christening Gifts Company - The Most Unique,
Innovative Gift Ideas for Babies, Christening Gifts, Newborn Gifts, Personalised
Gifts, Organic Clothing, Nappies, Blankets, New Baby Gifts

Saturday, November 29, 2008

House Approves Increase in FHA Limits

The House of Representatives approved a bill to increase the FHA's lending limits and reduce payment restrictions.

The bill, which will help low-income and first-time home buyers, was sponsored by Ohio Representative Bob Ney. It received almost unanimous support by the house with a 415-7 vote.

The factors in determining the maximum amount insurable by the FHA for single-family homes will be changed as an amendment to the National Housing Act, according to the new law.

The bill allows the FHA flexibility in insuring mortgages up to the median home price in areas where home prices are extremely high. It will also provide for a maximum of 40-year mortgage terms.

The bill will eliminate all flat mortgage insurance premiums, instead instuting a tiered premium system according to the property's loan-to-value ration, the borrower's credit history and debt-to-income ration and the FHA's experience with comparable borrowers.

The current minimum downpayment of 3% will be discarded. The limit on federally insured reverse mortgages will also be eliminated

The law will allow loans to be more easily made in high-cost areas. For years, low-income buyers have been pressured to take out high-cost private mortgages due to the substantial increases in house prices in metro areas.

The FHA hopes that the new law will change this trend.

Modernizing FHA will improve competition in the prime home loan mortgage industry and effectively assist the industry in combating abusive and discriminatory lending practices, said Ney.

This bill helps further increase the country's homeownership rate, especially among low and moderate-income and minority families.

Martin Lukac represents and, a finance web-company specializing in real estate and mortgage rates. We specialize in daily updates, mortgage news, rate predictions, mortgage rates and more. Find low home loan mortgage interest rates from hundreds of mortgage companies!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Diaries of a (London) Bus Driver Vol. 1.5May 30th 2003

Dear friends,

Filling in accident reports is becoming a very unwelcome habit! Friday, May 23rd was a busy day - hordes of shoppers out in advance of the 3-day weekend. By the end of my shift, I was running close to a half an hour late. For most of my last run, I was driving in tandem with the bus that should have been 15 minutes behind me. This happens because as one bus gets later, as I have previously mentioned, it picks up extra passengers, slowing it further. The converse of this, is that the next bus picks up less passengers, speeding its journey. While I was to take my bus back to the garage we are based at, the other driver was to leave her bus at Palmers Green Garage and then, rather unfairly, have to fend for herself in getting back to Edmonton. She asked for me to pick her up, and I did.

The last road before the Edmonton garage approach path is Hawley Road. It is fairly narrow and way too busy. Also along the road, there's an office building, a large vehicle testing centre - buses and lorries, a tyre wholesaler and several small haulage firms. The approach road always has loading activity and cars parked on one side, and frequently, lorries and vans on the other. This was the scene that I found on the day of my latest accident. I edged between parked vehicles, coming almost nose-to-nose with a large artic (articulated lorry) coming from the opposite direction. He's bigger than me. I backed off! With the guidance of the other driver, I reversed into a parking position. The lorry driver, without acknowledging my gesture, edged forward. As he was getting closer to my bus, M, as I shall call her, advised me of company policy. If someone appears about to hit your vehicle, DON'T MOVE! If you move, the accident is your fault. If you don't, it is theirs. With at least 4 feet on the other side of his vehicle, he managed to wedge himself into my bus. Other vehicles were trapped. Tempers were frayed. Out with the trusted camera. Hands trembling as I wrote the report. Colleagues tell me not to worry. The garage manager jokes that he won't read my report until Tuesday - I should enjoy my weekend and he'll sack me on Tuesday! I have my witness. There will be no repercussions. But, I still don't like it. 4 pints of cider and two numbers on the karaoke (Summer Breeze and Blueberry Hill) later, I was relaxed.

The previous days' excitement was a bomb scare at 'the Jewish Centre' in North Finchley. I was stuck there for about 40 minutes. A frequent passenger, who introduced herself as Anne Marie, was extremely helpful, finding out what was going on helping to explain the situation to some of the other passengers. She was with her brother, who is somewhat learning disabled. When the emergency Controller gave me the all clear to proceed, I pointed to Anne Marie: This woman deserves a medal. She's been very helpful. She, in a loud clear voice: My name's Anne Marie. That's ANNE... MARIE. No modest embarrassment there! I saw her again the next day (the day of the accident). She didn't get on the bus, but put her mother on, asking me to make sure she got off at the right stop. When I got there, I called out is Anne Marie's mum getting off? Several chuckles from the rear. Not surprisingly, everybody seems to know her.

Those are the nice moments that make the job sometimes enjoyable. Other things that put a smile on my face are the little kids showing me their parent's bus pass - 'I'm a big kid' grins all over their faces, when a kid manages to climb the step onto the bus 'all by themselves' for the first time, and the number of gorgeous women who smile so nicely at me almost daily. A toddler of barely two said Thank you. Bye, as he was leaving the bus - so cute! A schoolgirl's bus pass was left on the bus and handed to me by another passenger. Rather than handing it in to the garage that afternoon - it would be unlikely to be claimed - I gave it to another girl from her school the next day, as she didn't get on my bus. Seeing her again, flashing the pass, was nice.

The new buses are very sleek, and much faster than the old ones. I have heard them described as sexy - presumably by people who would consider an attraction to sheep unnatural! One of the many serious drawbacks is that they have only 20 seats downstairs, giving more standing room. The 125 route is sometimes unaffectionately dubbed 'the ambulance route', for the number of senior citizens who ride it. A particularly annoying feature is that the horn, which wouldn't go amiss at sea, is touch sensitive and on the end of the turn signal lever, which can be extremely difficult to engage. It can be embarrassing when I accidentally let the thing off. Passers-by and other drivers look bemused, once they've settled back into the skins they jumped out of! My heart skips a beat! One car driver, on hearing this, drove through the red light we were stationary at!!

Accident day was eventful. A third incident that I think worth relating is when I must have had over 20 seniors on my bus and other people were taking up some of the seats. A particularly frail woman got in North Finchley and couldn't find a seat. Would somebody please give up their seat for this Lady. Nothing! I got angry. Look! I will not drive my bus if a seat isn't found for this lady. I will not be responsible for her falling over, if I'm forced to brake suddenly. There must be someone seated who's half her age. You should be ashamed of yourselves! I know I would be if I were you! I shouldn't have to ask! Voice from behind: Thank you driver! About time someone said that! The lady was seated. I drove on. Several other people thanked me as they left. One middle aged man wasn't so pleased with me!

One evening, while driving the W15, there were 4 teenage boys on my bus. An Afghani man got on, wearing full national dress. The boys sang the Harry Belafonte number, some words purposely changed, others presumably just wrong: Hey Mr. Taliban. Give me a banana. My initial reaction, I'm ashamed to say, was a chuckle. But I quickly thought of how intimidating that must have been for the man and just how difficult it must be in general for religious Afganis, both here and in America.

We can communicate with our car lights. Flashing your headlights can mean 'you first' or 'thank you' (only unofficially, though. The only legal use is to let someone know of your presence, so if, by moving forward, you end up in a collision with the person who flashed you, according to the law, you are to blame!). You can give a couple of flashes of your hazard lights to say 'thank you' or 'sorry'. What I want to know is, how do you tell someone to go f#%k themselves?!

You've heard of Tennis Elbow. You've heard of Housemaid's Knee. Well, since the weather has warmed up again, I have developed Bus Driver Thumb. This condition is caused by repeatedly giving the thumbs-up instead of flashing my hazards, to thank drivers who let me in to the traffic flow.

Yesterday, or at least what passed us such at the time of writing, was another eventful day. I was pulling away from the Southgate Asda bus stop, heading towards Finchley. It is just after a roundabout, from which, a car emerged during my manoeuvre. The driver seemed to think that I should stop and let him go, and expressed his anger that I did not. I too expressed my anger at his cheek, with a two-finger salute out of my window. At the next bus stop, he pulled alongside my bus, jumped out of his car, and proceeded to hurl blue clouds of abuse in my direction and punch the bus windows. He pointed to his kids in the car, as a reason why I should have let him in front of me. Great role model for them, wouldn't you agree? Are there holes in his argument? I had 30 passengers. He was driving recklessly, with or without kids. The law states, buses have the right of way. I have a busmen's key - a Cast Iron 'T', which, as a last resort, could do life-altering damage to potential attackers! I apologised to my passengers, who in turn commiserated with me. An elderly woman told me that a week ago, in similar circumstances, she saw someone shoot at a bus driver!

Earlier, while doing some overtime on the 34 route, I was driving along the A406, towards Walthamstow with a full bus. A van driver pulled directly in my path, causing me to brake and swerve sharply enough that an elderly man fell off his seat! I felt awful, but again, the passengers found me blameless. From the other driver, no remorse, of course.

There was an amusing moment. While waiting at the traffic light at Whetstone, Finchley-bound, a man spoke to me. In broad accent: I am sorry! I am French! I understand it might be necessary to apologise for this in parts of America, but not here. Macdonalds still call their fries French Fries here. In America, they have been renamed Freedom Fries!!!!! And here was me thinking that we Brits are xenophobic and proudly ignorant!
Anyway! I correctly guessed that he was apologising for his poor English, and that he wanted to get off the bus. I told him with a smile, that I would have let him off, even if he weren't French!

On a personal note, I went to see a flat. I was expecting a studio, but it had 2 bedrooms. Nice enough. BUT! It is situated at the corner of Green Lanes and The North Circular Road (A406) - heavy traffic almost all day. Very noisy. Terribly polluted air. I could never open my window! That most raids on suspected terrorists seem to be either in the direct vicinity or within a mile or so of there is not entirely negative, as it the last place likely to be the target of a gas attack! The following day, a controller from Palmers Green Bus Garage, who was standing at the opposite corner, pointed to the house next door: You see that kicked in door over there? A serious drug addict lives there. Bothers all the local shops - a real nuisance. No wonder it was cheap! I'm still looking!

That's all for now.



About the Author

My name is Andy. I am an Englishman who has spent most of his adult life in the United States. In 2001, I moved back to London, thinking I would remain there for the rest of my life. But things didn't go as planned. And instead of finding a job in IT, I became a bus driver. This is my memoire, written from 2003 to 2005.

Now back in Brooklyn, I have a blog I currently enjoy writing:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Real Estate Broker License

One of the most complex and significant financial events in peoples' lives is the purchase or sale of a home or property. Because of this complexity, people typically seek the help of real estate brokers and sales agents when buying or selling real estate.

Real estate agents usually are independent sales workers who provide their services to a licensed real estate broker on a contract basis. In return, the broker pays the agent a portion of the commission earned from the agent's sale of the property. Brokers are independent businesspeople who sell real estate owned by others. They also may rent or manage properties for a fee. When selling real estate, brokers arrange for title searches and for meetings between buyers and sellers during which the details of the transactions are agreed on and the new owners take possession of the property.

In every state, real estate brokers and sales agents must possess a license. Prospective agents must be high school graduates, at least 18 years of age, and pass a written test. The examination, which is more comprehensive for brokers than for agents, includes questions on basic real estate transactions and laws affecting the sale of property. Most states require candidates for the general sales license to complete between 30 and 90 hours of classroom instruction. In order to qualify for a broker?s license, sixty to ninety hours of training and up to three years of experience are required. Some states waive the experience requirements for the broker's license for applicants who have a bachelor's degree in Real Estate. State licenses typically must be renewed every one or two years. Although a re-examination might not be required, many states require continuing education for license renewals.

Persons who have received their broker's license may open their own offices. Others with experience and training in estimating property value may become real estate appraisers, and those familiar with operating and maintaining rental properties may become property managers. This field has seen an upsurge with the rising property prices ? on average, over 3000 real estate broker licenses are approved each month.

Real Estate Licenses provides detailed information on Real Estate Licenses, Real Estate Broker License, How To Get A Real Estate License, Real Estate License Online and more. Real Estate Licenses is affiliated with Las Vegas Real Estate Agents.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Kids On The Move You Can Make An Adventure Of It

You're moving! Join the club of Kids on the Move. Did you know that almost one in five families will move this year? That's a lot of packing, boxes, new schools, new rooms and new friends.
While moving can be exciting in a way, it can also be pretty stressful - for kids and their parents. Think of the whole thing as a kind of Moving Survivor show. You'll have a ton of stuff to do, but it'll be kind of fun if you think about it the right way. To start with, here are some tips for your Moving Survivor adventure:

1. There's good stuff and there's bad stuff.

Maybe your parents are finally going to let you have a dog. Or maybe you're going to get a room of your own. Or a pool. Or a new city to explore. There's almost always something good about moving, if you think hard enough. Take a sheet of paper and draw a line through the middle. Start to write down the good stuff and the bad stuff about moving. Your parents may not have a list on paper, but they have one in their heads. They know there's good and bad stuff about moving, too. Ask them to write their list, then you can compare notes and talk about it.

2. Make a scrapbook.

It can feel hard to leave behind people and places that you've learned to like. It helps to make a scrapbook of the things you're leaving behind. Take pictures of friends, your old school, your soccer team, your old room, the tree in the back yard... whatever you want to remember when you move away. Get friends to write notes beside their photos, or help you think up ideas for things to put in your scrapbook. Design a cool cover for your scrapbook, and a title -- like Our House on Oak Street. If your parents are really busy, take some photos or write down some things that you think they'll miss, too.

3. Start an address book.

If you don't already have an address book started, this is the time to get one. You can ask your parents to get the real, alphabetized ones, or you can use a small notebook. Get names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses for any of your friends. What's really fun is if your parents will let you have a goodbye party, because it's a great time to see everyone and get their addresses. Find out if any of your friends have MSN or some other messaging service. If you're old enough to use MSN, it's almost like talking to your friend standing right beside you. Make sure you write down the email addresses PERFECTLY.

4. Get rich; have a yard sale.

If your parents will let you, plan a yard sale to get rid of all the stuff that you and your parents don't want to take to the new place. Old toys, books, games, your old bike, furniture you don't want... it's unbelievable how much stuff is hanging around the house and garage. Your parents might even let you keep the money for anything that you clean up yourself. When you're getting stuff ready, if something is broken, you can still try to sell it, but you need to put a sign on that says what's broken. People will sometimes buy a busted VHS player because they know someone who can fix it. You never know. Make posters for your sale and put them up around the neighbourhood to tell people where and when your sale is. If stuff doesn't sell, you can give it away to a charity, or just put up a big sign that says FREE! at the end of the day for anything that's left. Some important advice: make sure your parents know what you're doing and that one of them can help on the day of the sale.

5. Find a club to join at your new place.

If you're used to taking karate, swim class or playing soccer at your old place, ask your parents to help you find a new club after you move. You'll still need to figure out which kids would be good friends, but at least you know that you like some of the same things. At your school, they might have an after-school program. That's another great way to find some new kids to hang out with. Before you know it, you'll be feeling right at home!

About the Author

The House Team is commited to providing quality information to help people like you make informed decisions about their mortgage financing needs.

The source for your Ontario Mortgage

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Rhythms of the Night

The Night Shift Can Be The Door That Allows Great Creativity To Flow. But It's Not For Everyone.

Working the night shift, as I have, has been a wonderful exercise in letting go of Circadian Rhythms and creating my own rhythm. By changing my perspective in this way, the night has become my familiar, a kind of safe haven in the routine of life.

Night shift has the unusual capacity, as far as nursing goes, to create a camaraderie of helpers who pitch in and get the job done efficiently.

Nights in our Labor and Delivery unit is where the action is sans administration, or ancillary staff or even doctors who for the most part, try and get some sleep.

The nurses are the people who must pull it all together and so, we do.

We are not permitted to sleep and disciplinary action is taken if someone in authority, who as I said, is not generally anywhere to be found, finds one of us dosing.

I wrote another article about the one second power nap which is an art and a skill.

Generally, I place my left hand on my forehead and lean over my chart with pen poised as if ready to make a carefully thought out note. The sleep that takes place is deep and sometimes a vivid dream fleetingly coincides with reality.

Sometimes I speak silently to my dead father or mother who appear lucidly during this brief moment of rest.

It?s always surprising to see them and I welcome their ephemeral presence.

As the night gives way to the early morning hours, we all get a little silly. Someone breaks into a prolonged giggle and a contagion overtakes the rest of us.

Barriers break down. Vulnerabilities surface.

For instance, if a doctor is rude to one of us, I always find myself calling that person an ?idiot? when at any other time of day, I would show respectful constraint.

The moment that requires the most of any of us is the change of shift report.

Many times, the people coming on are not happy about something. Here the night shift/day shift dichotomy surfaces. Let?s face it, night shifters have more fun. We are gleeful, childlike and somewhat drunk from lack of sleep.

The day shifters are often glum and yes, resentful because we are leaving and they are not?

Because we are uncontrolled in our hilarity?

Because we get paid at least $1.50 more an hour?

Because we are about to experience the full cyclic beauty of the day at hand?

No matter why. Suffice to say, the vibrations at change of shift are a blip in an otherwise glorious night and day. If I don?t have to return to work, I sleep deeply a few hours and arise in a full throttle goofing off mood. I hang out with my two dogs.

I write to my Internet friends who are involved in Internet Marketing, as I am. Often we give one another advice as to how to proceed with our various projects.

I?ll do a little cleaning and a few loads of wash, or weeding or mowing or gardening.

Or I?ll work on the Single Payer Health care bill here in Pennsylvania.

The most important ingredient to all of this is pure and unadulterated fun: Fun in the full glory of the present moment. Fun in the practice of the various spiritual disciplines I know for daily ritual throughout day and night.

Meditation makes it possible to sleep less so I practice that twice a day.

Night shift has allowed me to take my Internet Business to the next level. I?ve enrolled in the John Reese home study course that teaches how to direct visitors to my sites.

Because I signed up for the course with Charly Leetham?s affiliate link to the course, she is making her membership site available for the first three months at no cost where I will learn how to set up a word press webpage and generate traffic between mini-sites, blogs and the main website.

I could not do this working a day shift nursing job because the ?time? simply isn?t available as it magically is now.

Night shift has opened my mind to new possibilities. I only began to start working this shift two years after I turned 50. For most of my life I kept in synche with most of the people of the world, all of us marching in step with one another and the so called Circadian Rhythm that science tells us we dare not impede.

Science also tells us that night shifters have twice the breast cancer rate as day shifters.

I say the opposite would be true for me.

I love working nights. I love the rhythm of the night when I work or have the night off.

I love my one second power naps! I love the moon in all of her phases, the crickets in late summer, the trees in all the seasonal stages.

When I lived a day shift kind of existence, my mind was closed to all the creative potential of my own mind.

Night shift opened the window of dormant capabilities and allowed the music of the soul to come alive.

So many suffer when confronted with the rigors of night shift?s truth on the body, mind and spirit.

But it truly has been a gift for me.

To all the other nurses who also love it: I salute you and have an eternal bond with all of you.

Blessings also to the day shift for keeping the wheels of commerce turning.

Source: Free Articles from


Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator of the e-book called Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover Your Calling and Destiny. Click here to find out how to order the e-book: Check Out Kate's Blog:

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Declutter to Sell Your Home Quickly and Easily for Top Dollar

CLUTTER: Disordered mass of objects (Collins Dictionary)

If you are selling your home as you read this article, there is not much you can do about 'location, location, location' but there is always something you can do about 'presentation, presentation, presentation', and presentation is the single most important thing for you to attend to when your house is on the market.

In today's busy, overcrowded, frantic world, what is it that attracts top dollar? It is a space where people can create their own sanctuary; a space where they can relax and lock out the stresses of life. It becomes, therefore, your task to show your prospective buyer that your home, more than any other, provides them with that space.

There are screeds of things to think about and masses of information available as you present your house to prospective buyers, whether or not you are using an agent, but in my (considerable!) experience the most neglected aspect of presentation of properties is the problem of clutter.

There really is only one solution to this problem because there is a very high probability that you will not be able to see the clutter in your own home; it is very difficult to dissociate yourself from your beloved home and to see it as a product that needs marketing. You will almost certainly need an outside opinion; your agent may be able to do this, or a close friend who can be totally honest with you, but you really need someone who can be totally dispassionate about his or her perceptions.

I came across a very good example of this quite recently. A house I looked at was on the market at a very reasonable price, tidily presented, great garden and excellent value all round. The owners and their children were obviously very keen sportspeople. Trophies; cricket trophies, tennis trophies, golf trophies, dominate the living room, a glittering display of expertise that is of no interest to a prospective buyer whatsoever! In fact, to buyers, the impression is that there's not much room to put anything of their own, because the fact that those trophies won't be there when (or rather 'if') they move in does not register.

Take a look around the room you are in as you read this. A computer is fine; the pens and paper, disks, cheque books and other accoutrements that collects around it is clutter. Anything to do with pets is clutter; the cat's litter box and scratch post is clutter, the dog basket and the rat cage, all clutter. When someone looks at your property, pets should not be visible, and this is triply important if you have a big dog, however affectionate!

The nice warm fire on a cold day is fine: the cardboard box of logs is clutter. Get rid of it! Create more welcoming space.

The family photograph or two on the wall is acceptable: the two dozen photographs of the grandchildren is clutter. Get rid of them. Create more welcoming space!

The coffee table on the rug on the floor is fine: the library books, shoes, magazines, footstools, floor cushions, TV remotes, mobile phones, etc are clutter. Get rid of them. Create more welcoming space!

Don?t forget the garage. Clear the space. Tools, half empty cans of paint, oils stains and spiders are clutter. Get rid of them. Create more welcoming space!

All these things occupy space that the incoming people need to be able to feel that they can appropriate for themselves.

You are aiming to show the buyers that this haven can be theirs. This may involve your local furniture storage units or other temporary storage in a friend's garage, a small investment for maximum returns. It may involve your local second-hand or opportunity shop, or even an on-line auction.

REMEMBER: THE KEY POINT YOU ARE AIMING FOR is a spacious, clear, inviting ambience where the buyers can see themselves fitting in with their own lifestyle, rather than yours. Do this, and your house will sell quickly and easily, for the best price. Mission accomplished.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Development Of Women?s Fine Lingerie

Nowadays, if the word ?lingerie? is mentioned, we immediately think of sexiness, sophistication, passion, and even eroticism. We usually imagine brassieres, panties, corsets and nighties made of black or red lace. If we are asked, the purpose of women?s fine lingerie is to make women feel sexy, and confident about their bodies.

However, fine lingerie was not really invented for this purpose. Lingerie was invented basically for the purpose of shape, hygiene and modesty. In the mid 1800?s and early 1900?s, lingerie was bulky and uncomfortable. Corsets, which were worn to support the breasts and to have a slimmer waistline, were known to be excruciatingly painful because it can make breathing hard. It definitely needed getting used to. Though it was considered fashion, most women hated wearing it.

Later on, the corset was replaced by the more favorable girdle because of its elasticity. The girdle was made of garter and it was comfortable to wear. In the 1960?s, the pantyhose was introduced. The pantyhose was a combination of the panty and the stockings. Though there are still corsets being manufactured and sold today, the girdle and the pantyhose are more popular.

The most popular forms of lingerie are the brassiere, more commonly known as bra, and the panty. The bra was said to have been invented by Olivia Flynt in 1876, when she obviously saw the need for bust support. She also acknowledged the purpose of a corset, which is to improve appearance. But unlike the corset which changes the natural form of the specific woman who wears it by slimming her waist and enhancing her bust, she wanted to ?enable the beauty of form?, as she wrote in her patent.

Nowadays, there are all kinds of bras, some are for ?enabling the beauty of form?, and some also change the bust appearance. There are maximizers for women with small chests, minimizers for big-busted women, push-up bras for women who wants to lift their bust and enhance them just like what corsets did, sports bras for women who are active in the outdoors, and others.

Panties were invented solely for the purpose of hygiene and protection. They were fuller, baggier and not at all sexy, not like the panties of today which only cover the barest of essentials. Remember that in the past it was unheard of to be seen in your undergarments; this is why earlier versions of panties were unattractive and baggy. Later on in the twentieth century, panties got smaller and the idea of being seen in public wearing only panties and bras became more common.

Glossy fashion magazines started introducing lingerie in their ads at the beginning of the twentieth century. It became fashionable to wear certain types of lingerie. This also led to the development of different lingerie forms such as night gowns or nighties, camisoles, chemises, g-strings, thongs and garter belts. The purpose is basically the same, for comfort, protection and hygiene, but also to improve one?s confidence. Undoubtedly, most women today wear certain kinds and brands of lingerie to feel beautiful and sexy. From bulky and unattractive to desirable, women?s fine lingerie has certainly come a long way.

About the Author:

Detailed informations and guides about women's fine & wedding lingerie and sexy lingerie shopping.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cadillac XLR New Supercar

Clearly influenced by the styling the Mercedes-Benz SLK, the new Cadillac XLR shares the squared off look of other recent Cadillacs. It doesn?t look bad at all, although the headlamps look as if they have been squeezed to fit alongside the wide grille. The performance puts it up in the supercar class.

Top speed is limited to 155 mph, and it can get to 60 mph in about 5.7 seconds ? that's slightly quicker than the Jaguar XK, thanks to the larger engine. Other competitors include the Mercedes-Benz SL and Porsche 911.

Looks can be deceiving. The car is wide and low, and looks big. In fact, it is quite compact, just 177.5 inches long and 72.2 inches wide. The car looks pretty good, particularly from the side. And you get a very practical SLK-lookalike opening roof. I guess most convertibles will be ?metal? convertibles soon, and the rag tops will disappear ? maybe not on all supercars. To save weight, the roof of the XLR is aluminum and magnesium.

Good power output

Also, the XLR has quite a lot of power: 326 bhp at 6,500 rpm and 312 lb ft (423 Nm)at 4,400 rpm from GM?s Northstar 4.6 liter V-8, which could work a bit harder ? 350-360 bhp, which would not be difficult to get from this engine, would make things more interesting.

As it is, it is enough to give the car quite a shove, and as the Northstar has an aluminum block and head with dohc and four valves per cylinder, it revs well. Variable valve timing improves the spread of power, too.

The engine is coupled to a rear mounted five-speed automatic transmission ? 5 speeds put it at a disadvantage against the European supercars which mostly have six-speed automatics, but it is designed to give sporty shifts. Because the box is rear-mounted and the engine is fairly well back, front/rear weight distribution is 50/50.

New frame concept

Based on GM?s new platform for sporty cars shared with the Corvette, the XLR has a fairly light frame of hydro-formed steel tubes. Hydroforming changes the shape quite dramatically, putting in bends, changing the section to a rectangle and so on, making a lightweight frame. The passenger compartment is aluminum, and the body panels are composite plastics. This is a structure that can compete with many a supercar.

This is a fairly light structure, and despite the high level of equipment, the car weighs a healthy 3,643 lb (1,654 kg) which is just 130 lb more than the new lightweight Jaguar XK, and of course quite a bit more than the Corvette which has a lower spec but bigger engine.

Double wishbone suspension

Suspension is the familiar Corvette design of double wishbones front and rear with transverse leaf springs. The result is a simple, lightweight system that gives more roll stiffness - resistance to roll - than coil springs. Also, the spring rate is progressive, so it irons out big bumps in the road almost as easily as little ones. There is also a front anti-roll bar.

To save weight, the double wishbones front and rear are aluminum; of course, the composite leaf springs are light, too. Leaf springs of this type - just one leaf - are actually quite advanced technology as they don't locate the wheels, and involve some clever manufacturing techniques.

The dampers are the new continuously variable electro-magnetic type, and the steering is speed sensitive, so you get more assistance at low speed.

As this is a Cadillac, it comes with a high specification. For Europe, navigation, and heated/cooled seats are standard as are adaptive speed control and a head-up display. The interior, with its wood, leather and aluminum trim is quite pleasant

On the road

Built in the same plant and to the same concept as the Corvette, the Cadillac XLR is best thought of a softened up Corvette intended for those who want a better ride.

Visibility is good thanks to slim pillars in the opening roof, and the almost flat hood. Like the Corvette both the instruments and driving position are good. There is also a head-up display which shows only the speed and which gear you're in, and you don't seem able to switch off. Pity. I did not find it useful.

The steering is not bad at all, and the XLR turns in well, as you'd expect with that weight distribution, but once you start pressing, you start to feel a little understeer coming in, which is not a bad thing for the market this is aimed at ? more the luxury sports car that the hard charging supercar driver. But the car does not corner as fast as you could with more neutral steering.

The automatic is good. In D, the performance is not bad at all, and the kick-down is quite aggressive. There's also a manual mode. Push the lever across to the left, and then nudge it forward for up, and back for down. This works extremely well, and actually is a manual. I mean, some of these actually shift up when you hit peak revs. Not this one; it just lets you stay there till you're ready.

Overall, the Cadillac XLR is a good addition to the ranks of sporty two-seater luxury cars, but not up to the standard of the Jaguar XK nor the Aston Martin V8 Vantage. Others to consider include the more powerful and sportier Corvette and Viper SRT-10. Too new to rate is the Audi R8

Super Cars

John Hartley is editor of, an online magazine devoted to fast cars and supercars, where you can read the latest articles about fast cars. He has written from many of the world's top auto magazines, and has written many books about cars and the auto industry, including 'Suspension and Steering Q&A' and 'The Electronics Revolution in the Motor Industry'.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Christmas Gifts That Don't Cost a Dime Free and Easy Experience Gifts

I have this Christmas time dream that I will be able to buy a gift for every person I know. The reality is my money runs out long before my list of friends. I can get something nice for my closest family, something small for a few more relatives and close friends...and every year the list of people my generous brain comes up with still has a long way to go. I am learning to put my brain to work coming up with free experience gifts - basically an activity I can do with someone. I don't want to let the year go by without letting them know how much I love and appreciate them.

I start by creating special invitations (sometimes I send them by email) or a homemade gift certificate. With this I like to include a short note letting this person know why I like them and how much they mean to me. Friends have told me they keep these notes and treasure what I said about them! If the activity is going to be before Christmas, I try to get the time set up right away since things get so busy for most people. If it is a gift certificate I am giving on Christmas day, I like to schedule our activity for sometime in January, when things have calmed down a little and winter boredom needs to be exterminated.

If you are like me, with more friends than money or if you simply want to keep your Christmas less focused on material things, try some of these fun experience gifts this year. I know you will enjoy the memories you make with the people you love!

  • Set up a crafting time for one or more children you know. Make a manger or winter scene out of homemade playdough or clay. Make your own Christmas cards to send to people. Collect pine branches and pinecones and make wreaths. Make and decorate stockings cut out of felt or fabric or even old clothes. Go through your house collecting items you no longer want and help the children turn these into presents to give. My boys are like me - always wanting to give to more people than they can buy for. They love it when I help them make gifts. You can even make Christmas gifts for their pets. You may want to check out some idea books from the library ahead of time or you can find extremely creative family craft ideas at for every season.
  • Hold a holiday decorating party with an old friend, a new neighbor family, an elderly person living in a retirement center or anyone you want to share a fun time with. You can decorate one or both of your homes. Haul out all the Christmas decorations you have and together come up with fresh new ways to use them. If you don't have anything to start with, come up with your own decorations. Make garlands out of loops of colored paper or popcorn. Cut out snowflakes and put them in the windows. Wrap a couple of empty boxes and tie them with big bows. Other decorating items I like are: indoor Christmas lights, sheet music of Christmas carols, evergreen branches, mittens hung on a string, old Christmas cards and photos from past holiday gatherings.

  • Invite someone to go for a Christmas drive to see the lights. Find out ahead of time where the best neighborhoods are for Christmas lights and decorations. Bring along some treats to snack on and tune into a station with carols to enjoy as you drive. If you want to have even more fun, create a few awards for the Most Elegant, Funniest, and Biggest displays. Stop and present them to the (surprised!) owners.
  • A night or two before Christmas, have a gift wrapping party. Set up a paper station, bow station and tag station. Go to work like an assembly line, but don't forget break time!
  • Take some young people (or young at heart) for an adventurous sledding trip. Prepare hot chocolate or cider in thermoses and head off for some big hills. When the sledders get tired, start some competition with a snowman contest.
  • As your Christmas gift to someone, give your time to a cause that is important to them. Visit a nursing home and present some of the residents with homemade Christmas cards. Help sort and make food baskets for a food pantry. Work in a Christmas wrap booth that benefits a charity. Volunteer as food servers at shelters that provide a Christmas dinner. This gift will not only bless the person you do it for, but also others who you don't even know yet and God, the one who cares most for the needy.
  • Find out what free holiday performances or events are going on in your area such as a Handel's Messiah concert, school performance, living nativity, etc. Pick up your friend and enjoy some cultural entertainment.
  • Organize a baking day with a one or two others, choosing recipes you already have ingredients for so that all the others have to do is show up and start mixing up a good time. You can put together plates or tins of treats to give to friends and neighbors or elderly people who can't manage holiday baking any more.
  • This Christmas experience gift is for children, adults or whole families - just tailor your choices according to your group. Go to the library and check out a variety of Christmas stories. I especially like to get ones that tell about the Christmas traditions from other cultures. Invite everyone to join you at your home, a historical landmark specially decorated for the holidays (you may need prior approval) or even an outdoor setting if it is not too cold. Seat everyone as they arrive and pass around snacks and punch or hot drinks. Read the Christmas stories aloud together, taking turns, if you want. Make sure to do the voices, as we used to tell my grandma!

A Special Note: As I was writing this, I realized that when you invite children for one of these events, you may also be giving a gift to the parents - some free time to get things done or just relax and enjoy the holidays. That's what I call a two-for-one special!

Whoever you give to, be sure to keep your activity simple and fun so that you are not too stressed out. Enjoy creating a great Christmas experience gift!

Melanie Farkas is the Holiday Gift Lady. She has gift ideas from all over the world at her website You can find many more Christmas gift ideas there.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Before Buying A Home

Real estate is an expensive investment. Most people do not buy a home with cash. If you are not a millionaire, you probably take loan from lender. So you should learn to think like them. What are they looking at on your loan package application? They are definitely looking at the source of your funds for your down payment. Your lender will probably ask for the last two or three months on your liquid assets. What are the liquid assets? They include your savings accounts, checking accounts, money market funds, stock statements, mutual funds, money market funds, 401k, and your retirement accounts.

If you want to avoid large deposits and withdrawals, you probably don?t want to move your money between accounts during your loan request. Your lender will probably ask for a lot of your financial documents such as deposit receipts, and cancelled checks. They want to have all the paper that they can have.

Don?t get mad at your lender. They are just trying to do the right thing for you. Buying a home is a big important decision, and it costs a lot of money. They must try to prevent potential fraud, and they must try to ensure the quality. You don?t want to make their jobs harder. You do not want to move money around, even if you are consolidating your funds. You also do not want to switch banks, when you are talking to a loan officer either. If it is possible, you don?t want to change job. It may be very bad to your loan application.

Check Out More Articles:
High Rise Realtors Vegas, Austin texas real estate trends, real estate trends in georgia ,

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Home Sales Likely To Level Out

According to the National Association of Realtors, home sales are likely to level out during the next few months.

The Pending Home Sales Index indicates sales that sill be finalized within the next couple of months. Based on the contracts signed in July, the PHSI is down 7.0% for the month. On a year-to-year basis, the index is down 16%.

An index of 100 is the average level of contract activity during 2001 -- the first year of the index. July's index was 105.6.

"In looking at year-to-year comparisons, the pending home sales index has been very close in predicting the actual pace of home sales," NAR chief economist David Lereah said.

"Based on recent changes from a year ago, the index shows existing-home sales should continue to ease after a stronger-than-expected decline in July, but are likely to flatten in the months ahead."

Lereah continued to say that psychological factors could be attributing to slowing July home sales.

"We've never seen a general decline in the housing market against a healthy economic backdrop where jobs are being created, the economy is growing and interest rates are favorable," he explained.

"Pyschological factors are causing some buyers to remain on the sidelines, waiting for prices to stabilize or for more favorable news about the market and the economy. Contributing to this hesitency is a lot of negative news stories, but in the end we believe that underlying market fundamentals will prevail."

The PHSI for the West saw a decrease of 5.5% for the month and 20.3% for the year. The South experienced a decline of 6.4% for the month and 11.3% for the year. The Northeast PHSI dropped 7.7% for the month and 15.5% for th year. The Midwest index fell by 9.0% for the month and 20.1% for the year.

Martin Lukac represents and, a finance web-company specializing in real estate and mortgage rates. We specialize in daily updates, mortgage news, rate predictions, mortgage rates and more. Find low home loan mortgage interest rates from hundreds of mortgage companies!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Austin Student Apartments

Austin, the capital of Texas and a college town, is home to some of the premier public and private educational institutions in the state. Students from in and around Austin come to the city for higher education.

Comfortable student apartments are available both on and off campus. Most of the on-campus apartments are located within the institutions' campus or at convenient locations. The apartment communities of Austin offer off-campus apartments with easy access. Apartments are available for both rent and lease. The rent may be short term or long term, on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The rate is subject to facilities available in the apartment. Inexpensive as well as luxury residences can be found.

Austin student apartments provide a fairly wide range of residence options from dormitories and condominiums to family suites, houses, and duplexes. Fully furnished units, private bedrooms, and unfurnished apartments are available. Most of the apartments are equipped with a telephone, basic cable TV service, coin-operated laundry, and Internet access. Facilities vary from apartment to apartment. Some have study centers, fitness centers, fully equipped kitchens, spacious parking area for cars and bikes, as well as private pools. Panoramic views of the neighboring area are an additional feature. Medical and psychological services, counseling, and health education are also provided.

Austin student apartments are within easy access to shopping malls, recreation centers, major businesses, and restaurants. Numerous brokers and property management organizations specialize in renting and leasing student apartments in Austin. American Campus, based in Austin, is one of the largest managers and developers of student housing in America. Online sites also give adequate information.

Austin Apartments provides detailed information on Austin Apartment Associations, Austin Apartment Guides, Austin Apartment Locators, Austin Apartment Stores and more. Austin Apartments is affiliated with North Dallas Apartments.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

USB Memory Sticks: How They Are Useful for Students and Teachers

Students are increasingly being required to have usb memory sticks for school.? Learn how memory sticks are being used by students and teachers alike.

High school and college students often work on different computers daily to complete assignments. And high school teachers and college professors are demanding more and more professional presentations from their pupils. Many students use USB flash drives to store their work and teachers are increasingly accepting assignments submitted on USB flash drives. Why are USB flash drives (also called USB memory sticks and USB thumb drives) becoming popular for academic purposes?For Students:First, students can create personalized USB drives that copy their desktop applications and preferences from their personal computer. When they plug in their personalized flash drive, they can run programs using their settings, utilities, browser, etc. This is obviously a handy feature for students who may work on their own computer, in the computer lab, on a coffeehouse computer, and on their parents? computer all in one week. Plus, many smaller, more portable computers do not come with a DVD device, but all computers have USB ports.Second, though DVDs are less expensive, USB flash drives offer more features that are student-friendly. USB flash drives are much harder to damage. Their case protects them from damage with normal usage, unlike DVDs that require special handling to keep from accidentally rendering data stored on them unreadable. You can drop USB memory sticks without damaging the data stored. Leaving them on the hot dash of your car may warp the case, but usually does not damage the memory. Some USB pens have even survived being washed and dried in Consumer Reports? independent lab testing. Students can carry their personalized USB drives in their pockets, backpacks, or purses with little risk.Third, USB flash drives are rewriteable many more times and can hold much more data than DVDs. Since a student is usually modifying data daily, this rewrite-ability can be a benefit that overrides the cost difference. Another potential cost-override difference is the sheer memory available now on USB flash drives. Today, you can purchase 32GB USB flash drives for less than two-hundred dollars. A 32GB USB flash drive has more memory than some computers and 64GB USB flash drives are also now available.For Teachers and Professors:Teachers and professors like USB flash drives for many of the same reasons students do: durability, reliability, and memory size. They also like the versatility USB flash drives offer.Assignments are increasingly becoming multimedia presentations. When students submit these assignments on a personalized flash drive, they can include supporting PowerPoint presentations, spreadsheets, databases, Flash Media, narration, web links, research, and more along with their main assignment. This allows the teacher to assess their pupils on much more than their paper-writing abilities, which in turn, gives the students more accurate feedback.Teachers and professors are also benefitting from the portability of personalized USB drive assignments. In class, they can transfer each student?s work onto their own USB memory stick, then return the students? memory sticks immediately. Even if the teacher or professor takes all of the USB flash drives home, they can carry all of their students? assignments in their briefcase or attach?. Compare this to carrying home reams of paper each time a major assignment is due. Not only is it easier on the back, but it is obviously easier on the environment as well.Students and teachers alike are becoming fans of customized USB flash drives. They offer unparalleled portability, storage capacity, and reliability. As their price continues to drop, USB flash drives are sure to find their way onto more campuses and into more classrooms.

Source: Free Articles from


For more information on customized USB flash drives visit

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pre Engineered Metal Buildings

Pre-engineered metal buildings are created by qualified engineers and experts to guarantee a high-quality, versatile product. There are many uses for pre-engineered metal buildings.

There are quite a few agricultural options when it comes to pre-engineered metal buildings. These options include metal barns, buildings for equipment storage, houses for your animals and horses, and storage for your crops. Since these metal buildings are pre-engineered, you know that they are specifically designed to accommodate your particular purpose.

You can also purchase pre-engineered metal buildings for your home. You can find metal sheds, garages, larger storage options, home additions, porches and decks, and metal homes. You can either choose to install the kit yourself or ask for an expert. Keep in mind that metal buildings are sturdier than wooden buildings and are often portable, which makes them great options if you move frequently.

Pre-engineered metal buildings can also have industrial uses. You can purchase large storage buildings to house equipment, to provide additional office space, to use as a welding shop, and to serve larger warehouses. Keep in mind these are just a few examples of metal buildings that can be used in industry. In addition, you can purchase garages that can be used as a shop for mechanics as well as airplane hangars.

So, no matter what your needs are, you can more than likely find pre-engineered metal buildings that will suit your purpose. This option is sturdy and will offer more protection against the elements than the traditional wooden structures. They can also save you money.

Metal Buildings provides detailed information on Metal Buildings, Metal Storage Buildings, Metal Building Kits, Commercial Metal Buildings and more. Metal Buildings is affiliated with Pre-Fabricated Steel Buildings.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How to Buy Atlanta Real Estate

Prices of Atlanta real estate vary considerably. Atlanta has recorded one of Southeast's highest office sale prices recently, when an investment management company paid $168 million for an office building. The standing record in Atlanta is $343 a square foot for a building.

The first step in buying a home or other property in Atlanta is to go through the current listings of properties available in the Atlanta real estate market. A proper study of the current real estate trends in Atlanta is essential for making wise decisions. Atlanta magazines, newspapers, and websites help you make this preliminary study. It is a good idea to browse the advertisements in Atlanta newspapers and journals. You can also approach an agent who can give you proper guidance in purchasing Atlanta real estate. Atlanta has lots of reliable real estate brokers and agents.

Before you buy a property, find out how much money you can invest, keeping all your income and debt in mind. Get a copy of your credit report from the bank. Availability of cash for a down payment, the type of mortgage you select, and the current interest rates are important factors you should consider. You must be prepared for other charges including the closing costs that include attorney's fee, taxes, and other transfer fees.

Make sure to tailor your need needs and comforts to go with your finances. Also, see that the property you intend to buy, whether a new or an existing property, has all the features you need. Look for a location with nearby schools, recreational facilities, and safety facilities.

Atlanta Real Estate provides detailed information on Atlanta Real Estate, Atlanta Real Estate Agents, Atlanta Commercial Real Estate, Atlanta Real Estate Listings and more. Atlanta Real Estate is affiliated with Chicago Suburb Real Estate.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I Go Ice Fishing and Find Big Foot Stranded on the Ice

The other day I got up my courage, jumped into an extra pair of longjohns, and took off for the Salmon Creek Reservoir to fish through the ice.

A couple of years ago one of the girls in my Sunday School class told me she went ice fishing with her family in Southern Idaho and that she had fun.

They caught some nice trout.

Her thought stuck in my head and I decided to give it a try this year since ice fishing can be fun.

I could see those trout a sizzling in the fry pan.

Up where my oldest son lives in Michigan they put out their little fishing houses until the spring thaw when a number of them, along with automobiles, sink into the lake.

During the summer they build a new fish hut or whatever they choose to call it.

I don?t have a fish hut so up here in Idaho I would have to stand out on the ice and freeze my buns.

Actually because of my lousy heart history I?m not supposed to go out on a reservoir no more than I?m supposed to take a July stroll in the Sahara. But the weather had warmed up to freezing and I decided to give ice fishing a go.

The road was pretty crummy to the lake but I made it in fine fiddle.

The first thing I noticed when I got there was that I didn?t have a valid Idaho fishing license. A new year had slipped in on me.

Well, we old people can be forgetful and the fish warden would understand.

I pulled the hood of my barn coat over my knit cap to cut out the wind that never stops blowing up here. The barn coat was a gift from my daughter in New York State who understands the word cold.

Well, she should. She was raised in Iowa.

Next I opened the back of my Toyota minivan and noticed that, although I had my tackle box, I had no fishing pole.

I distinctly remembered that I had looked over my collection of a zillion poles and favored the one my grandkids are not allowed to touch.

But it wasn?t there.

What I did remember to bring was one of those cheap white chairs made from recycled plastic. I had also remembered to bring the new binoculars I got from my wife for my birthday who bought them when I pointed at them in the case at the Big Five Sporting Goods Store in Twin Falls.

The binoculars are Barsk X-Trail?, 15 x 70. They come with a very large carrying case, which I?m sure could be used as a backpack, and with a tripod.

It says $119.95 on the box but my wife paid less than half that using my American Express? card.

Before we bought them, I got permission to take them outside the store to look at the moon. The moon was full so I didn?t think I would see much detail like you can when the moon is partly in shadow.

Someone is building a greenhouse up there!

I set in my chair and scanned the reservoir. There was not a sole around and the cold was already seeping into my old bones.

I decided so much for ice fishing in the winter in Idaho.

That?s when I saw my old friend Big Foot.

Well, I heard him before I saw him.

He called, ?Is that you, Taylor Jones, the hack writer??

I scanned the ice and there he was, sprawled out on the ice as flat as a pancake.

I?m always amazed over his superior eye sight.

I yelled as loudly as I could, ?Yes!?

His roar came back across the ice and echoed from the rocks above me, ?I thought I could smell you! Can you help me? I?m stuck on thin ice!?

Some woodsman!

I yelled, ?I?m coming to get you!?

I chucked the chair in the back of the Toyota and drove across the dam to the west side of the lake. I wasn?t sure how the road would be. It?s bad enough in the summer time. I found it to be clear of snow from the latest warm spell yet the ground was frozen.

As I bumped along the road I tried to think how I could help Big Foot without any rope. There were some big pieces of cardboard from flattened boxes in the back of the Toyota. My scheme was to push them out to him and then to pull him off the ice.

We ex-engineers are full of such schemes.

My wife says that is not all we are full of.

It took me about an hour to get to him.

Actually, I found him walking up the road.

I jumped out of the car and said, ?Thank God you are safe!?

Big Foot said, ?Gotcha!

What ya? got to eat??

The End copyright?2007 John Taylor Jones, Ph.D.

John T. Jones, Ph.D. (, a retired VP of R&D for Lenox China, is author of detective & western novels, nonfiction (business, scientific, engineering, humor), poetry, etc. Former editor of Ceramic Industry Magazine. He is Executive Representative of IWS sellers of Tyler Hicks wealth-success books and kits. He also sells TopFlight flagpoles. He calls himself Taylor Jones, the hack writer.

More info:

Business web site:

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Property Price Gains Attract New Buyers To Malta

UK and European investors looking for high growth in 2007 are hoping for a repeat of the property inflation seen in Malta when it joined the EU in 2004, and it could become reality with the news that low cost airlines are to fly to the island, giving their real estate industry expectation that 2007 could be an exceptional year for price rises and sales.

In recent years the arrival of low cost - sometimes referred to as 'no frills' - airlines to a regional airport has seen property prices within a two hour drive escalate in popularity and price, especially among British buyers for France and Spain.

With the advent of these new flights to Malta, there is a possibility that demand for real estate in Malta will increase.

Commenting on the news, Malta holidays guide say that a double digit property inflation figure for Malta is quite possible for 2007.

'Cheap airline destinations have proved to be a magnet for UK property investors, and if that trend continues then prices will go up in the next twelve to twenty four months', they say.

'Other than the local market, the UK provides most buyers for property in Malta, and with the British economy doing well it's quite possible that the island will be seen as a good investment opportunity'.

Malta Weather

Tribune Properties, a UK company specialising in Malta properties, agree that property prices could rise in 2007.

'With lower fares, Malta becomes a destination viable for 3 and 4 days trips a few times a year from the UK, and that will attract buyers to look at Malta in the same way they do France and Spain when considering where to buy a holiday home abroad. The weather in Malta and low fares could be a magnet for buyers.'

There is a warning however from YourMalta that property prices on the island might not necessarily escalate in the same way that regions of France have seen when low cost airlines have started flying to their region.

'The Malta government has allowed more land to be used for property, and we anticipate a lot more apartment blocks being built short and medium term. Supply might well meet demand. Unless the political map of Malta changes and with it a change of policy towards her environment, there is a danger of Malta becoming the Tower Hamlets of the Mediterranean, or 1970's Spain where development spoiled much of the coast.'

Concern has also been expressed on the island about the infrastructure, with some tourists and potential property investors berating the state of the roads and - compared to mainland European and UK standards - dangerous construction sites.

'The real winners from the low cost flights could be the Malta hotels rather than the property industry', conclude YourMalta. 'We envisage a lot more people taking short three and four day Malta holidays, often booking their flights and hotels on the internet rather than via a traditional high street travel agent store'.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

7 Tips to Real Estate Agent?s Success: Tip #2 Embrace a Planning Attitude

As a real estate agent, if you don?t have a real estate business plan, then you are on some else?s plan ? usually the successful real estate agent. Most people place more value in planning a trip to the grocery store or a vacation than planning their lives either professionally or personally.

Think of a recent vacation or even a simple trip to the grocery store.

  • How much time did you take to plan that special vacation?
  • How much time did you spend in writing that grocery list?
  • What happened when you left the grocery list at home?

Now think about taking that time and directing that time towards your real estate business.

  • How much more successful could you be?
  • How would you reallocate your resources if you had taken the time to adequately plan the use of those resources?

Consistent planning begins with an attitude. When individuals embrace a planning attitude, their behaviors will demonstrate the results of that attitude. Of course, attitudes begin within our belief systems ? those foundational thought processes that have evolved from all of our experiences.

Positive attitudes can be developed and maintained by understanding that we as individuals have total control over what we keep in our brains. If we think that planning is not necessary, then we will develop negative attitudes about planning and those attitudes will be demonstrated through behaviors that do not include planning. However, if we embrace positive attitudes about planning, then planning will be part of our behaviors.

Within the real estate business, planning is not new. Real estate agents enlist planning from showing homes to making offers to closing the sale. The challenge is to take those skills and integrate them into planning the business.

To infuse planning with your real estate business start with one bite instead of trying to eat the entire elephant. Begin by writing down short lists of what you what to accomplish each day and how best to use that time. Then, take the time to develop a strategic plan indicating who does what by when.

If you came into the real estate business from another profession that required you to work 40 hours, then you should be spending the same amount of time working in your business with another 5 hours per week working on your business.

The ON focuses on planning and execution with the desired results being as least as successful as you were in your previous professional life. Remember, no one plans to fail, they just fail to plan.

P.S. Read 7 Tips to Real Estate Agent?s Success: Tip #1 - First and Foremost YOU are a Business

Leanne Hoagland-Smith quickly doubles results for her clients from individuals (small businesses owners, entrepreneurs and young people) to large organizations by creating executable strategic action plans along with the necessary business skills to pull it off. By closing the gap between today's unsatisfactory performance to tomorrow's goals, limited resources are maximized with waste including time being reduced. Please feel free to contact Leanne at 219.759.5601 or visit and explore how she can help you.

One quick question,if you could secure one new client or breakthrough that one roadbloack holding you back from success, what would that mean to you? Then, take a risk and give a call at 219.759.5601 to experience incredible results.

Mention that you read this article and receive the completed E-Book - 7 Tips to Real Estate Agent's Success

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Download iPAQ Games And Freeware Today

I remember the days when we had those small electronic mobile games we used to carry around and enjoyed them every free minute we had. Today, things are much different, and we have IPAQ games and freeware to mess around with. These are nothing like the primitive games we used to have.

IPAQ games and freeware are designed to make your ipaq even more useful and fun. The growing popularity of handheld pc's among travelers, students and everyday consumers means that more and more software companies and individuals are writing all kinds of shareware for these devices. Ipaq games and freeware are widely available on the internet. A quick internet search will probably reveal hundreds of shareware products available for download.

One of the best parts of using ipaq games and freeware is the fun you can have while traveling. Instead of just sitting around twiddling your thumbs waiting for your plane to arrive, you could be playing some great interactive games and having lots of fun. Another good place for your PDA gaming to kick in is during bus and train rides. These boring sessions can turn into hours of fun. Games were one of the first types of application designed for the iPAQ, and there are a great many games available that are tailored to the screens and navigation buttons of the iPAQ.

Here are some examples of great iPAQ games and freeware you can get for free around the Internet and download to your computer:

1.If you're a '70 freak like me, you can get iPAQ versions for space invaders, Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Pinball etc. These ones bring back memories!
2.Another great idea is to get freeware that will teach you something new, and use it while you are on the bus, train or plane. For example, why not learn a second or third language? There is so much freeware that will teach you just about any language you choose to learn.
3.Interactive games of all sorts exist to be downloaded to your iPAQ. Many of them are iPAQ versions of the PC game, so you may already know the game.

Of course before you download any software of shareware, whether to your desktop pc, laptop pc or ipaq, it is important that your operating system software be up to date and that a virus scanning program is being run. The unfortunate downside of the iPAQ's popularity is that virus writers are targeting handheld devices as well. That innocent looking game could be harboring a virus or Trojan horse, but a good virus scanning package will quickly detect and neutralize it. This problem is of course of less concern when it comes to PDA's, but it's important to keep up to date in that area, too. Keeping the operating system up to date will ensure that any safety vulnerabilities have been patched before they could be exploited.
About the Author

Ron Heller is the owner and operator of a website

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Enrich Your Body With Beta Carotene


Enrich Your Body With Beta CaroteneSubmitted By: Darrell Miller  

Beta Carotene is a healthful supplement to most diets. Beta Carotene comes from the orange coloring naturally present in foods such as pumpkins, squash and sweet potatoes. The scientist who discovered the nutrient of ?carotene,? did so by crystallizing a mixture created from carrots.

Not only is this a powerful antioxidant, beta carotene is a provitamin A compound. This compound converts to Vitamin A once ingested. Among the many benefits of Vitamin A are healthy skin, hair, vision and an improved immune system. Alpha, beta, and gamma carotene nutrients are all considered ?provitamin? because they are converted to Vitamin A in the body.

Vitamin A deficiencies have been linked to a number of health problems. Those include bone development disorders and reproductive disorders. Commercial grade beta carotene typically changes to retinol in the body and this is essential to good vision.

Beta Carotene is in the same carotenoid family as the oft-discussed lycopene, another powerful weapon against many diseases. Beta Carotene holds many benefits in itself. The compound also contains flavonoids. Flavonoids are also antioxidants and are found in most red and orange fruits.

Other items that contain beta carotene include: tomatoes, cantaloupe, watermelon, apricots and mangoes. Food items containing a spectrum of the carotenoid, including beta carotene are: spinach, broccoli, kale, and lettuce.

Foods that contain the healthful flavonoids hold them just around the skin so it isn?t recommended that you peel these fruits. If you remove the skin, you will likely strip away these beneficial nutrients.

Beta carotene has been studied for its effectiveness with such diseases and disorders as: anemia, cataracts, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, benign breast disease, immune system enhancement, Graves? Disease, improving lung function, macular degeneration, osteoarthritis, angioplasty, cancer, cardiovascular disease, postoperative injury prevention, stroke, sepsis and many others. All scientific proof has resulted in a diverse report on each theory. Your health care professional will have further information.

Beta carotene supplements come in capsules, chewable tablets or typical tablets. If you want a natural way, this will require five to eight servings of fruit and vegetables a day. This amount seems to be prohibitive to many and supplements may be ideal for such a situation.

As wonderful as Vitamin A is for the healthy body, there are some cautions you should consider before making this a part of your daily regimen. Smokers or those who drink alcohol should not use this supplement. People who are allergic to orange foods should not take beta carotene. As with any change in your diet, discuss the benefits or risks of beta carotene with your physician prior to using the supplement.

There are little in the way of scientific study or research involving children and beta carotene. There is also minimal information in regards to pregnant or nursing women using this supplement. Your healthcare provider should be consulted in either of these situations.

Carefully study product labels. The FDA does not usually regulate the use of herbs or supplements. There is also the fact that many supplements are produced synthetically with the use of palm oil, algae or fungi. Hence, make sure the supplement you purchase is from a reputable name brand company that gets tested regularly for quality assurance.

About the Author:

More information on the powerful antioxidant beta carotene is available at VitaNet ?, LLC Health Food Store.

Article Tags: carotene, beta, supplements

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Children and Seat Belts

Would you push your child out in front of an oncoming car?


Then why would you allow your child to ride in your car without their seatbelt on?

Either way, the impact could be deadly.

If your reasoning is you are only going to the store, or just dropping them off at school, think again. Most accidents happen within 25 miles of home. A collision at thirty miles per hour is equal to jumping off a three-story building. Over 600 unrestrained children under the age of 5 are killed every year and 80,000 are injured as passengers in car wrecks. Seat belts could have prevented over 50% of these injuries and fatalities.

Research shows that when adults buckle up, 87% of children buckle up too. Parents and children are spending more time in vehicles than in the past, so why not buckle up and be safe? Buckle up, set a good example, and ensure your children are restrained.

Children under the age of 5 should be in child restraint seats and children under the age of 13 should always ride in the back seat. From birth to 20 lbs, babies should be in rear-facing car seats, which are reclined 45 degrees. From 1 to 4 years, children should be in forward facing cars seats. Until children are 8 or 57 tall, they should be in boosters with lap and shoulder belts. Be sure your car seats are also installed properly. If you are unsure, check with your local police department or with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for a local inspection station.

There is no valid excuse not to use your seat belts. Buckle up, buckle your children up and be safe.

About the Author

Kim Prissel is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/
which is a site for Creative Writers.
To enjoy more of her writing, please visit: http://www.Writing.Com/authors/legerdemain
Or email:

Monday, November 3, 2008

Connecticut Real Estate

Connecticut boasts a vibrant local heritage and culture, and is home to a lot of important business activities and events. Connecticut also is proud of its wondrous views and tourist spots. For people who would like to live in a place that is rich in culture but also has the hustle and bustle of the city, then it would be a good idea to start looking at Connecticut real estate.

What is Connecticut real estate?

Connecticut real estate refers to pieces of land in the state of Connecticut, as well as the structures built on it, such as buildings, houses, and barns. Connecticut real estate could actually be used for many purposes, such as for residence or for civic or for business purposes.

What Connecticut real estate is available?

There are various real estate properties available in the state of Connecticut. The list includes houses, condominium units, town houses, lofts, buildings, farms, and ranches, among many others.

Where can you find information regarding Connecticut real estate?

Experts in the real estate business suggest that the first and wisest move would be to ask your friends and relatives about Connecticut real estate. Friends and family could assist you in providing you information about where to find the best real estate agent there is who could expertly give you sound information about Connecticut real estate.

If this is not possible, you can also try searching through the Internet because many real estate companies have their own Web sites and they do provide as much information as they can about their business. If you are not satisfied with the information you find online, you can simply contact these real estate businesses and ask for further information about Connecticut real estate.

Connecticut Real Estate provides detailed information on Connecticut Real Estate, Connecticut Real Estate Agents, Connecticut Commercial Real Estate, Connecticut Real Estate Courses and more. Connecticut Real Estate is affiliated with Raleigh North Carolina Real Estate.